A hare-raising experience! Gambit vs Astrid!

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Re: A hare-raising experience! Gambit vs Astrid!

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"Awww, what's the matter?" *Gambit impishly snickered, knowing that her malicious blows had found their target upon hearing her aggressor begin to wheeze from their impact.* "I thought you weren't all boobies and bravado?" *The Raging Cajun was never bashful in regards to verbally berating someone whenever the opportunity presented itself, but this time around, she felt as though it was absolutely justified- Astrid had ensnared her in a constrictive submission hold, and through her own tenacity and personal resolve, she had managed to fight her way free. Now, if only she could capitalize on the opening she had created, then perhaps she could turn the tide of this skirmish in her favor!*

"J..just hold still, this won't hurt at all..for me, anyway~" *Noticing that the vice grip around her body had dwindled drastically, Gambit slithered her opposite arm vertically alongside Astrid's mandible and facial cheek, attempting to dig her immaculate nails into her chubby face for leverage. Once they were dug in deep, Gambit sluggishly stood to her unsteady feet while keeping Astrid firmly locked inside of her oddly positioned, all before suddenly plummeting back into the canvas for a wicked stone cold stunner, devised exclusively to send Astrid crashing into the floor with enough raw force to snap her in half! If her move managed to connected without any form of interference, Gambit would need to linger against the ring mat herself in order to try and recuperate, this impromptu assault having significantly drained her of any expendable energy!*

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Re: A hare-raising experience! Gambit vs Astrid!

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Astrid might have taken a solid blow to the stomach, but a second later, she seemed to shrug it off. Gritting her teeth, the Norwegian turned her attention up to lock eyes with Gambit, staring her down. Whether or not it may have hurt, Astrid was far more content to deny her foe the satisfaction of having an edge on her, and she would remain defiant; there was no way she'd show any signs she was out of the game. "Just you wait..." she said.

She did, however, wince a bit as Gambit gripped her around the face, tensing with clenched teeth as the nails squeezed at her skin. She started to rise to her feet, guided along by Gambit's motion, before the gambler would at last kick out her footing from under her and send the two of them dropping back to the mat, with the blonde landing head-first. Her body buckled upward from the impact as she came down hard, but Gambit didn't escape unscathed herself. Astrid could see that she was winded from her landing, and she started to turn over onto her side, panting for breath just as Gambit was as the two shared a moment of eye contact - Astrid on the ground, but still with fire and determination in her eyes. She wasn't going down easily.
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Re: A hare-raising experience! Gambit vs Astrid!

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*With a perplexed grunt of unfettered irritation, Gambit felt her body tremble in anguish from the impromptu landing- Nothing leading up to this point had been thoroughly planned out, and even though her impulsive decision would beget fruitful results, The Riverbaot Rabbit soon found herself to be incredibly weary from the unprecedented amount of physical prostration she felt beginning to overwhelm her. However, she was more than satisfied with the amount of misery she had inflicted upon her intended target, which assisted in spurring her on to try and regain her lost footing she was forced to sacrifice to send Astrid plummeting into the canvas!*

"I..I hope you realize now..t..the level of separation between us!" *Gambit relentlessly chided her adversary, tentatively beginning to scale the ropes to try and recuperate from the debilitating attack she had executed. Finally reaching a point in her struggling that enabled her to maintain some semblance of balance, she swiveled on the platforms of her boots to try and get a bead on her persistent foe.* "B..but if you still have any doubts, allow me to extinguish them for you!" *Without another moment of hesitation, Gambit began charging towards her wounded adversary, albeit more of a hastened trot than anything else, dead set on trying to pull off a body splash against her immobile target!*
Body Splash

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Re: A hare-raising experience! Gambit vs Astrid!

