Yuki Kazikura vs. Sunny K [D]

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Yuki Kazikura vs. Sunny K [D]

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Match Type: Standard Match
Rules: Victory by submission, pinfall, or knockout
Yuki wiped off her brow, standing in the locker room. She had another match scheduled for tonight, and this time she would once again be ushering in the debut of another newcomer to LAW's lightweight division. She supposed it made sense enough. Even if Yuki might have had experience under her belt from her time in smaller leagues, she was still making a name for herself in LAW, and she still had a way to go to reach the recognition some of the established competitors here did. She could only reason she'd run into many rookies all the same. But whatever was the case, she was prepared to meet the challenge as best she could, giving it her all. She knew that just because her opponent was new didn't mean she could hold back.

"Coming first to the ring, from Yokohama, at 5'4 and weighing 118 lbs., YUKI KAZIKURA!"
Entrance Music
The crowd let out a cheer as Yuki arrived on the entrance ramp, but she didn't give much heed to it. The girl seemed lost in her own thoughts, her mind focused solely on the match ahead of her as she strode down towards the ring with a careful step and her hands at her sides. When she arrived at the ring apron, Yuki hopped up to the ropes and rolled in through them, swinging out her arms as she stepped forward to get into place. Once in the ring, she was quick to fall into a stance, holding her fists up in front of her and throwing out a few jabs and a kick to warm herself up, which only drew more excitement from the fans. Then, she straightened herself to her feet, brushing back her hair as she let out a breath to look back at the ramp and prepare herself for her opponent.
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Re: Yuki Kazikura vs. Sunny K [D]

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Sunny's belly was abuzz of emotion while standing backstage, but she couldn't help but wear an ear-to-ear smile while pacing back and forth.

"Holy crap, I'm about to do this for real!" she would pinch herself in excitement to remind her that she was about to step into a wrestling ring for the very first time. She was still getting used to living in a different country on the opposite side of the world from home, but all that was a blur in the back of her mind right now.

The music cut to "Around the World" and Sunny knew that was her cue to begin her walk. As she made her way out of the tunnel and onto the stage, she could see a vivid crowd giving her some light cheers. Memorized by the thousands of faces, she would look all around starry-eyed, trying to soak every last one of them in.

They don't recognize me yet, but I'll make sure they will by the end of the night! she thought to herself confidently.

"and her opponent, from Los Angeles, California, standing 5'-5" and 118 pounds, Sunny K!"

She climbed through the ropes and into the ring, only to face the crowd from the corner and spread her arms out wide, waving to them all. She turned around and saw her opponent, a Japanese girl of the same general size and stature looking across towards her.

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Re: Yuki Kazikura vs. Sunny K [D]

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As her opponent made her way down to the ring, Yuki looked up to get a better assessment of who she would be dealing with. She could tell, from the stunned look on her face as she stepped onto the entrance ramp for the first time, that this was new to her; Yuki was dealing with a rookie even by her own standards. She remembered, years back, when she had been in a similar position, though she was quick to take to the rigors of life as a wrestler, seeing it as just another challenge to overcome. Nevertheless, Sunny seemed ready, greeting the crowd with a wave.

As she stepped into the ring, Yuki stepped closer to her, sizing her up. She was definitely of a comparable build, and it looked as though she would be dealing with someone not too different than herself, noting that such a situation would really test her skills to see who could come out on top. It would all come down to how Sunny could handle this match, and with her making her debut in the ring, Yuki didn't know what she could expect from her. But that was something she would have to find out.

Stepping forward, Yuki approached Sunny and held a hand out towards her. She wanted to start this off right, to let Sunny know that the two of them could meet one another as fellow athletes, and that only the best woman would win.
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Re: Yuki Kazikura vs. Sunny K [D]

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Staring across the ring, many thoughts rushed through Sunny's mind, though she hid them well behind a naive smile.

I wonder if this is her first match too? She looks quick, I can catch her though! I wonder if she is mean?

