Karbon Mannering vs Sienna Smith - Climbing the Ranks

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Karbon Mannering vs Sienna Smith - Climbing the Ranks

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Standard Match: Victory awarded via pin fall, submission, count out, knockout, or disqualification.

Sienna was known by this point to show off both her skills and body in the ring, especially with newer opponents. And tonight in her first mixed match, she looked to do that against rookie, Karbon Mannering. The tanned, bodacious ebony beauty waited for her cue and made her way to the ring. Her theme song blasted on the stadium speakers as she swiveled her hips and sashayed her way down the entrance ramp.
Sienna Smith
The bikini-clad babe rolled under the bottom rope and into the ring. She posed on the ropes, sitting on the middle one and raising her leg before making her way to her corner.

"Gonna have some fun working this boy over, tonight!" The brunette boasted, expressing her eagerness to squash Karbon before he even made his appearance!
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Re: Karbon Mannering vs Sienna Smith - Climbing the Ranks

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Karbon was pumped up for his next match. His opponent had a couple of matches under her belt just like he did and he was looking forward to just dominating her. "Yeah, this girl doesn't stand a chance!" The experience in the ring has really gone to his head... No matter, Karbon looked over and got his cue from the backstage hand that his music was about to hit. He nodded over towards him and then the lights dimmed to darkness. The sound of bells began to chime around the arena as Karbon's music started up. This made the air seem very still as he hopes it will intimidate his opponent who was already out there. Then, the sound of guitar and drums would break through the darkness as white light start to strobe all around the arena. Karbon could be seen making his way to the ring through the lights. He would then point at her before rolling underneath the bottom rope and kneeling down in the middle of the ring, "NNNNNNNIIIIIIIGGGGGGHHHHHHTTTTTTTMMMMMMAAAAAAARRRRREEEEEEE!!!" He would shout in time with his entrance music.

After that, the lights would go back to normal and his song would stop. Getting back up to his feet, he would look over at his opponent and give her a bit of a smile before retreating back towards his corner. He would then wait for the bell to ring to signal the start of the match.

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Re: Karbon Mannering vs Sienna Smith - Climbing the Ranks

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Karbon entered the arena with all the bravado and testosterone one would expect from a man his size. The lights dimmed and he drew up an air of intensity. Mannering walked out and got I to the ring, roaring in sync with his theme song. The bikini-clad ebony beauty tossed aside her cosmetic glasses. She raised an eyebrow and cocked out her hip. Her facial expression communicate that she felt....unimpressed.

"Yeah, I bet you say that to all the ladies, big fella." She chuckled sarcastically, dismissing much of Karbon's entrance. As her opponent awaited the sound of the bell, Sienna stretched near the center of the ring. Soon the chime would sound and the contest would be underway! She'd assume a grappling stance and wait for the man to approach her. When Karbon got close enough, Smith would try and take initiative by winking at him to throw him off-guard before rushing in and grabbing him around the waist to lift him up and drop him hip and crotch-first onto her bent knee for an Inverted Atomic Drop!
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Re: Karbon Mannering vs Sienna Smith - Climbing the Ranks

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Ignoring her sarcastic remark, Karbon was left unfazed by her attitude towards him. "Don't worry, you won't be hearing my voice for very long... As you will be passed out here in the center of the ring soon enough." He said back to her with a sly smile on his face. The bell finally rung and Karbon slowly walked out of his corner. He did some shoulder rotations while approaching Sienna to show her that he was warming up his arm to start putting the hurting on her, but this was not to be the case. As Karbon got close enough for grappling range, Sienna would catch him off guard with a playful wink! A surprised and confused look appeared on his face and this was all the time needed for Sienna to make her strike.

Before he even knew it, Sienna was already on top of him with her arms wrapped around his waist. He would then feel his whole body get lifted off of the mat and brought down hard, right onto Sienna's knee! His nether region would feel the full impact of this move and Karbon always questioned why this move was legal in the first place. "Dammit... That hurt!" He would call out with his eyes pretty much bulging out of his sockets and Karbon placing both hands down on his crotch. He would bounce around a bit in front of her.

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Re: Karbon Mannering vs Sienna Smith - Climbing the Ranks

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Sienna was happy to respond to Karbon's words, not with words of her own, but with a painful Atomic Drop that hit him where it hurt, leaving the cocky man susceptible and doubled over. The bikini-clad ebony beauty would smile after landing her move. She'd reach forward for his brown hair and pull him into a Side Headlock, where her ample breast would press up against Mannering's face.

"Tell ya what, stud? Why don't I leave you passed out in the middle of this ring, instead?" She'd boast if she managed to seize control of Karbon. From here, Sienna would aim to flip him down to the canvas with a Side Headlock takedown, intentionally leaning the weight of her upper body against his face, smothering him as she kept the hold applied on the ground if the move was successful. Ever Indulging in the moment, Sienna would continue to boast while taking it to her male opponent.

