Name: Weiss Schnee
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 5’4
Weight: 115
Alignment: Tweener
Fighting Style:
Ah yes a proper assessment of my skills.
Weiss has built her style on the foundation of many martial arts. Melding them together to create something of her own. While not a master in every aspect, Weiss still excels in other aspects. Adding onto that Weiss is somewhat of a jack of all trades. Weiss switches between the styles to best the situation and what she needs at the moment. Calm and collected Weiss looks to make the best decision whenever she can. That makes Weiss adaptable to most situations thrown at her. At a psychological level Weiss has well crafted armor. Simple provocations are not enough to move Weiss in a certain direction.
While Weiss is a natural talent she does have her shortcomings. Namely more physically gifted opponents can give Weiss trouble. Seeing as how Weiss is not physically gifted herself. Those will amazing offense are able to break through her defense. That said with Weiss having so many options at her disposal. If the opponent is able to make Weiss think about her move. It can cause a noticeable lag in which they can use to their advantage. Not only that Weiss’s temper makes up for her size. She can be prone to random outbursts depending on the situation.
While Weiss is a natural talent she does have her shortcomings. Namely more physically gifted opponents can give Weiss trouble. Seeing as how Weiss is not physically gifted herself. Those will amazing offense are able to break through her defense. That said with Weiss having so many options at her disposal. If the opponent is able to make Weiss think about her move. It can cause a noticeable lag in which they can use to their advantage. Not only that Weiss’s temper makes up for her size. She can be prone to random outbursts depending on the situation.
Battle Stats
Ah yes my skills can now speak for themselvesStrength: 6/10: People expect the heiress to be some helpless girl. Let them catch a good blow from Weiss. They will quickly see that she is anything but helpless
Speed: 8/10: Knowing her weight division, Weiss knew she would have to play to certain strengths. Even against a heavyweight, its hard to win if she can’t get caught.
Stamina: 7/10: Proper training from her past has developed this aspect in Weiss. Allowing for her to continue on, even if her reserves are depleted.
Endurance: 4/10: Ice Queen, Princess or Heiress. Whatever the moniker it begins with ice. Ice being more literal than metaphorical. Weiss is not someone who has built up the endurance to take many blows. If sustained with enough damage she will be running on guts alone.
Defense: 7/10: Countless self defense class has engrained themselves in Weiss. Yet still some offenses may be enough to overwhelm her.
Technique: 8/10: A true student to her craft, Weiss has studied the holds and maneuvers necessary for her success.
Wrestling Stats
Strikes: 7/10: While not being a knockout fighter like Yang. Weiss’s strikes have a dangerous amount of precision and accuracy. Almost as if she were firing bullets when a punch is thrown.Powerhouse: 4/10: Take a good look at Weiss. You really expect her to lift something heavy? She’s only doing it if necessary, and even then it’s not like she’s lifting the heavier middleweights
Submissions: 8/10: There is more than one way to take someone down. Not everyone needs to knocked out to win. Something strangling them is enough for Weiss.
Couners: 7/10: Weiss is an expert at making the most of her situation. Even if the tides are against her, she is able to find the eye of the storm.
Aerials: 5/10: Think of Ruby in skill, but is scared of high flying. Weiss really only does it when she confident enough in a match.
Signature Moves
You should be thankful for making me use this


Ice Age

Gates of Hell

Imperial Driver”

