Breaking the ice- Lex vs Allen!

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Re: Breaking the ice- Lex vs Allen!

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*As his fists rained down upon Allen's unprotected sternum, Lex couldn't help but marvel at the copious amount of damage he had effortlessly inflicted on his victim. Before throwing yet another colossal shot towards the bewildered beauty's body, Lex traipsed backwards before striking a pose.* "I know I'm too much to handle, honey. Since you don't seem too eager to recover anytime soon, I'll just let you bask in my unequivocal glory for now~" *He snickered, hoisting his left arm high above his head while accentuating his dominance with a condescending smirk.*
*While the self-appointed genius might be savoring the moment for himself, the spectators in the crowd were absolutely disgusted at his brazen grandstanding, and decided to express their disdain with a unified chant.* "You're an asshole! You're an asshole!" *Which didn't faze Lex in the slightest. He had spent the vast majority of his life being humiliated and insulted by various types of individuals, and a stadium filled with horny douchebags wasn't going to shake his haughtiness so easily.*

"Pfft, is that all you've got? I've been called that since I came out of my mother's womb! I can certainly see why LAW is considered to have some of the most narrow-minded fans to walk the earth!" *His snide remark managing to rile up the fans even more, he continued to showboat in front of his victim, albeit slightly more distracted due to the uproarious screams of the audience.*

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Re: Breaking the ice- Lex vs Allen!

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

All those shots to her unprotected midriff left Allen weakened, but then, Lex decided to stop and showboat instead. Allen coughed and gasped for air as she was left at the corner. If she were in a better condition, she might have rolled her eyes upon hearing the guy yapping and showboating. While Lex was busy riling the crowd up, Allen would try to muster her effort to step away from the corner, ignoring the pain on her stomach before she rushed towards him, hoping to deliver a baseball slide right at the back of his knees.

She would try to do this in order to attempt knocking Lex down onto the mat while he was distracted. The pain on her stomach might leave her weakened, but she would never let such a chance slip away from her fingers, especially while her opponent was distracted.

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Re: Breaking the ice- Lex vs Allen!

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*As the pretentious pugilist continued to soak up the aggravated crowd's response to his complete and utter domination of his immobilized opponent, Lex nonchalantly began waving his two middle fingers around in an attempt to coax an even louder response out of the drunken audience.* "What? Is that the best you ignorant troglodytes can muster? I've heard better responses from the tightly coiled piles of excrement I leave in my toilet!" *Before he had the opportunity to chide the unruly mob even further, Lex suddenly felt his body rock backwards from the unmitigated attack Allen had initiated!*

"GGUUHH!" *He instantaneously lost his balance, his midsection promptly slamming against the canvas with the force of a shotgun blast traveling up his svelte body* "'re..s..strong.." *The stunned genius murmured through clinched teeth, trying desperately to cling to his consciousness while his mind raced with thoughts on how he would recover.*

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Re: Breaking the ice- Lex vs Allen!

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Before delivering her baseball slide attack on Lex, Allen heard his words, and she had to keep a straight face to stop herself from showing a disgusted expression. Still, pushing aside the vulgarity, Allen had managed to knock her male opponent down with her attack. This time, she would make sure to capitalize on this in order to gain more advantage over her opponent.

Getting up, Allen would then execute her next move, running past the downed Lex, approaching the ropes and rebounding from them. She planned to return back to her opponent after hitting the ropes so that she could use her momentum to perform a running moonsault on him, leaping up as she got closer to him and hoping that her body would hit his prone body.

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Re: Breaking the ice- Lex vs Allen!

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*While still struggling to recuperate from the previous assault on his body, Lex couldn't seem to regain his momentum quick enough to brace himself for Allen's follow up attack. His eyes narrowed as he tried to discern precisely what it was that she had up her sleeve, only to realize all too soon precisely what it was- A breathtaking moonsault that landed square on his chest!* "!" *Was all he could muster before having the air robbed from him the moment she made contact!*
"THUNK!" *Was the reverberating onomatopoeia that ricocheted off the walls of the packed stadium, igniting the crowd almost immediately from the captivating move Allen executed!* "Uugghh..." *Lex's brain was swimming in misery, his entire body remained completely motionless, which ultimately lead to the referee to begin his mandatory three count.*

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Re: Breaking the ice- Lex vs Allen!

