Angela Guillot - The Nightmare

121-169 lbs / 54.6-76.657 kg
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Angela Guillot - The Nightmare

Unread post by Devastated »

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Personal Information
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Full Name
- Angela Guillot

- The Nightmare (Of France)

- Female

Date of Birth
- 30th May 1999

Color of Eyes
- Yellow

Color of Hair
- Platinum Blonde / White

- 5’8” / 172 cm

- 150 lbs / 68 kg

- French

- True Evil / Heel

- Darkbreed - Robert Slump

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Wrestling Style/attitude

Angela has been fighting since she was a kid and with it have developed a penchant for brawling, coupled in with deadly submission holds that will make the sturdies and toughest of girls submit and a few heavy slams makes her a force to be reckoned with and had her be the terror of most of Europe during her stay there as a wrestler. She grew from being a brawling punk kid, into being a deadly submissionist who occasionally mixes in nasty suplexes and slams. As one can tell though, her main form of attacks are submission holds and brawling it out like a street thug. While she is also frankly quite durable and can take a lot of punishment, she is very skilled in transitioning between holds.

The French heel can be quite nasty in the ring as well, she's skilled in the art of dirty fighting and has no qualms about showing her prowess in the art. Willing to run away, only to beat the shit out of her foe, or bite, kick, claw, pinch and even bring weapons into the mix. Something that many times are used to turn her already deadly strikes or submission holds into even deadlier attacks.

Angela is strong, tough and downright nasty in the ring. Fighting her has left many formerly promising wrestlers retired due to injury or simply loss of will to keep going, knowing Angela was around.

- Pro-wrestling, brawling, dirty fighting.

Favorite moves

Kimura lock,
Abdominal stretch
Fisherman's suplex
Big boot
Fireman's carry slam
Camel clutch
Sleeper holds
Forward Russian Leg Sweep
Cross chicken wing
Figure four leg lock,
Figure four headlock
Eye poke
Low blow

Favored Match type
- .Normal matches, submission matches, brawls, hardcore matches, tag team matches.

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Stats calculated in normal matches

x►x★★★★★★★★☆☆ x Strength
x►x★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆ x Defense
x►x★★★★★★★★☆☆ x Technique
x►x★★★★★★★★★★ x Endurance
x►x★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ x Speed
x►x★★★★★★★★★☆x Stamina

Stats calculated in Hentai Matches

x►x★★★★★★★★☆☆x Strength
x►x★★★★★★★★☆☆ x Defense
x►x★★★★★★★★☆☆ x Libido
x►x★★★★★★★★★☆ x Technique

Difficulty in Match Types

x►x★★★★★★★★☆☆ x Normal
x►x★★★★★★★★★☆ x Submission
x►x★★★★★★★★★☆ x Hardcore
x►x★★★★★★★★☆☆ x Hentai

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Signature Moves

- A flurry of European Uppercuts
- Inverted front powerslam
Death's grip
- Omoplata crossface


The Guillotine
- Guillotine Choke hold.
Le Grondement de la Haine
- Hammerlock guillotine drop
- Discuss Clothesline
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Physical Appearance
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Standard Attire
Everyday outfits
Workout Attire

Elegant outfits
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Born in Paris, France. Angela grew up in a not so lucrative part of town to a not very wealthy family. She grew up around unsavory people in an unsavory environment and practically made her unsavory. It was one of those you've got to grow up tough to handle the world situations, and Angela grew up as tough as they come. She often got into fights as a kid and it drove what little family that she had apart. Her mother left her and ran away with some German business man that she managed to get her claws into. There wasn't anything that Angela could do about it, and after a year or so she simply stopped caring. Her father worked most of the time and didn't have enough in him to fight or care or do anything besides come home and do his own thing.