Her thoughts broke off as she saw Yuki walk forward with a welcoming gesture. Sunny held out her own hand for a friendly handshake.

"We are gonna have some fun, I can tell!" she beamed.

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Re: Yuki Kazikura vs. Sunny K [D]

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As she reached out to take Sunny's hand, Yuki exchanged a brief smile for just a moment before her expression turned serious, as she nodded to the girl. She didn't want them to meet on unfriendly terms, especially if Sunny was new here, but at the same time, she was still in this to win. Yuki was serious, and she wasn't about to go easy on anyone just for lack of experience. She still had to see just what Sunny was capable of.

"I hope we can have a good match," she said. "Do your best."

With that, the bell rang to signal the match's opening. Taking in a deep breath, Yuki stepped back and brushed back her hair out of her forehead before she raised her hands to get into a stance. She kept her eyes on Sunny, watching her to try and figure out what she might do.
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Re: Yuki Kazikura vs. Sunny K [D]

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Sunny nodded back in response, and squared up in a wrestling stance. She noticed that her opponent was keenly watching her, but hadn't begun advancing towards her.

What should I do now? she questioned to herself as she stared back at Yuki patiently observing her.

Then without any calculation, she wildly charged towards the Japanese girl, intending to go for a double-leg takedown if she managed to reach her.

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Re: Yuki Kazikura vs. Sunny K [D]

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Yuki was willing to bide her time. She didn't know what Sunny would do if she came charging in, and she didn't want to end up putting herself in a more dangerous position. It would be better to wait for Sunny to come to her instead - that way, Yuki would have more time to prepare her advance, and she would be ready for her when it came. She'd also be able to study how Sunny approached her, in the hopes that she might be able to pick up something from the way she moved that might help her better evaluate what she had to be prepared for. Yuki kept her eyes fixed on her foe, her chest rising and falling with measured breaths as she prepared for her next move.

Sure enough, Sunny was quick to come charging in towards Yuki, barreling ahead. In a flash, Yuki could see her almost upon her, and she knew she would have to act! As Sunny drew closer, Yuki could see as she lowered herself closer to the ground, preparing to tackle her. But Yuki was ready for that - and before Sunny would come too close, Yuki threw her leg out to try and catch her in the side with a shin kick!
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Re: Yuki Kazikura vs. Sunny K [D]

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"Ouch!" Sunny would react as she caught a crisp kick to the shin, buckling her to her knees instantly. A sharp pain shot through her lower leg up to her knee.

She tried to quickly get right back up, but felt her leg give out from under her, sending her tumbling backwards into the ropes.

"C'mon, wake up!" she'd aimlessly command her sore shin, reaching towards her limp limb as she now laying prone in the ropes.

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Re: Yuki Kazikura vs. Sunny K [D]

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With her leg smacking into Sunny's, Yuki could feel the impact landing with a solid thud, though she was quick to draw her leg back enough to get back into her stance. She stood watching on her guard as Sunny went stumbling back to the ropes, unblinkingly waiting to see what she might do. But as Yuki caught her breath, she noticed that Sunny wasn't getting back up; it seemed that the blow had proven more effective than Yuki had imagined. The thought of smirking came to her briefly, but Yuki reminded herself she couldn't get cocky. Anything could still happen this early into a match.

But the opportunity was there, and she was set to take it. Yuki started to come bounding in towards Sunny, looking to close the distance with her. If she could get close enough to her in time, Yuki had her plans set on grappling her and pulling her in closer, before going to toss her over her shoulders with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex.
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Re: Yuki Kazikura vs. Sunny K [D]

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Sunny slowly made her way back up to her feet but was quickly grabbed by the shifty Japanese girl and lifted off of her feet.

"Hey, put me down!" she cried.

She would get her wish, as Yuki suplexed her overhead and sent crashing into the canvas. As she struggled to try to crawl back to her feet, she could feel her body already getting sore.

"Is that all ya got?" she'd defiantly groan

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