Black Out

Finisher moves
Let us end this farce already
Dustcrack Pile Driver

Winter’s Grasp

White Noise

Ice Breaker

Imperial Stretch

See I am not actually some cold hearted witch.Eh the jury is still out on that one
Weiss is known to be smug, cocky, high strung, insulting and so many other things. But to those who actually know Weiss, she can be described from many as “She’s nice, if not just a little bitchy”. That would come with her upbringing naturally making her think that. In reality though at her core, Weiss is a nice, caring and compassionate person. She is also a realist and blunt. Weiss would probably be the first one to call her friends dumb in any given situation. Weiss doesn’t open up her arms to everyone as a safety measure to keep herself safe. Weiss would rush to your aid if you needed it. Weiss takes great pride in her family name, so she acts like someone befitting her name. Not to belittle anyone, but Weiss knows that she is just more important than other people. That said Weiss is a bit of a rebel, since everything in her life was hand picked for her. Weiss goes out of her way to blaze her own path. Whether other people like it or not.
My past is in the pastSpoiler
Weiss was born as an heiress to the Schnee Family a family known for its out reaching influence in the world. With having hands in several industries. The Schnee family company is not lacking in reach. A company controlled by her father. With so many branches of the company, Weiss can attest to multiple times greeting her stress-ridden, aggravated father after the workday, which produced a very uneasy family lifestyle when Weiss was a child. Everyone handles stress in their own way. But famously said “Hurt people hurt people” so as a result his frustration and hatred were directed towards others. This being a major cause to her family's troubles. Eventually Weiss’s eldest sister would not bear her father’s antics. She volunteered for the army in hopes of escaping her “Family” this left Weiss physically alone. Thus making her the heiress, a role meant for her older sister. Weiss’s mother would be the next to succumb to the patriarch's apparent abuse at this point.Turning away from the family and looking towards the bottle. Whether she knew it or not, this would be adding more towards Weiss’s burdens.
Weiss had everything she wanted and more. It was a lifestyle people would kill for. Metaphorically speaking, Weiss would kill to escape this life of hers. Everything is done and chosen for her. It as if Weiss is a bystander in her own life. What to say at this meeting. Learn this skill. Make friends with X CEO child. Wear this. Talk like this. Walk like this. Breathe like this. It was more infuriating than you could imagine. Weiss would be jealous watching other kids have fun. Even if they made mistakes their parents would just console them. Telling them everything will be okay. Weiss wasn’t allowed to make a mistake. Weiss more than anything wished to be free to make her own choices.
In reality, Weiss’s father at some point in his stress had begun to crave power. The exact reason is unknown but this craving would only grow and grow. But somewhere as he made his plans. Weiss’s father realized that he could not lead forever. Well at least the stockholders and such would not allow him to lead forever. Seeing as how Weiss was already next in line. Weiss’s father thought it be best to sculpt Weiss into his perfect puppet. That way he could extend his influence seven further when the time came. While Weiss did not realize this at first. She quickly would realize once her already rigid life was becoming more rigid.
Seeing as how no one else was going to come in and save Weiss. As much as she wanted help, Weiss knew it wasn’t coming. Anyone that has gone through this can attest to it, it takes a great deal of strength to move against your parent. Especially when you know that moving in such a way could destroy the relationship you had. Still if Weiss ever wanted to be her own person. She would need to go through this path. Weiss would start to rebel against her father. It would start with small things, wearing her hair to the side, picking up new hobbies, talking normally. Being the control freak that her father is, he noticed this instantly. Demanding Weiss to cease her actions as it was unbecoming someone her status. Hearing that Weiss knew she was on the right path. The little steps were not enough now, she needed to do something big. Weiss wasn’t exactly sure what that looked like. So she would need the proper time to figure things out.
One day, just as Weiss was looking over the family branches. She stumbled onto something interesting. Something that was not in the paper work normally. The Schnee family company had recently purchased stock in a wrestling promotion. Weiss thought this was odd enough, wrestling seemed to be far from where her family usually operates. This must’ve been some tactic by her father to find a new audience using a different platform. Weiss didn’t know much about wrestling, but if talking like a normal person was “unbecoming of her status” then attending a wrestling event would have to be worse. With this in mind, Weiss made an effort to buy her ticket and secure a way to the venue.
Weiss coincidently would buy her ticket on the same day she was “asked” to attend a fundraiser with her father. Shrugging it off, Weiss went to the venue and would deal with the aftermath when she got back home. It was quickly apparent Weiss was absent from the fundraiser. Weiss’s father scrambling to locate her daughter and drag her here.