"And I'll be sure to have puh-lllleeennty of fun with you before that~"
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Re: Karbon Mannering vs Sienna Smith - Climbing the Ranks

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Leaving him no time to recover, Sienna would wrap her right arm around his neck and pulled his face closer to her breast. He could feel her tighten her muscles around his neck as she had him dead to rights in a side headlock. Karbon was having some trouble trying to breath. Not because she had the side headlock applied on and her arm was around his neck, no, it was because of her breast being pressed up against his face. He tried to move it so he was facing outwards to catch some much needed air. "I don't like the sound of that plan at all... Grrrrr..." His face would wince as she started to wrench on his neck.

Not being satisfied with just this, Karbon felt Sienna start to try and bring him down to the mat. With her in firm control, Karbon wasn't able to put up much of a fight when she flipped him over her body and Karbon's back slammed down. Her weight was then put all on his upper body and her breasts were, once again, in his face. His eyes would scrunch up as he tried to muster up all his strength to get out. "The only person here who will be having fun is me!" With that being said, Karbon tried to raise up both of his legs and scissor them around her neck!

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Re: Karbon Mannering vs Sienna Smith - Climbing the Ranks

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Sienna was quite comfortably in control. She took Karbon down to the mats so that she could begin working him over. Whilst keeping some leverage over Mannering in the side-headlock, the ebony diva smiled as she tried to force his shoulders down to pressure him with a pin. But Karbon protested, saying that he'd be the one having fun whilst countering the Headlock with a quick Headscissor!

Smith would grit her teeth as the tall man's long legs found their way around her head! She'd lean back and kip up off the ground to free herself from his grasp and stand up! If she managed to get away with her athletic escape, she'd begin stomp down on Karbon's abs repeatedly to punish him!

"You won't be trying that again, boy! Learn! Your! Place!" She'd yell with each stomp if she managed to catch him off guard.
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Re: Karbon Mannering vs Sienna Smith - Climbing the Ranks

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Catching Sienna off her guard, Karbon was able to wrap his legs around her neck. With her in this position now, Karbon knew that her first priority became getting out of his submission hold rather than keep hers going. Karbon was hoping to squeeze her neck with every ounce of energy in his body, but Sienna was just too quick. He watched her kip up and the amount of momentum from the move was enough to break the hold on her neck, allowing for her escape. "Grrr... Stay down would you!?" Karbon would say looking up at her.

But instead of talking, Karbon should of been trying to stand up on his own. Instead, Sienna would get the better of him again and start to stomp away at his mid section! Each blow landed harder and harder and Karbon had to resort to holding his arms over his body to try and absorb most of the blows. Not wanting to take anymore of her punishment, Karbon looked to see if he could roll out of the ring and away from his stomp happy opponent.

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Re: Karbon Mannering vs Sienna Smith - Climbing the Ranks

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Sienna watched Kabron suffer blow after blow as she let him have it with her parade of stomps. Soon, the cocky guy rolled away and under the bottom rope. Seeing him run away earned him a few boos from the audience. Sienna would lean over the top rope and shake her head in disappointment.

"Oh the big strong fella who was gonna leave me laid out in the ring is running! A real man's man, right here!" The bikini-clad babe boasted as she stepped through the ropes and positioned herself on the apron of the ring. Sienna would run along the apron and jump off of it, throwing herself at Karbon! She'd make an effort to land on him chest-first, giving him a face-full of bosom as she went for an aerial splash to take him down! If Sienna's splash connected and took Mannering down to the hard arena floors, Sienna would wrap both her arms around his head to follow up with a breast smother hold to keep him down and wear him down on the outside of the squared circle where rope breaks were impossible!

"You looked like you wanted a breather, boy! And that's too dang bad!"
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Re: Karbon Mannering vs Sienna Smith - Climbing the Ranks

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Trying to get some rest outside of the ring, Karbon could hear the booing from the crowd grow in intensity from his tactic, "Oh, go suck a c-" His last word was cut off by the sound of his opponent talking to him from the ring. "I-I'm not running! I just needed to catch my breath is all." He would retort back to her. It didn't really seem like she was buying it though as she exited through the ropes and onto the apron. Before he could react, Karbon watched as Sienna threw herself on top of him from the ring!

Her body crashed hard into his and his face was full of her lovely chest. Karbon fell flat on his back with her firmly on top of him. Twisting and turning on the ground, Karbon tried to get away, but Sienna would make that nigh impossible when she wrapped her arms around his head. He was now forced to look upwards and breath in her perfumed scent emminating from her breasts. It was completely intoxicating... But he couldn't get distracted by this now! He has a match to win! He still had some energy left in him and he started to us it to punch away at her exposed ribs.

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