Sending a Message! - Black Swan/Eileen Sommers

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Sending a Message! - Black Swan/Eileen Sommers

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

"Uuugh... man, I need a vacation!" One very tired Black Swan would muse to herself, entering the locker room and quickly taking a seat on the bench, resting her tired body for just a moment. The luchadora had just finished up with a match tonight, facing off with a local wrestler in a winning effort for the masked woman, though with how Swan's offense was commonly comprised of high flying and crowd pleasing maneuvers, the luchadora was still quite worn out!

So a well earned rest was exactly what the masked woman would take, slowly laying down across the bench in the seemingly cleared out locker room, closing her eyes for just a moment in order to relax for a bit.

However... what the luchadora wasn't aware of was the sinister presence nearby, as she would soon become the target of a certain someone's spiteful anger!

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Re: Sending a Message! - Black Swan/Eileen Sommers

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Swan hadn't done anything specifically to earn the wrath of the woman currently lurking the corner of the LAW lockerroom, but she had done enough.

Enough being, simply being an associate of one Ducky Williams...never mind the fact she was her friend and tag partner!

Having recently found herself foiled, though entirely perhaps by chance and unintentionally by the Luchadore-ess known as Black Swan, Eileen had picked her moment perfectly. Unsurprisingly the sort to unleash revenge for the smallest of acts, the fact Swan had halted Eileen from getting physical with the aforementioned Ducky Williams some time ago had put her high on the redheads list. And now it seemed, it was time to strike her off it.
"Bravo, bravo!" Came out Eileen, clapping loudly with her voice bellowing through the room. "Honestly, an amazing spectactle!" Closing the distance with the surely perplexed beauty, Eileen knew the time to strike was perfect for but two reasons. One, there was no-one here to stop her fun. And two, perhaps the more important of the duo, was the fact Swan was surely exhausted after such a performance!

"Absolutely...ASTOUNDING!" The redhead swinging her right out far after a final clap, to try and bring it into the confused beauty's noggin', with a monstrous hook!

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Re: Sending a Message! - Black Swan/Eileen Sommers

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

Swan didn't realize how soon she was to meeting and making enemies with one of LAW's most spiteful women, but after only moments, she would find out, as a distinct clapping rung out through the locker room! Swan sat up with a sudden start, turning her head towards the source of the sound and spying the redhead stepping out from where she had been hidden, the luchadora recognizing her right away!

"You... what are you doing here?" Swan said, raising up off the bench and turning to face Eileen, already on guard as she realized that Eileen Sommers had not simply come here to taunt her!

The domineering woman and her own partner and best friend Ducky had quite the tumultuous relationship, the two having a long standing rivalry, with bitter hatred built up between the two of them. And sure enough, that meant that the ill feelings would extend over to friends of Ducky's, as Eileen approached Swan, the luchadora trying to edge away from Eileen.

However, with a final word, Eileen would suddenly lunge forwards and land a massive strike to the tired luchadora's jaw, sending Swan reeling with the powerful blow, the masked woman stumbling backwards with a gasp!

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Re: Sending a Message! - Black Swan/Eileen Sommers

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Following that blow, Eileen near pounced on the stumbling luchadore before she had even begun to do so. Evidently seeking more than a simple sucker punch for the friend of her worst enemy, Eileen's hands both came up to her targets shoulders, to firmly shove her all the way into the locker behind her! Fully intending to follow suite, and near enough squish her front against the busty beauties own!

"What aren't I doing here..?!" She'd tease, licking her lips quite literally, before seeking a knee right to Swan's surprisingly tense midriff!

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Re: Sending a Message! - Black Swan/Eileen Sommers

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

Sent stumbling backwards thanks to the harsh punch thrown to her chin, Black Swan would eventually catch herself, though she was still quite dazed after suffering such a blow from the redhead, still tired from her match that she finished just before this! So with a quick movement, Eileen would succeed in quickly bringing her target up against the lockers, shoving Swan into them with a quick push and closing the distance, bringing her knee up to slam it into the luchadora's gut!

