A sexy Debut. Idol vs pro sexfighter

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A sexy Debut. Idol vs pro sexfighter

Unread post by anime_hentaifighter »

Hentai match
First to cum
Lilly Schmid vs Sakura Hagiwara

Lilly could not believe her luck when she got the news about who she be facing tonight in her debut match , and to make it even better was the fact it was an hentai match. Still to the redhead the fact she got to face Sakura Hagiwara was just perfect as she had looked the name up and when she saw how the other wrestler looked could not believe her luck. Now their was a downside to all this since unlike herself Sakura had actual wrestling experience , but this was an hentai match and as a sexfighter that was perfect for her.

So taking one look in the mirror as she checked if her attire a simple purple bikini was covering her for now , Lilly would grab a green robe as she walked to the backstage area. The fact that she could tell that the male and female crew members were staring at her as she walked past them made the Swiss even more excited as she was barely their in time as she heard her entrance music '' Stupidisco by Junior Jack'' come out of the speakers as she walked onto the entrance ramp. Their on the top the redhead would remove the robe to the loud cheering of the fans as she walked the remainer of the way to the ring wearing just her bikini as she heard the announcer say ''Now entering from Sankt Moritz,Switzerland weighing at 140ibs.It's , Lilly Schmid'' as she had just climbed into the ring when the announcer was done.

''Well come down here and show me that sexy body''thought Lilly as she looked up at the entrance ramp as she waited for the idol to appear so they could start the match.

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Re: A sexy Debut. Idol vs pro sexfighter

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Sakura stands nerveus before the mirror adjusting her one piece bathingsuit. She puls the bottom right and make sure her breast are covered enough before she put ons her black robe. Ofcourse she had no stagesfevor as she has plenty stage-experience but a hentai match was complete new for her. The possiblty of exposure was terrible. She schould have sayed no to this but its was kinda forced on her. The only good thing was that her opponent a nobody is. a unknown girl.

Her antrance music starts to play"Beautiful dreamer by SWEET DIVA" and she walks into the stadion. she sees that is a full house tonight and her nervousity vanisch as her body takes over. She jump and dances infront of the crowd showing her idols skills to get the crowd on her side. Just before she enters the ring she lets go of her robe and reveals her body for everbody and makes a loop for the crowd. As she climb up the ropes and enter the ring the announcer says: Now entering from Saitama, Japan weighing at 134ibs. its, Sakura Hagiware and she lands in the ring.

Then she turns around to look at the nobody and her mouth falls a bit open as there stand a beatifull girl. she wears a simple purple bikini but the long red hairs is just fantastic
Light weight
Madison Lam

Middle weight
Sakura Hawiwara
Freia Kagami

Heavy weight
Nurse Joy

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Re: A sexy Debut. Idol vs pro sexfighter

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Lilly was not disappointed when she watched her opponent walk down to the ring as she licked her lips.''Me and you are going to have so much fun together''thought the redhead as she was already imaging lewd positions she would trap the Japanese teen in as she would step towards the other wrestler when she got inside the ring.

''Now don't you look good enough to eat Sakura''whispered the Swiss teen as she would extend her hand , and when Sakura would accept would pull her closer for a hug. During the hug her hands would slide down to squeeze the idol's ass as she quickly got told by the referee to break it up as the match had not started yet as she would do as she was told reluctantly.

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Re: A sexy Debut. Idol vs pro sexfighter

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Sakura closed her mouth soon and walked to the middle of the ring to meet her opponent in the middle to shake hand in sign of good sportmanship.
As soon as she accepted the hand of Lilly she gets pulled a hug by hear and feeling Lilly's hand upon her ass. Sakura first doesn't know what is happening as fast as it go, but she soon gets a blush in her face as she hears her whispers in her ear. Sakura doesn't try to fight the hug but is happy when the referee breaks them up.

