Maria and Cassandra’s playful spar

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Suzanna Mey
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Re: Maria and Cassandra’s playful spar

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Cassandra would lay her legs out ontop of Maria, now her massive form completely weighing down on the older luchadora. “Mmmmm~” She purred, pushing the kiss almost aggressively. Her free hand went exploring, all over the head and face of Maria, occassionally pinching her “opponent”’s nose to cut off airflow, which was a complete smother if you add on the dominating smooch. She’d get more and more passionate and aggressive as time went on, increasing the duration of the kiss smothers.

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Re: Maria and Cassandra’s playful spar

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Maria was so consumed by the rising passion of the makeout, that the sudden cut off of airflow didn't register until a moment or so after it had already happened! The luchadora struggled, unable to throw Cassie off, until an idea came to mind. While the kiss continued, her hands wandered over the feline cosplayer's back, giving her rear a squeeze before giving that tail a playful tug.

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Re: Maria and Cassandra’s playful spar

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Cassandra’s kisses went from playful and seductive to a life sucking succubus, intending to punish the luchadora for letting the kiss happen. She’d get more and more aggressive as time went, until she felt a hand squeeze on her massive booty, causing the catgirl to flinch and end the kiss, her entire face turning hot pink. “M-m-my b-b-butt is s-sensitive!” She cried, before the tail was grabbed. As soon as the tail was grabbed, the catgirl leapt off of Maria, and began trying to crawl away slowly, as to not pull on her own tail but also hopefully cause some space.

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Re: Maria and Cassandra’s playful spar

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Maria gasped, finally free from the smother, and rolling away to the ropes. As pleasant as the experience was, the luchadora was not up to being knocked out just yet. Time to turn the tables on the feisty feline. Stumbling to her feet, she lurched forward, throwing some soft jabs into Cassie's belly, though not really causing any damage as she pushed her into the turnbuckle.

"Oh really? Might have to exploit that then." she smirked, clutching a cheek in her hand.

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Re: Maria and Cassandra’s playful spar

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Flailing around helplessly from the tail grab, her face full of blush, she took the soft jabs the same way Maria took her soft slaps, by selling them like she was being shot, letting out sputtering “OOOOOF, OWWWW” And keeling over, holding her gut.
Back against the turnbuckle, the girl suddenly stiffed up, freezing and blushing. The older luchadora had her by the ass, and it was caught her off guard. “Eeeeeeeeeeee~” She let out, wiggling helplessly.

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Re: Maria and Cassandra’s playful spar

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Maria gave that tender behind a few more squeezes, happy to see Cassie selling as much as the Luchadora did. Grabbing those soft paws, she slung the cat's arms over the top ropes, leaving her hung up as she ran to the opposite corner. With a disarming wink, she took off, leaping up to plant her crotch right into Cassie's face with a top rope bronco buster!

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Re: Maria and Cassandra’s playful spar

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Cassandra was helpless, blushing intensley, and slightly enjoying the booty grabbing by the older luchadore, while as literally humiliated by it. “I-I’ll punish you for this!” She would try to threaten, but her whole body was wiggling like a horny animal as she was touched all over by Marie.
Now hung up like a christmas tree ornament, the catgirl would try to shield her face from Maria, to hide her embarressment, when suddenly BAM. A crotchful of luchadora hit her face, and began to grind itself in. The catgirl was about to give a clever threat at Maria, and now her mouth was stuck open, sliding her tongue all over the luchadora’s crotch helplessly.

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Re: Maria and Cassandra’s playful spar

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Maria took a moment to heave a sigh of relief. Well at least her past leg injury didn't stop her from jumping around. She was managing just fine. Grabbing the back of Cassie's head, she smothered the poor catgirl with a face full of black vinyl tights covered crotch. The acrobat licked her lips, shivering when she felt that tongue slowly lick at the tight, shiny material. She pulled up her arm, raining some soft whack onto Cassie's skull all the while, "Looks like you underestimated me senorita......"

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Re: Maria and Cassandra’s playful spar

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Cassandra was trapped. It was a humiliating display for her if anyone in the gym was watching, as the much woman who was almost twice her age and a lot smaller than her completely dominated her in the corner, preventing breathing and essentially forcing her into licking her covered pussy. The catgirl, this time, didn’t sell the soft whacks, as she was too busy flailing about, her movements slowly becoming sluggish as the luchadora kept up the embarressing offense. In a last ditch effort, the catgirl tried to lean forward and cause an impromptu super powerbomb, but if possible, tried to carry Maria the whole way down. This seemed to be her only reasonable way of escaping but she was having too much fun to legit hurt the woman.

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Re: Maria and Cassandra’s playful spar

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Maria kept up her offense, too busy enjoying their fun little play wrestling match to notice Cassie standing up straighter, with her hands grabbing at the clothed ass of the luchadora. The small gasp was all she was allowed, before she was nailed with probably the safest powerbomb she had ever taken. True the impact stung a bit, but nothing like a genuine one she had taken many a time before. As usual, she sold it like it was the most devestating move in the world. Her spine arched, body flopping away to roll halfway across the ring, leaving both women panting heavily. It took a moment, but Maria managed to drag herself up to her feet, legs shaking and fists raised.

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