"Augh!" Swan let out a gasp as Eileen's knee sunk deep into her poor stomach, driving the air from the luchadora and leaving her doubled over, standing on shaky legs! And after a moment of heavy breathing, Swan would collapse, her legs giving out as she fell to a seated position, leaning her head up against the lockers behind her as she tried to gather air!

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Re: Sending a Message! - Black Swan/Eileen Sommers

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Eileen considered herself a sophisticated, royale sort, but her attacks were often as vicious and simple as they come. Her legs for one, where among the thickest and firmest in the middleweight division. Had she been in a kickboxing match, those limbs of hers down low may have posed quite the threat to even the strongest of challenger, never mind a completely caught out, unprepared luchadore!

Watching as Swan fell to her rear, Eileen was quick to reach down and yank upon the right leg of her stacked foe. Pulling with quite the significant amount of force indeed, purely to get her away from the safety of curling up against the base of the locker.

If any resistance came out of Swan, or even if any didn't, Eileen would see it put down as she brought up her boot to stomp on the same spot she had just kneed!

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Re: Sending a Message! - Black Swan/Eileen Sommers

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

Taking the brutal knee right to her stomach, Black Swan's legs would soon go limp underneath her, and she would slowly slide down the locker to end up in a seated position on the floor, leaning up against the cold metal behind her, though not for long! Soon enough, Eileen would reach down and snag one of Swan's legs, giving a tug on it in order to pull the luchadora away from where she sat up against the lockers, yanking her out to the middle of the gym floor, leaving Swan laying there as she continued her ambush!

"Nngh... get your dirty hands off- Aagh!" Black Swan gasped as she was cut off in the middle of her threat by a boot crashing down into her stomach, Eileen throwing a quick stomp to get her to stop talking! Swan was in quite the bad position now, left breathless and lying on the ground, helpless to stop whatever Eileen had planned for her next!

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Re: Sending a Message! - Black Swan/Eileen Sommers

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Stepping quickly and hard right on poor Swan's body, Eileen was happy to dig that heel in somewhat literally; twisting it as more power went through it, to make sure the pain was not one that quickly passed.

"I don't have my hands on you..!" Laughed the redhead, though soon enough she'd reach down. With her right, she'd grab a hold tightly on Swan's short locks, pulling in a rough manner though one that was also rather minimal effort.

" I do..but I think that's the least of your concerns..." She'd hum, aiming to get the busty luchadore at least onto her feet, before pulling her face forward. Right into Eileen's big goods!

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Re: Sending a Message! - Black Swan/Eileen Sommers

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

Growling on the floor as Eileen stomped down on her stomach, twisting her foot to cause Swan as much trouble as she could, the luchadora would hiss and bring her hands up to the redhead's ankle, trying her best to dislodge the source of the pain in her gut! Still, Eileen managed to continue to grind her heel down until she was very much content to leave Swan alone otherwise, removing her foot and allowing the luchadora to give a pained gasp as Eileen reached down.

"Nnngh... so tough... attacking me after a match..." Swan hissed at the nemesis of her friend, though Eileen seemed to care not, reaching down to grab Swan by her hair, tugging the luchadora upwards with a few smart ass remarks!

"Yeah, well... when I get my hands on you, you're going to- Mmmmph!" Swan suddenly gasped as Eileen grabbed her by the head and yanked her forwards, pulling her face right into the redhead's chest! Swan's face immediately sunk in between Eileen's tits, the redhead pressing her boobs to Swan's face in order to breast smother the luchadora, robbing her of any possible air!

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Re: Sending a Message! - Black Swan/Eileen Sommers

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Regardless of Swan's scenario, nothing would ever be deemed too low of a situation for Eileen not to attack. Swan could have just been coming from a funeral, or life saving surgery. She'd still be finding her face right between Eileen's big goods right around now.

"Oh? You and the fat blonde going to give me what for, are you?" Eileen smugly muttered, her arms locked so that even if Swan was to wiggle her head for a good gasp of air, she'd immediately be pulled back in. If the hold combined with Swan's already worked over state wasn't good enough, Eileen would seek to cripple those abs a shade further, by ramming her knee into that gut over and over again, all without even slackening her arms.

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