Standards match
Emilio Castillia vs Abby Cox
Fall via pinfall, submission, or KO
Stipulation: Only Emilio will be blindfolded throughout the duration of the match if the blindfold is removed or falls off the ref will have to replace it before the match can continue.
"Alright Pendejos what's the count?"Emilio Castillia vs Abby Cox
Fall via pinfall, submission, or KO
Stipulation: Only Emilio will be blindfolded throughout the duration of the match if the blindfold is removed or falls off the ref will have to replace it before the match can continue.
"10546 to 6545. Making the total pot 17091 yen."
"So a vote of no confidence. Glad to know am right to call you Pendejos then. "
"Emilio like could you stop! This is way loco we don't need you injuring yourself before the match. I even got you the match you wanted. So, we don't need to be so extra." Janice would again pipe up clearly distressed with Emilio's unfolding shenanigans. "Que? No! We need to be making a lasting, um…. Impression. So am nowhere near done!" Emilio would enthusiastically respond as he got onto his skateboard and allowed the two stagehands to blindfold him and roll him into position.
"Don't worry I'll be fine!" Emilio yelled back as he entered the gorilla position and waited for the signal.
"So, did you two bet for me or against me?"
"Ah, well you'll be regretting that decision thennnn!" Emilio replied as he was suddenly launched into ring. Which immediately caused the crowd to go wild. While Emilio who had been launched unprepared had to quickly figure out the timing now that he was off count. Bastardos me lo van a pagar. The young Spaniard would think to himself just before he would perform a nose pickup to dismount.
Hoping he hadn't done it to soon though Emilio would quickly peak underneath the blindfold and with satisfaction find himself just a few feet from the ring. Causing him to smirk as he placed his board aside. Before he would roll under the bottom rope and turn to face the entrance and walk backwards until he was somewhere in the middle of the ring. Where he would then strip himself of his jacket, shirt, hat, and be handing them off to the closest shadowy blob that he assumed was the ref. "Alright let's get this show on the road." Emilio would finish standing proudly with a large smile on his face that would greet his opponent once she would enter.
Janice Taylor

Emilio Castillia