Victory Conditions: Pin, KO, or Submission
Ossi paces impatiently back and forth, waiting for her entrance music to begin and signal her arrival to the ring. She is excited to get back in front of the crowds and show herself off against a new opponent. She pulls her long golden gloves up tight and adjusts her hair, wanting to look her best for the onlookers. The rest of her attire - her lycra green and gold top, panties and boots compliment her body perfectly.
Ossi Shamar's Attire

She climbs down and walks over to the far side of the ring, and stretches out her limbs in preparation for the match. Then she turns and hooks her arms over the ropes, leaning against them and looking back to the ramp to where her opponent will enter.
She smirks as she thinks of her next opponent. Tsumi Yoshida - Ossi has never heard of her, and wasn't impressed by what the match organizers told her. Just another "pro" wrestler who thinks they're so great.
Well, Ossi thinks to herself, We'll see who the real pro is, Tsumi...