Weiss on the other hand was living her best life. Weiss didn’t know what to think about the wrestling event. The first thought that came to her mind was mundane. Taking one good look at Weiss it was everything but mundane. She was cheering from the top of her lungs for some wrestler she didn’t even know about until today. Weiss was stunned with the amount of personality and effort these wrestlers put in. Even more was the violence of the night. The cage match in particular was a highlight for Weiss. The violence was a big departure from what she is usually used to. Yet for some reason the showmanship and it all called to Weiss. Deep down she knew this is something she’d like to pursue. Extra points since her father would be mortified to learn about it.
That same week, Weiss worked tirelessly to find proper trainers. Ranging from all sorts of disciplines. Weiss figured she would find her niche somewhere during the training process. Weiss naturally hid these developments from her father. It is not as if he would listen to Weiss. Weiss’s father was far too busy reprimanding Weiss for not being at the fundraiser. The following week, Weiss would have found all of her trainers. Assigning them each to one day. Weiss was no maniac though, she would at least allow herself one day a week of rest. When it came to the training, finding that niche never came to fruition, but Weiss didn’t care. The smile on her face during the training said it all. When she was knocked down, Weiss was only encouraged to get back up. If Weiss didn’t know something instead of being reprimanded for not knowing she was taught.
Being so secretive about her training could only last so long. During one dinner with her father. Weiss’s father noticed that Weiss had looked larger. Weiss joked that it was likely due to the wonderful cooking. Weiss’s father being even more serious and now upfront. Pointing out Weiss’s new muscle mass, even something like that would not be missed from Weiss’s father, a man set out to control everything he could. What followed was a heated argument. An argument so heated that the servants refused to enter the room. Several words were thrown out to describe Weiss’s new rebellious behavior. “Low class” “Gutter trash” “Brute” “Barbarian” just to name a few. The argument would reach its apex when for the first time in Weiss’s life she asserted herself. Saying, no telling her father what she wanted to do. Weiss wanted to be a wrestler. For the first time Weiss had all the control she wanted. Weiss’s father couldn’t disown her, after all who else could he hope to have control over of the company after him. It was then and there were Weiss vowed she would becoming a champion. This vow would light a fire in Weiss, a fire that would burn everyone until she was champion. To respond in kind Weiss’s father vowed that he would make her life a living hell. A hell so bad that Weiss would want to come back to her old life.
There Weiss would start her journey to become a wrestler. Since she already had partial ownership to a promotion. Her debut was not far in the future. Weiss’s reception was mixed, there were those that liked her new career path. Others felt that daddy handed her this position, one that could’ve been given to someone more deserving. Weiss could care less what people thought of her. Weiss’s actions would speak for her. But her less than friendly attitude with most people around her. Eventually got him the name of Ice Queen, or Ice Princess depending on who you ask.
Weiss had everything she wanted and more. It was a lifestyle people would kill for. Metaphorically speaking, Weiss would kill to escape this life of hers. Everything is done and chosen for her. It as if Weiss is a bystander in her own life. What to say at this meeting. Learn this skill. Make friends with X CEO child. Wear this. Talk like this. Walk like this. Breathe like this. It was more infuriating than you could imagine. Weiss would be jealous watching other kids have fun. Even if they made mistakes their parents would just console them. Telling them everything will be okay. Weiss wasn’t allowed to make a mistake. Weiss more than anything wished to be free to make her own choices.
In reality, Weiss’s father at some point in his stress had begun to crave power. The exact reason is unknown but this craving would only grow and grow. But somewhere as he made his plans. Weiss’s father realized that he could not lead forever. Well at least the stockholders and such would not allow him to lead forever. Seeing as how Weiss was already next in line. Weiss’s father thought it be best to sculpt Weiss into his perfect puppet. That way he could extend his influence seven further when the time came. While Weiss did not realize this at first. She quickly would realize once her already rigid life was becoming more rigid.
Seeing as how no one else was going to come in and save Weiss. As much as she wanted help, Weiss knew it wasn’t coming. Anyone that has gone through this can attest to it, it takes a great deal of strength to move against your parent. Especially when you know that moving in such a way could destroy the relationship you had. Still if Weiss ever wanted to be her own person. She would need to go through this path. Weiss would start to rebel against her father. It would start with small things, wearing her hair to the side, picking up new hobbies, talking normally. Being the control freak that her father is, he noticed this instantly. Demanding Weiss to cease her actions as it was unbecoming someone her status. Hearing that Weiss knew she was on the right path. The little steps were not enough now, she needed to do something big. Weiss wasn’t exactly sure what that looked like. So she would need the proper time to figure things out.
