5 Count Pinfall Match: Prism Girl vs. Ursula Burns

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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5 Count Pinfall Match: Prism Girl vs. Ursula Burns

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Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for one 5 count pinfall. Introducing first making her debut, PRISM GIRL!!!"


Anzu would smile as she entered the LAW arena for the first time. This was her moment t shine and give the people a spectacle. Prism girl was walk down to the ring twirling her baton as she shuffled down to the ring with her bubbly personality. Once she entered the ring she'd do some cute poses for the cameras and would smile and wave at fans. She didn't know what this organization had in store but she wanted to make a good first impression no matter what.

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Re: 5 Count Pinfall Match: Prism Girl vs. Ursula Burns

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The arena was still warming up to Anzu as she just finished up her entrance. But shortly after the brunette assumed her poses and ensured that the staff and audience got some good pics in, a new theme song would play. Ursula would make an appearance. She'd stand tall with her hands on her hips before saluting the audience and marching down the ramp with gusto.

The bodybuilder seemed to carry herself with an almost comedic level of confidence and enthusiasm. Members of the crowd seemed to be entertained by the muscular amazon. Upon reaching the ring, she rolled under the bottom rope before greeting her opponent for the night.

"Hey, there! Name's Ursula! Ready to work up a sweat and learn a thing or two before getting pinned for five counts?"

She'd say to her opponent from across the ring as the referee and other officials clamored and began preparations for their match, tonight.
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Re: 5 Count Pinfall Match: Prism Girl vs. Ursula Burns

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Prism Girl would take a gulp as she looked at the size of her opponent. Prism Girl was smaller, and was certainly not as muscular. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't intimidated by Ursula. Then Prism Girl would say to her soon to be opponent by saying. "Wow, you're sooo muscular.
I'm Prism Girl, and I'll be your opponent. I'm down to learn a thing or two. I don't think a roll up could get me a 5 count. Hahaha.
" Prism Girl said with a smile as she laugh nervously as she tried to to mentally prepare herself for the likely beating she was gonna take.

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Re: 5 Count Pinfall Match: Prism Girl vs. Ursula Burns

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"Ohhhh, a rollup? That'd be too easy! We're gonna make sure you're familiar with more moves than that, dear!"

Ursula said while walking towards her opponent for tonight. The dark skinned woman got close enough to stand face to face with the brunette. She looked down at her smaller foe. Prism Girl's nervousness was telegraphed in her demeanor and nervous chuckling. The bodybuilder was almost having second thoughts about trying to put the girl through the wringer, but as she was considering the prospect of sparing Anzu from the full extend of her abilities in the ring, the bell would sound!

"Oh! That's out cue!" Ursula would say in an endearing tone before placing her hands on her foe's shoulders. She would attempt to wrap her arms around Prism Girl and pull her in close for a bearhug! If successful in pulling off the move, Burns would begin to slowly lift the girl such that her feet would leave the canvas, further adding to the pressure of the hold!

"See this right here? This is why we don't skip arm day!" She'd say in a tone that suggested she was being firm, yet endearing.
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Re: 5 Count Pinfall Match: Prism Girl vs. Ursula Burns

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Prism Girl's eyes would widen as she saw Ursula get up close and personal with her as soon as the bell rang. Anzu would be lifted off of her feet and would be locked into a devastating Bearhug early on. Her opponent's power made this move unbearably painful as Anzu squirmed under Ursula's control "H-Hey!! ARGH!!!...Let me go!!!" Prism Girl protested as she tried a Mongolian Chop to Ursula's head to try to free herself. If that didn't work Prism Girl would try to slap at Ursula's face to try and force a break that she desperately needed as her lungs were starting to get compressed,

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Re: 5 Count Pinfall Match: Prism Girl vs. Ursula Burns

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Ursula flexed her arms and applied pressure to her foe. Prism Girl seemed to writhe and struggle for a moment, but despite bearing a pained expression, she willed herself into offering some kind of offense to try and dissuade Ursula from maintaining the hold. When her opponent hit her on both sides of the head with a Mongolian Chop, Ursula shook her head to brush off the damage and only further tightened the hug! As her opponent began to slap her, the towering woman kept her foe suspended off the ground and admonished her.

