Once More with Feeling - Jem Holland seeks Redemption against Cali McCloud!

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Re: Once More with Feeling - Jem Holland seeks Redemption against Cali McCloud!

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Cali put her body and spunk on full display when she playfully taunted Jem about her speed and fan base. The blonde gamer girl balled her fist and grit her teeth as she became frustrated at the thought of the bikini-clad beauty stealing part of her fan base right before her on her very own show!

"You shut up! I've been building my following for years! You're on my turf! On my show! In my house! So get wrecked!" With that, Jem would rise hastily! Her first still balled as she swung it up towards Cali's hard, exposed abs with a Rising Uppercut! If the blow connected, Jem would throw another uppercut with her other hand, this time aimed at the brunette beauty's chin!
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Re: Once More with Feeling - Jem Holland seeks Redemption against Cali McCloud!

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Hearing that, Cali had Jem tilted completely. Seeing the hands curled up into fists and the arms tensed before she lifted them upwards for an uppercut. Cali moved out of the way just as the fist went up so that Jem could be unbalanced.Avoiding the attack, Cali wrapped her thick arms around Jem's waist and lifted the gamer off her feet.

"Come on now! Let me squeeze that anger out of you." Cali said as she started to tense her arms and crush Jem with the bearhug.
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Re: Once More with Feeling - Jem Holland seeks Redemption against Cali McCloud!

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Jem hopped up quickly! Her fist went flying! But only the breeze from her uppercut would brush against Cali's face as her rival was once against one step ahead of her! The streamer's eyes would widen as she gravity pulled her feet back down to the ground, positioning her all too perfectly for the bikini-clad McCloud to Bearhug!

"Ack!" Jem yelped as Cali's surprisingly toned, strong arms tightened against her rib cage! Having been lifted off her feet, the camera would get a good view of Holland's face as Cali squeezed her out.

"All part of the plan...Got her on the ropes....!" Jem struggled and wheezed to say to her fans as Cali kept her airborne.
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Re: Once More with Feeling - Jem Holland seeks Redemption against Cali McCloud!

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"Ah that's right! We do have an audience." Cali moved towards the monitor where the stream chat was located. It took a moment for the former cosplayer to shift through the ever moving wall of text until her eyes adjusted to the screen and the words became crystal clear.

"Right, let's see what we got..." Cali muttered while still keeping a squirming Jem in her vice. "...Nice butt,nice butt, nice feet that's obligatory. Oh, here we are! Veinslash asks: How does Jem's butt feel? Well let's find out."

Further showcasing her strength, Cali was able to hold Jem with a single arm while the other moved downwards, giving Jem's butt a firm squeeze.
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Re: Once More with Feeling - Jem Holland seeks Redemption against Cali McCloud!

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With Cali turning her attention to the cameras and viewers commenting, Jem grew cartoonishly frustrated. She banged her fists against her toned, bikini-clad guest's back and protested. Despite being held with just a single arm, the famed LAW streamer couldn't quite power out quite yet. This made her certain that Cali definitely improved in strength since their last encounter.

"Hey, hey! You know this is my show, right? Why are ya - HEY! Don't touch there! You gotta earn that! This butt ain't free!" Holland protested loudly as Cali groped her backside. She began to kick furiously, trying to wriggle her way to freedom so that she might reset and get herself back into this!
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Re: Once More with Feeling - Jem Holland seeks Redemption against Cali McCloud!

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"Ooh, that's a pretty good butt." Cali teased. Jem's thrashing did found some success since Cali was mainly using an arm. However, Cali didn't plan on losing control just yet and looked to jump on top of Jem the moment the streamer landed onto the mat and start to smother the blonde with her chest.
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Re: Once More with Feeling - Jem Holland seeks Redemption against Cali McCloud!

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Jem had finally broken out! The streamer girl had just touched down and begun finding her footing. But within less than a second of her sense of balance coming to her rescue, Cali threw herself at Jem, full-tilt!

"Gah!" Jem bellowed when her foe thrust her chest in her face! Jem was taken down to her bedroom mats. She wrapped her arms around Cali's waist to try and gain some leverage. She planned to immediately roll both herself and Cali over, but she struggled to outmuscle the brawnier gal!

"Mph!" As per usual, Jem tried to say something witty and entertaining, but her words would be obscured by the bountiful bosom in her face!
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Re: Once More with Feeling - Jem Holland seeks Redemption against Cali McCloud!

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"Haven't had the opportunity to smother someone with my chest yet, hope you don't mind the experimentation." Cali teased as she fully had Jem under her spell. Cali forced the blonde's arms off her waist and pinned them onto the man while also hooking her feet around Jem's ankles in order to spread them out.

"Looks like you are in dire straits darling." Cali teased as she pressed herself just a bit more against Jem's body. "If I were you, I'd be thinking about tapping out or else you'll be enjoying a nice nap. Course if tits like mine, I wouldn't be opposed to being put to sleep either."
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Re: Once More with Feeling - Jem Holland seeks Redemption against Cali McCloud!

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Cali transitioned into a full-on Grapevine hold, pinning Jem's wrists down and hooking her legs around the show-host's ankles to lock her into a difficult pinning/smothering predicament. Jem would try to turn her head left and right, doing what she could to struggle for some semblance of air. And as she did, her foe mused about how good it must feel for her, a line that Jem, herself often found herself using on her own show.

"Mph...! Ack!" Holland's struggles ensued for a good twenty seconds or so. She'd try and use the energy behind her lively thrashing and resistance to break free, but ultimately she'd only succeed in avoiding giving a Cali a fall via submission. Jem's movements with her hands and head would soon begin to cease. Having been pinned down the stronger gal, there was little hope for escape. Within thirty seconds or so, Jem would be smothered to an unconscious, slightly aroused puddle on her bedroom floor. She'd enjoy her time in dreamland, smiling slightly as she drifted off to sleep as the fans commenting lauded the brawny brunette babe resting over her for her impressive feat of being the first girl to look this dominant on Jem's regularly streamed webshow!
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Re: Once More with Feeling - Jem Holland seeks Redemption against Cali McCloud!

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Cali watched as Jem struggled for just a brief moment, smiling as she watched Jem slowly lose consciousness and the blonde succumbing to the smother. Lifting Jem's wrist, she dropped it to see if the blonde was faking it and felt satisfied with the hand smacked limply against the mat. With an exhale, Cali stood up and planted a firm foot on Jem's chest, lifting her index finger casually as she turned towards the camera.

"Well folks that's the first fall." Cali said with a smirk, "Unfortunately for sleeping beauty here, I gotta get the second fall for this one to be over so let's wake her up yeah?"

Having said that, Cali decided to slap her bare foot against Jem's cheek and grind her sole against Jem's face on occasion in order to rouse the streamer from her slumber.

"I bet you'd be the type to do this yourself." Cali teased as she continued to grind Jem's feel underfoot to and fro.
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