Today was just another day in the wonderful life of Alexa Caudwell. She woke up, took a walk in the park, chased some dogs. Then some scary dogs tried to chase her. She then decided to chase squirrels instead because they were smaller and less scary.
Then she would go to the market. There, the nice people there kept telling her she was a nice girl and all, and that it was a shame to be poor. She had no real idea what that meant, but she got some food out of it, so she was happy.
Then it was time for the fun part of her day: fighting! She loved fighting! It made her feel strong and happy and excited and happy and tired and... happy! All the wonderful things to feel!
The big guys in the black clothes told her how to fight. They said to win you need to make the other person unconscious and lay on top of them until a bell rung. She didn't really understand the purpose of that either, but it sounded fun so she did it.
Yesterday she made a girl go to sleep and laid on top of her until the bell rang. Today she was going to do that with another girl! How exciting! She was told that she needed to wear this small piece of blue clothing and this blue mask. It was nice and cool, so Alexa wore it without complaint.
Now she went to the ring. She saw the usual black stripe person that she was not allowed to beat up. Oh well... Maybe the girl across from her is her opponent?