Tina Armstrong vs Black Swan: Middleweight Championship Match

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Re: Tina Armstrong vs Black Swan: Middleweight Championship Match

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Tina couldn't let herself lose like this! She was fading quickly, knowing full well that she had to act no otherwise her title would be around someone else waist! Tina gave everything she had in one last ditch effort, trying to buck her legs up, working them underneath Swan's arms. Tina would cry out as she tried to use her leg strength to pull Swan forward off her face! In a regular match this would make for a good pin but this was not a normal match. She had to get moving, struggling back up to her feet.

Tina crouched low, trying to telegraph a wide, sweeping punch towards Swan's face. However this was a feint, as Tina was trying to move in hoping to move over Swan and float around in an effort to plant her to the mat with a float over DDT! With that stunning Swan Tina would give her a taste of her own medicine, pulling her briefs down and dropping down right on Swans face to try to smother her in similar fashion! Giving Swan a very are taste of her own medicine seemed like poetic justice for Tina, over-riding her bashfulness! Tina could only hope the DDT and hip drop dazed Swan to take the fight out of her allowing her to smother Swan to retain her title!
Last edited by Highfly on Thu Jun 06, 2019 10:09 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Tina Armstrong vs Black Swan: Middleweight Championship Match

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Despite her attempts to smother the champion into unconsciousness beneath her, Swan couldn't quite seem to put Tina away with her facesit before the muscled girl underneath her would kick her legs up, managing to hook them under Swan's legs to pull her off! The challenger was sent rolling away on the mat, and soon enough, both women were rising up to their feet, with Tina throwing a shot right at Swan, the luchadora bringing her arms up to defend and leaving herself wide open to the champion's DDT!

"AUGH!" Swan let out a gasp as Tina brought her head crashing into the mat with a great amount of force, the luchadora slowly rolling over with a groan, laying on her back as she tried to recover! However, this played right into Tina's plans, and soon enough, Swan was left with the view of Tina moving to stand above her, lowering her briefs to expose her ass before jumping up and coming down right on Swan's face for a huge bonzai drop!

"Mmmph!" Swan let out a muffled gasp as Tina's bare ass came crashing down on her face, her thick, round cheeks smothering the luchadora's face and leaving her grounded without any hope of getting air! Swan squirmed and wriggled underneath Tina, but after being dropped on her head quite forcefully, she wasn't able to collect herself well enough to fight back, leaving her stuck on the ground with her face smothered, wedged between Tina's bare buttcheeks!

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Re: Tina Armstrong vs Black Swan: Middleweight Championship Match

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Tina wasn't sure how she felt about this, but she did know that winning meant more to her than anything. She was going to do whatever it took to keep that title! Beating challengers at matches that favored them was just part of her showing the world that she deserved to be the champion, that it wasn't a lucky run or cheap wins. To that end she kept trying to smother Ducky, trying to view it was a chokehold requiring Swan to tap out or pass out!

It had been several moments and Swan couldn't possibly last much longer could she? "Just give it up! I won and you know it! I'm the champ because I am the best!" Tina shouted, starting to feel her confidence gain each moment Swan was stuck underneath her.

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Re: Tina Armstrong vs Black Swan: Middleweight Championship Match

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With Tina's bare ass slamming down hard on her face, Black Swan would find herself trapped underneath the champion as Tina settled into her facesit, trapping the challenger underneath her in such a way that Swan was sure to be getting no air underneath her! With Tina settling into her position quite comfortably, Swan's legs kicked and squirmed underneath her, though after being dropped on her head and having Tina's thick ass dropped on her face, she was lacking on energy, rapidly losing consciousness underneath Tina!

"Mmmph! Mmm!" Black Swan let out a few muffled cries from underneath Tina, but there was nothing the luchadora could do as her face was wedged deep between Tina's thick, plump, bare buttcheeks, leaving her downed and helpless! As Swan's masked features sunk deeper and deeper between Tina's cheeks, the luchadora's struggles grew weaker and weaker, until she finally went limp, passing out with her face wedged in Tina's bare buttcrack, finally falling to the champ in quite humiliating fashion!

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Re: Tina Armstrong vs Black Swan: Middleweight Championship Match

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Tina kept pressing down, trying to do what she could to get Black Swan to pass out. As soon as Tina heard that bell she quickly stood up pulling up her briefs in the process. She hoped that this was the last time she was in a match like this. She was confident in herself for sure, but exposing her backside in front of a crowd and things of that nature just weren't her. It wasn't her cup of tea. The young Brit smiled as much as she could, actually blushing a bit given how she had just won although seeing the referee bringing the title belt over made everything worth it. Tina held the belt high, having won her fourth defense.

She was all smiles and strutting about the ring posing while holding the belt on display as she did her victory lap. She knew Swan would be back to her feet soon, so she waited about to at the very least extend her hand to Swan as she woke up as a sign of sportsmanship. "You can wrestle I will give ya that. Next time maybe we leave the weird stuff out in front of a crowd?"

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Re: Tina Armstrong vs Black Swan: Middleweight Championship Match

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Going limp with her face wedged between Tina's bare buttcheeks, Swan would be entirely unaware of the bell ringing as the champion rose up off of her face and re-adjusted her gear, making sure that she was covered as the referee handed her her belt! Swan on the other hand was slowly woken up by the roar of the crowd, letting out a low groan as she opened her eyes, raising her head just enough to see Tina in the middle of her victory lap around the ring, the reality setting in for the luchadora that she had lost in the match of her choosing!

Letting out a grunt as she pushed herself up off the mat, Swan had a relatively sheepish look on her face as she got back up, not sure how to face the fans after they had seen the smother loving luchadora get out smothered by the relatively lewd-free champion!

"Well thank you... I can see why you've held onto that belt for so long. Seems there's nothing you aren't good at!" Swan said with a bit of a dazed smile to Tina, reaching out and accepting the champion's handshake, both women engaging in a mutual show of respect after the match! With a grin and one last shake of the hands, Swan would lean in a bit closer to deliver one last teasing message to the champ.

"Also, sounds good! We'll save the weird stuff for just us..." Swan teased, knowing she'd likely fluster the champ, quickly turning and slipping between the ropes to make her way backstage, putting a smile on for the crowd though feeling quite humbled!

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Re: Tina Armstrong vs Black Swan: Middleweight Championship Match

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Tina raised an eyebrow and gave Swan a bit of a look. "We'll see, don't go presuming too much there but sometimes ya never know." Tina said as Swan left the ring. Tina herself held the belt high again, doing one final victory lap around the ring before climbing through the ropes herself to head backstage. Tina was pretty sure this match was a once in a career type thing for her, but she had to do it to show that she was going to take on anyone in any environment. She walked up the ramp, happy to get backstage and eager to see who the next challenger would be!

Winner via KO: "Tigress" Tina Armstrong retains Middleweight Championship

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