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Allen managed to execute the running moonsault perfectly, landing on top of Lex's body. Seeing this opportunity to try a pinfall attempt, she would remain on top of him as she would then reach out for one of his legs, hooking her arm under the crook of his knee. Then, she would look at the referee who came over next to them and counted for the pin.


She knew that her opponent might be able to kick out from this, but at the very least, this should be able to show him that she wasn't one to be underestimated.

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Re: Breaking the ice- Lex vs Allen!

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*While his eyes flickered with a reinvigorated sensation of purpose, Lex's body was still unable to convert that potential energy into kinetic, and as the referee reached* "TWO" *In his countdown, The Silver Bullet's expression changed from determined to desperate. Realizing that time was of the essence, he thrusted his right arm high into the air and just barely avoided an embarrassing loss at the hands of his adversary!*

"N..not yet..." *He muttered under his breath, staunchly refusing to be served such a mortifying loss. However, he needed to create a chasm of distance between himself and Allen, and decided to do so by pushing his hands against her breasts before promptly rolling across the ring. Swiftly standing to his feet, Lex crouched down and charged towards his target, stretching his arm out horizontally for a clothesline!*
"Now, open wide and say ouch!" *Fully aware that he was burning through his reserved energy at an accelerated rate, Lex knew that he needed to reassert his dominance before things completely spiraled out of control. If this bold gambit of a move connected, he would have a strong foothold that he could build upon!*

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Re: Breaking the ice- Lex vs Allen!

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As expected, Lex broke the pin after two, and the match would still continue. Huffing, Allen planned to get back up, but when Lex suddenly pushed his hands against her breasts, she let out a yelp as she hastily moved back, her cheeks flushing. This somehow caught her off-guard, and she would try to get herself back up as quickly as possible even though she had somehow lost her composure thanks to the touch.

This also distracted Allen from seeing Lex suddenly charging towards her with a clothesline, and the British daredevil was unable to move away. As a result, she took the clothesline straight to her upper chest, sending her crashing backwards into the mat. "UAGHH!!!" The clothesline left her a little breathless, and she would try to roll over to her side, hoping to recover as quickly as possible before Lex followed up with his next move.

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Re: Breaking the ice- Lex vs Allen!

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*Immediately following up after his debilitating clothesline connected, Lex pivoted on the heels of his feet to turn towards Allen, watching her struggle to regain even a tincture of her lost breath.* "Hmhm, she's certainly stronger than I had anticipated." *He pondered for just a brief moment, ruminating on what his next move would be, all the while closing the distance between himself and his target. It took Lex a solid few seconds of intense thought, but he finally conjured up the perfect plan for his incapacitated foe.*

"Do me a favor, Allen~" *Lex called to her before sprinting towards the opposite end of the ring, the gears in his brain beginning to turn at an accelerated rate.* "Hold perfectly still while I break that neck of yours." *Stopping just inches before bumping into Allen, Lex hopped into the air while simultaneously bringing his leg skyward before attempting to slam it against her nape, trying to emphatically crash his lower limb down against her wounded body!*

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Re: Breaking the ice- Lex vs Allen!

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Rolling herself to her side, Allen then got herself onto all four, pushing herself back up. But as she was slowly getting up, she heard Lex saying something, and she knew that if she remained in this position, she would be brought down. So, she would immediately straighten herself up, barely able to avoid the descending foot from her opponent. "Whoah!!!"

Staggering back, Allen would distance herself from Lex, narrowing her eyes as she would close in to the ropes so that she could support her weight. Panting, she brushed aside her hair as she would focus on her opponent, leaning against the ropes as she did so. She would remain there so that she could recover some of her lost strength before she could come to him again.

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