"You can do better, hun!" She'd say before squeezing sharply and falling forwards, thus slamming her foe back-first into the canvas! If successful in throwing Prism Girl down, Ursula would straddle her foe and sit on her upper body/head while she was stunned, prompting the ref to begin a count.
"Show me what you're made of, girl! Gimme one rep of a sit-up!"" Ursula would say as if she were coaching her foe. If Prism Girl seemed that she would fail to break the pin before the count of 4, Ursula would simply get off of her before taking a stand and forcing her opponent off the canvas for an attempt at a follow up move in the form of a Powerslam!
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Re: 5 Count Pinfall Match: Prism Girl vs. Ursula Burns

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Prism Girl's chop and slaps did nothing to deter Ursula. Anzu would find herself slammed down hard to the mat leaving her groggy, and Ursula would pin her down. Anzu heard her opponent's request for a sit up, but she knew that she didn't have the power to escape, but she did have the flexibility. Anzu would bridge her body to escape from underneath Ursula's pin even brushing her face on her opponent's crotch as she escaped at 2. Prism Girl would look back and would attempt to Superkick the back of Ursula's neck to see just how she could hurt this giantess in this match.

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Re: 5 Count Pinfall Match: Prism Girl vs. Ursula Burns

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Ursula had wanted to test her foe's strength. She positioned herself on top of Anzu and kept her down with a Schoolgirl Pin. She had requested just one rep, but was instead introduced to one of her opponent's strengths: Prism Girl's flexibility. The brunette maneuvered her way out of the pin, slipping between Ursula's legs and rubbing her face against the bigger girl's crevices as she passed them. Ursula would let out a sharp moan as her opponent escaped just as the 2 count was made. She seemed to remain distracted for long enough for Anzu to find her way to her feet and attempt a Superkick!

"Ohhh....I wasn't ready for that." Ursula would say as she began to work her way to her feet. Burns began to rise quickly enough that the kick would connect with her upper back rather than her neck. The force of the strike would make her bend only slightly forwards, but aside from that it didn't seem to faze Ursula much at all. She'd stand tall and turn towards Prism Girl before stating. "I applaud you for the escape, but you're gonna to do better than that on offense, dear! Here, I'll show you!"

Ursula would lunge at the smaller woman and place a hand on her shoulder and another between her thigh. She'd attempt lift her foe over head to set her up for a Gorilla Press Drop! If successful in keeping her foe suspended horizontally above her and high off the ground, Ursula would begin to squat a few times to show off her strength. "Remember when I mentioned arm day? Legs are important, too!" She'd say with a bit of glee in her voice as she squatted a third time before standing tall and throwing Prism Girl up and walking forwards to allow her to fall hard on her front!
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Re: 5 Count Pinfall Match: Prism Girl vs. Ursula Burns

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Anzu would kick Ursula in her upper back although she was aiming for the back of the neck. She made a mistake as she saw Ursula stand back up, and Prism Girl knew she was in trouble. Prism Girl was petrified as Ursula said she'll show her. Prism Girl would then be hoisted up in the air by her muscular opponent for a Gorilla Press. Anzu was terrified as she was squatted by Ursula, and then she'd be tossed up into the air and she'd soon meet the floor. Prism Girl would flail her body as she was about to crash down to the mat before she'd splat on the mat hard and would feel immense pain of gravity in her chest as she held her hurt chest and would roll on the mat in pain.

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Re: 5 Count Pinfall Match: Prism Girl vs. Ursula Burns

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As Prism Girl his the ground the rolled away in pain, the bodybuilder would walk towards the ropes and give the crowd a salute. Ursula would be delighted to hear the audience react positively to her show of strength. She'd flex for them in a pose or two before hearing the sounds of Anzu's writhing.
We've barely gotten started, hun. I know you can do better than that." She said whilst walking towards her downed foe. Ursula would reach down and wrap her muscular arms around her foe's midsection, she'd Deadlift the smaller woman up off the ground before commenting again.

"If you're still down to learn a thing or two, this is why we squat!" Burns said before bridging backwards and attempting to thrust her foe's upper back and neck into the canvas with a Deadlift German Suplex! If she was able to land the move, Ursula would take to her feet before slowly walking towards prism girl and placing a foot on her chest for a low-effort pin.
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