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The landing had been a hard one, there was no doubt about that. Gambit might not have been as physically imposing as Astrid, but she knew where and how to land her hits, and she had an edge in terms of agility. And gravity was going to be a tough opponent to overcome regardless of any of that. Astrid was still coming to her senses, wincing as the pain of the blow returned to her. But Gambit wasn't going to give her the time to recuperate, and she was already setting up for her next move. From on the mat, Astrid could watch as the gambler drew in closer, with intent to capitalize on their positions.

Astrid could tell from the hesitation in her step that Gambit was winded from the landing. She had been hobbled from her full speed - and that provided the Norwegian with time to act. Even if she might have still been sore, she had an out. As Gambit approached her, Astrid waited until the right moment, when she was just about to throw her weight down atop her. Then, she would roll herself out of the way, getting onto her side so that Gambit would only take a facefull of mat!
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Re: A hare-raising experience! Gambit vs Astrid!

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*As Gambit's taut body grew closer and closer to impacting with its intended destination, she couldn't help but chortle aloud at how the pendulum had begun to swing in her favor. Just moments ago, the bombshell bimbo beneath her had latched her massive arms across her body for a suffocating chokehold, and now the Bayou Bunny was delivering a fresh batch of comeuppance for even daring to think she was superior than her! Just as her plan was starting to come together though, Astrid decided to remain a defiant ingrate and dodge at the last, possible picosecond, and the inevitable collision from such a massive impact was tantamount to that of a shotgun blast!*

"THWUMP!" *Her midsection, along with her gorgeous face, smacked dead center against the cold, unforgiving ring that eagerly awaited her company. After a moment of dry heaving to try and capture a reliable breath of air, Gambit finally started her plaintive groaning, simultaneously looking for some smidgen of hope in the dire circumstance she currently found herself in.* "Uggghh...fuck...might have...broken something..." *She started doing some risk analysis of her grim situation, and regardless of the sharp, lingering discomfort she felt, she knew she'd have to persevere- The significant amount of pride at stake was too much for her to merely walk away from.*

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Re: A hare-raising experience! Gambit vs Astrid!

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With Gambit landing on the mat, Astrid picked herself back up on her knees, rising up just beside her. She huffed, the soreness from her own landing starting to fade - but Gambit, of course, was a different story. Astrid could see that she had taken a rough landing herself, and now it was the gambler's turn to have her momentum halted in mid-stride. A perfect opportunity, then, for Astrid to take advantage of.

The strength was returning to Astrid by the second as she pulled herself forward, emboldened by seeing her chance ahead of her. "Looks like I'm tougher than you thought, yeah?" she taunted, before she climbed atop her back, her knees pressing down against her opponent's spine as she held down her weight atop her impromptu perch. Once Astrid was sure she was stable, she would reach back to take hold of one of Gambit's legs, moving to haul it back over her shoulder with a single-legged Boston Crab!
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Re: A hare-raising experience! Gambit vs Astrid!

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*It took almost every fiber of her being to refrain from screaming aloud due to the sheer volume of anguish she was currently in, but Gambit persevered despite the crippling pain. However, it wouldn't take long before the bombshell looming over her decided to seize the opportunity presented before her by snagging a solitary leg and wrenching backwards as hard as her voluptuous frame could! The bouncing bunny felt the intensity of her ire, her vulnerable limb being wrenched far beyond its limits while she tightened her fists to try and assuage the discomfort!*

"Ggnhh! T..tougher?! Y..you're letting..grrhh..o..one little slip up really go to your head, huh?!"
*With a brazen quantity of outright vitriol spewing in Astrid's direction, Gambit was well aware of what the consequences were if she lingered for too long in her current situation. Gnashing her teeth as the mind-numbing pain continued to crawl throughout the crevasses of her aching leg, Gambit began her arduous crawl towards the ropes, huffing in misery as she attempted to reach for the lowest hanging rope.*

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Re: A hare-raising experience! Gambit vs Astrid!