Lolita walks back to her corner with the blush still on her face."I need to calm myself! she barely touches me and i am already hot.." she thought. She turns around to face Lilly and look her deep in the eyes. "May the best girl win tonight! says Sakura in her own langugaue with causing her to sound cute and make her homeland fans happy.
Last edited by Lolitawrestler on Sun Aug 27, 2017 11:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
Light weight
Madison Lam

Middle weight
Sakura Hawiwara
Freia Kagami

Heavy weight
Nurse Joy

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Re: A sexy Debut. Idol vs pro sexfighter

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Lilly could not believe how firm the Japanese butt feels in her hands as she was annoyed she could not enjoy the feeling for a bit longer as the referee told her to release the Idol. Still she could daydream as she heard the other wrestler say something in Japanese as she thought it sounded cute as she replied back in English'' not sure what you said , but doubt it was anything mean from the way the crowd was reacting.Hope you understand English but I am going to enjoy having my wicked ways with you as you look so yummy'' in an lust filled tone as she could not wait for the bell to ring.

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Re: A sexy Debut. Idol vs pro sexfighter

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Hihihi Sakura giggles as Lilly tels she doesn't understand it "Well i said may the best girl win tonight. Sakura blushes as she can understand Lilly perfect and seeing the lust in her eyes. She knows she doesn't have to worry jet. She just have to be smarter then her to win this.

As the bell rings Sakura walks straight forward to go for a tie to elbow start right away. If Lilly accepted this move she would let herself get pushed back because she is obvious the smaller one and then kneeling a bit down to bodyslam her upwards.
Light weight
Madison Lam

Middle weight
Sakura Hawiwara
Freia Kagami

Heavy weight
Nurse Joy

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Re: A sexy Debut. Idol vs pro sexfighter

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''Thanks for the translation , but I already know I am the best girl tonight as I doubt a innocent cute girl like you ever faced someone like me in a match type like this''replied Lilly calmly as she would accept the lock up as she had planed on getting up and personal as quickly as she could. The plan that the redhead had come up with was rather simple as she planned on knocking the Japanese teen down and have her wicked way with her , but that did not happen as she would feel the Japanese teen slam her shoulder into her breasts and knock her down as a result.
Last edited by anime_hentaifighter on Tue Aug 08, 2017 11:11 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A sexy Debut. Idol vs pro sexfighter

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Sakura smiles as Iilly accepted her invite for a lockup and like she firgured Lilly was indeed stronger. Sakura letting Lilly push her back to use her momentum by lowering herself a bit to jump up and hit her with a bodyslam. Sakura schoulder strikes Lilly's breast hard causes her to fall back.

"Hihi" Sakura giggles as she dealt out the first blow"Are you sure about that, i mean that you are the best" Sakura just standing there. She totaly forgets to continue her advantage of being still upon her feet while Lilly is laying there suprized.
Light weight
Madison Lam

Middle weight
Sakura Hawiwara
Freia Kagami

Heavy weight
Nurse Joy

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Re: A sexy Debut. Idol vs pro sexfighter

Unread post by anime_hentaifighter »

Lilly was glaring at the Japanese wrestler while she was on her back on the canvas as she had forgotten that sexfighting was not the same as wrestling.And sadly the fact remained this was more erotic wrestling then the stuff she used to do at home as she heard Sakura giggle while teasing her about if she was sure she was the best. ''Maybe I should reconsider if I am the best , but here a bit of advice Sakura never taunt someone while being in strike distance''replied the redhead as she would lash out with a kick to her opponent's knees while she was still down on the canvas while the other wrestler was standing.

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Re: A sexy Debut. Idol vs pro sexfighter

Unread post by Lolitawrestler »

Sakure is still gigling as she likes the way Lilly lays on the ground already. She looks at Lilly and gets a straight look onto her crotch as she makes a movement. To late she realized that Lilly is throwing a kick at her knee from down there. Aww.. Sakura takes the blow to her knee and jumps on one foot as she lift her hurting knee up to rub the pain out of it. As she dances one one foot around the ring she hears the crowd lauching and she is distracted.
Light weight
Madison Lam

Middle weight
Sakura Hawiwara
Freia Kagami

Heavy weight
Nurse Joy

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