
Name: Rosetta Stein
Stage Name: Succulent
Age: 26
Eyes: Pink
Hair: Green
Height: 6"4
Weight: 191 lbs
Nationality: German
Alignment: Tweener (She presents herself as a face, but is actually very sadistic and takes on heel-like tendencies in her matches later on)
Entrance Music:
Strategy: She traps her opponents in painful holds to wear them down before using smothers and her weight to finish off her opponents. She also likes to let her opponents dominate her to make them think she's weak to take them by surprise later in the match.
Style: Smothers, Submission, Hentai, Humiliation
Preferred Attacks: Smothers, Grapevine, Bearhugs, Splashes, Headscissors
Preferred Matches: Smother, Hentai, Matches against smaller opponents
Endurance: 2/5
Strength: 5/5
Speed: 3/5
Defense: 4/5
Technique: 4/5
Finishing Moves:
Tree of Woe
Personality: She pretends to be a sweet kind hearted woman who wrestles for fun, but on the inside she's actually very sadistic fighter who relishes in making her opponents suffer humiliation.
She grew up in Germany in the earlier years of her life before her parents moved to America when she was 7. She was always taller than most of the kids around her and she matured faster than any of her female peers as well. She was the popular girl who spread rumors behind others backs. Her first fight was when she was 16, her rumor spreading caught up to her when a she spread a particularly nasty one about one of the seniors on the schools female wrestling team. She was challenged to a match and the girl thoroughly beat and humiliated her in front of the whole school. After that she asked her rich parents to get her a wrestling coach and at 17 she challenged the girl to a rematch and obliterated her. After that she was hooked.
Fun Fact:
She loves gardening
LAW Information
Number of matches:
Wins: 0
Loses: 0
Draws: 0
Match History