It was the perfect time for disaster to strike, and no person imbodied disaster like the woman who had planned a rather Special opening event. One the organizers were not privy to.
“HehehehehehHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA! This is perfect! While all of those pathetic fools work about on their petty little machines, they will be too busy to stop me from declaring war on all who would dare stand in the way of the Demon Kings Army! The righteous will be ruined, and the spark of fear we will ignite will grow into a furious hell storm of insanity and desperation! Tonight is the first move of the Demon lords top General, Stacy Hazard! AND NO ONE, NO ONE WILL STOP ME! FUUUU HEE HEE HEE!”
Stacy hazard

The calm voice contrasted greatly with Stacy’s maniacal monologuing, sounding like a mother getting ready to tell her child to calm down. Stacy looked over at the owner of such a voice, a young woman she had met a few days prior at the local gym named Kaede. While the two may not have looked it, they seemed to have become fast friends, with Stacy dragging Kaede along one of her nutty excursions in record time and involving her in her schemes that, to Kaede, seemed made up on the spot.
Kaede Sorami

“I don’t like this. We shouldn’t just screw around with everyone’s schedule when there are other things they might need to get finished. If we distract them too much, then they will have to delay the matches for who knows ow long, then we could get into some serious trouble!”
“Ehhhh?” Kaede’s concerns seemed to get Stacy to stop posing around, but only for a second. The once cold and demonic voice dropped to a comically high voice, one that implied she was teasing Kaede, “It’s fine, its fine~ I know a guy who knows a guy who knows a coupled of other guys who know that lead technicians’ brothers’ best friend, so if I talk to them, they should understand.”
Stacy ducked down into another villainous pose, obscuring her face with her hand but letting her villainous eyes peer through the cracks.
“Okay, but why do I have to come along with you?”
“Bu Bu BUuuuuu~ Surely your joking, Kaede. You must be my subordinate! Who has ever heard of a grand villain making their debut without a lacky by there side to push around? No let’s go, before they notice us hanging around!”
And with that, the demon general raced out of the curtain, cackling all the way, and leaving Kaede to sigh to herself alone.
“But I’m not even a heel…”
The crowd would only just be filing into their seat, getting settled before the fights and excitement would truly begin when they saw the woman in a strange outfit sprint down the ramp with a gleeful smile on her face. Within seconds, she was in the center of the ring, somehow producing a microphone out of thin air like she was a weird type of magician.
“Greeting, future Slaves! I am General Hazard, your new dictator! I have come to offer you all to my beloved master, the Demon King! He thirsts for your souls, and I am going to be the one to deliver his bounty to his doorstep! But before I do that, I wish to introduce my newest subordinate. Demon lacky number 1! Come out!”
Very few audience members were taking Stacy even remotely seriously, and when Kaede walked out of the entryway with her arms crossed and wearing a strange looking mask, the number of audience members not finding the whole thing to be a funny joke dwindled.
“Oh lord…”
“Fu Fu Hee~ Lets this be an open challenge to any foolish enough to stand in my way! Come out! Your death will be quick and painless!”
After Stacy’s strange declaration of war, Stacy smashed the microphone against the floor and assumed her classic pose, one hand behind her back, the other grasping her cap as she smiled in a cruel and sadistic manner. Would anyone dare answer the challenge? Not likely. No one tag team would be ready to face the Demon King’s two subordinates, and no one would be foolish enough to accept a 2 on 1 fight. Already, Stacy’s cruel tricks had earned her master a victory in the eyes of the public!
Or so she thought….