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Now that Astrid had Gambit under control, she wasn't about to let her off so easily. She knew that Gambit was a tricky one, but she was sure a good torque to the back and legs would be all she needed to keep her down. Gritting her teeth, the Norsewoman held on tight to Gambit's ankle as she kept on pulling at it, in an attempt to contort her opponent's body as much as she could.

All the while, Gambit would continue to taunt her. Astrid had to admit, if she could stay coherent even through all of this, she couldn't help but hold some respect for her resilience. Even so, she couldn't let this moment get to her head, and Astrid had to keep up her efforts. "Perhaps that one little slip up you're talking about is all I need," she boasted. From out of the corner of her eye, Astrid glanced down at Gambit, trying to keep a solid hold of her position; the last thing she wanted was to slip this up. But she couldn't keep Gambit back forever, and eventually the Cajun had managed to crawl close enough to the ropes to go for a break. Letting out a huff, Astrid rolled off her back as she released her leg, getting over to the side on her knees and slowly straightening herself to her feet.
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Re: A hare-raising experience! Gambit vs Astrid!

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*While she knew her lower limb was incredibly unsteady due to the engrossing misery caused by Astrid, she was relieved once the brutal scandinavian relinquished her from the merciless hold. The instant her aggressor gave her just an inch of relief however, Gambit hopped to her feet and steadied herself for a surprise assault on Astrid's backside to score some quick, lasting damage on her exposed body!*

"Hey! Never take your eyes off your opponent!"
*Charging her weaponized body against the blonde's, Gambit was obstinate on causing as much harm as she possibly could. The Bayou Bunny was fully aware of the fact that this opportunity might not cross her path again, and if she squandered this chance here and now, then she'd never forgive herself for being so dense. She reached forward and snagged a piece of Astrid's attire, clutching a handful of fabric before tugging her against the center of her breasts.* "I've wanted to do this since we initially met, you know!" *She hollered impishly, hoisting the humungous blonde skyward before slamming her backwards for a massive german suplex!*
*With her shoulders firmly pinned against the ring canvas, Gambit straightened her posture out while clawing at Astrid's healthy breasts, retaining the positioning as the presiding moderator initiated the three count.* "ONE..." *He began, the audience gasping in tandem at what they had just witnessed- It wasn't a common spectacle to see someone go from trapped in a submission to unquestionable dominance, but suffice it to say, they were fully engaged with the skirmish!* "Holy shit! Holy shit!" *They chanted, remaining entirely impartial towards the two amazons clashing between the ropes!*

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Re: A hare-raising experience! Gambit vs Astrid!

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Astrid was still getting herself back up, and she figured that after the damage she had done to her back, Gambit would be out of the action long enough for her to recover without fear of a prompt retribution. She started to dust herself off and brush some hair out of her face -but soon, she would find that her assessment fell short of the truth! Astrid was struck by Gambit's resilience and energy just as much as she was struck by her body as the gambler charged straight into her, slamming against her back with enough force to draw a cough from Astrid's throat. While Astrid was winded, Gambit was able to grab her by the front of her leotard, and with a handhold thus obtained, she threw Astrid back over her shoulders, where she would land head-first!

"H-Hey, careful with-!" Astrid cried in protest, but Gambit had little intention of being careful with her. That much was apparent as Gambit grasped down on Astrid's breast, causing her to cry out in pain even louder. And above all else...the count was going!

The count of one sounded, and Astrid found that she couldn't get herself out easily; between the haze her head was currently in and the pain assailing her bosom, it was hard for her to find one thing to focus on. So too would Gambit be able to score a "TWO...". Now sweat was beading on Astrid's brow, as she looked over to see the ref's hand raise, preparing to slap the mat a third time. She would be cutting it close...

"TH-NO!" Just before the third count, Astrid bucked her way out of the pin, drawing on all her strength as she let out a battle cry while shaking Gambit loose from her back!
Last edited by CaptainL on Fri Apr 19, 2019 6:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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