One day, just as Weiss was looking over the family branches. She stumbled onto something interesting. Something that was not in the paper work normally. The Schnee family company had recently purchased stock in a wrestling promotion. Weiss thought this was odd enough, wrestling seemed to be far from where her family usually operates. This must’ve been some tactic by her father to find a new audience using a different platform. Weiss didn’t know much about wrestling, but if talking like a normal person was “unbecoming of her status” then attending a wrestling event would have to be worse. With this in mind, Weiss made an effort to buy her ticket and secure a way to the venue.
Weiss coincidently would buy her ticket on the same day she was “asked” to attend a fundraiser with her father. Shrugging it off, Weiss went to the venue and would deal with the aftermath when she got back home. It was quickly apparent Weiss was absent from the fundraiser. Weiss’s father scrambling to locate her daughter and drag her here.
Weiss on the other hand was living her best life. Weiss didn’t know what to think about the wrestling event. The first thought that came to her mind was mundane. Taking one good look at Weiss it was everything but mundane. She was cheering from the top of her lungs for some wrestler she didn’t even know about until today. Weiss was stunned with the amount of personality and effort these wrestlers put in. Even more was the violence of the night. The cage match in particular was a highlight for Weiss. The violence was a big departure from what she is usually used to. Yet for some reason the showmanship and it all called to Weiss. Deep down she knew this is something she’d like to pursue. Extra points since her father would be mortified to learn about it.
That same week, Weiss worked tirelessly to find proper trainers. Ranging from all sorts of disciplines. Weiss figured she would find her niche somewhere during the training process. Weiss naturally hid these developments from her father. It is not as if he would listen to Weiss. Weiss’s father was far too busy reprimanding Weiss for not being at the fundraiser. The following week, Weiss would have found all of her trainers. Assigning them each to one day. Weiss was no maniac though, she would at least allow herself one day a week of rest. When it came to the training, finding that niche never came to fruition, but Weiss didn’t care. The smile on her face during the training said it all. When she was knocked down, Weiss was only encouraged to get back up. If Weiss didn’t know something instead of being reprimanded for not knowing she was taught.
Being so secretive about her training could only last so long. During one dinner with her father. Weiss’s father noticed that Weiss had looked larger. Weiss joked that it was likely due to the wonderful cooking. Weiss’s father being even more serious and now upfront. Pointing out Weiss’s new muscle mass, even something like that would not be missed from Weiss’s father, a man set out to control everything he could. What followed was a heated argument. An argument so heated that the servants refused to enter the room. Several words were thrown out to describe Weiss’s new rebellious behavior. “Low class” “Gutter trash” “Brute” “Barbarian” just to name a few. The argument would reach its apex when for the first time in Weiss’s life she asserted herself. Saying, no telling her father what she wanted to do. Weiss wanted to be a wrestler. For the first time Weiss had all the control she wanted. Weiss’s father couldn’t disown her, after all who else could he hope to have control over of the company after him. It was then and there were Weiss vowed she would becoming a champion. This vow would light a fire in Weiss, a fire that would burn everyone until she was champion. To respond in kind Weiss’s father vowed that he would make her life a living hell. A hell so bad that Weiss would want to come back to her old life.
There Weiss would start her journey to become a wrestler. Since she already had partial ownership to a promotion. Her debut was not far in the future. Weiss’s reception was mixed, there were those that liked her new career path. Others felt that daddy handed her this position, one that could’ve been given to someone more deserving. Weiss could care less what people thought of her. Weiss’s actions would speak for her. But her less than friendly attitude with most people around her. Eventually got him the name of Ice Queen, or Ice Princess depending on who you ask.
A gallery all for me? How fitting.God don’t feed her ego
I do not have an ego
Yeah Weiss You kinda do
You can be quite difficult at times
Focus on the gallery already
A personal highlight in my career

Talking to Ruby or Yang after a rough match

You hold your head to high in my presence

Ugh it’s freezing outside

Weiss’s definition of casual


Black Ice


Main Gear

A more rough look



Karate Gi from my training

An adaptable attire for an adaptable fighter

Yes I am also a Nike sponsored athlete

The stadium is quite different from what I am used to…

Yes it is even possible for me to have alliesOh my god did Weiss admit we are friends?
Not on your life'
She definitely did
Friends: Open
Allies: Open
Crushes: Open
Rivals: Open
Enemies: Open
Lovers : Open
Fun Facts
I can be plenty of fun you knowHard to see that honestly
I disagree Weiss has many points of interest
See thank you
You can be honest here
• Weiss can play the piano
• Weiss can sing
• Despite her looks, Weiss has quite the sweet tooth
• Is a big reader, one of her favorites is Harry Potter