Given that Anna had heard the gym in LAW was surprisingly popular even in its early days, it was no surprise that the busty Australian soon found herself accepting a spar offer. Clad in her usual work-out attire, which often doubled as a wrestling attire, the green-haired beauty would make her way into the reasonably packed training area, gym bag to hand. Adjusting her hat, she'd scan her surroundings, somewhat keen to see if she'd come across a face she would recognise. She'd certainly expect Tina Armstrong to be here right about now, but alas, could not lay eyes upon her.
With only a picture of her partner to hand, Anna would give once more a glance to her foe, trying to compare the picture of Samus to the figures in the room. Eventually, she'd find a match. And whilst Anna was expecting the heavyweight to be big, she didn't exactly expect her to be...
that big.
"H..hihihihi!" Anna spurted out in her excitement, forcing a hand out to grab Samus' own after quickly closing distance with her soon to be training partner!