Leaving Angela to raise herself mostly, and the neighborhood of course. Once she grew older, she was starting to get into more and more trouble, and was even almost arrested once or twice. At one point she found a man being assaulted by a gang in her local area. The man screamed for help and Angela went in to see just what was going on, she decided to watch as she was being beaten up, when he asked her to call for help, she responded with a simple. " For free? Fuck that." Which led to him offering to pay her if she helped him out. Angela decided to beat up the four muggers and then demand her payment. It was sizable but she fully expected to get paid or else she was planning on mugging him herself.

The man paid her though, and on the way to the atm to take out the money offered her a job. As a wrestler. He said with a few months of training she could become a great wrestler. Angela simply rolled her eyes and told him to fuck off. After getting paid she left and headed home, though the next day that same guy rang on her doorbell, offering her the same job...but this time with pay throughout the training.

The 17 year old Angela, annoyed at the idea of having to work...was instead told that she'd mostly be beating people up if she was tough enough, decided to give it a try. Her training didn't last for a few months though. Instead after two months, she was already in the ring, trained up enough to tussle with the rest of the long-time rookies. She quickly garnered a reputation for herself as a nasty heel who wasn't to be messed with. Within a year she had already climbed the ranks of the French Anime Wrestling League. Having reached the peak in her field...Angela's attention turned towards other places.

During a cross promotion event Angela met a woman who she instantly butted-heads with. Sarah Luther...they developed a deep seated hatred for each other and started to feud. Invading each other's shows, fighting at events, conventions and even a random time they found each other in the streets. They had matches and such between each other's promotions. At the very least for Angela it was a bitch who could fight that was a thorn in her side.

After a long time of unsuccessful dealings with each other, as no one ever really came out on top in their feud between heels. Both of them were then hired by another company. This time an American one, which forced them to move across the sea and out of Europe. Angela and Sarah were thrown together and fully expected to keep going head to head, this time under the same roof! Yet, instead they were told to team up, the higher up as usual were fucking nuts and should have just shut the fuck up, but as they were already booked for a match they decided to do it.

There was a lot of squabbling, shouting, even some fighting between them as a team, but Sarah and Luther came out on top. That happened a few times...over and over they found that while they didn't like each other, while they were both utter bitches, they were one hell of a team. They kept the entire thing up, of course their own feud never dying out as they had a match and fight against each other every now and then. They could be the definition of a functional dysfunctional.

After a good while as a tag team, their contracts were then purchased up by LAW and forced the relocation yet again. This time to an up and coming company where they could take the top from the very start and just keep it for the rest of it's lifespan. That idea was something that Angela liked quite a lot....

Quick and easy way to describe Angela is that she's tough, she's like an aggressive alley cat. You won't be able to get close to her, she will most likely bite you, scratch your or just down right beat the shit out of you. She's cruel, brutal and cold. She will insult you, she will break you down. She doesn't really have any morals...or rather, it would make more sense that her morals are screwed to high hell.

She can't say she especially likes wrestling as a whole, she likes being better than others and beating the shit out of them, humiliating those proud preppy bitches. She finds that taking snot-nosed wimps down a peg or two brings her joy, hell fighting in general gives her joy. She has plenty of vices and very few virtues. She smokes, she drinks...she will even take on the task of beating people by request. Though it will require some payment of some kind, it doesn't always have to be money...she can be paid in smokes or anything she finds interesting.

Angela does have one thing she loves beyond fighting bitches and being the best. She loves motorcycles, going out and driving like a bat out of hell in the middle of the night is one of the best things to her. She's a bit of a speedfreak on the road.

The platinum blonde isn't above playing her sexuality into things either, she isn't just about beating the shit out of someone, she also enjoys humiliating them, and she is quite fond of the dirtier sides of pleasure that the world has to offer than the cleaner ones. Though sometimes staining what's clean is also enjoyable.



LAW Record

Draws: 0
Loses: 0
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Social Status
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- Sarah Luther ?

- Sarah Luther?

- Sarah Luther?

- Sarah Luther?

- Sarah Luther?

- Rebellion
Last edited by Devastated on Thu Dec 16, 2021 2:00 pm, edited 21 times in total.

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