Mara Ashford vs. Amy Henderson - Whatever It Takes

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Mara Ashford vs. Amy Henderson - Whatever It Takes

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Standard Match
Victory Conditions: Gained by either pin, KO, or submission from the opponent.
Normal rules apply.

Mara Ashford was preparing herself for her first singles match in LAW. She had been wrestling here a few times, but those were tag-team matches alongside her younger sister, Toni. This time, she would show her worth to everyone by giving her all in the ring. Already clad in her leotard-print wrestling outfit, she gave herself one last check-up before making her way out of the locker room, where she was guided to the gorilla position to wait for her cue to make her entrance.

Soon, her music was played, and Mara made her way out to the ramp. Unlike her mother and sister, she was mostly cheered by the crowd, although it was quite a lukewarm reception. Not that she minded that as she waved her hand and walked down the ramp, heading over to the ring. Blowing a few kisses her and there while posing, she would then make her way into the ring.
Mara Ashford
Soon, her music faded, and Mara went to lean against the turnbuckle as she would wait for her opponent to arrive. Whoever she was, she was determined to defeat her and show everyone that she could stand on her own without being overshadowed by her own mother's legacy.

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Re: Mara Ashford vs. Amy Henderson (D) - Whatever It Takes

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At long last, it was time for her LAW debut! Amy was a little nervous, but way more excited. She had been dreaming of debuting on the big stage of some huge promotion, and now finally she had gotten her wish. She looked herself over one to check that everything was on and ready to go: Her blue sports bra, check, her matching blue briefs, check, her blue elbow pads, check, and her blue boots, check. Good, everything was in order. She made her way to the backstage entrance and waited to be called out.

Her theme music played and she jumped out onto the ramp, throwing both arms into the air as she looked out to the crowd. Like her opponent before her, she got lukewarm response from the crowd. Her reason, though, was more because no one had really seen her before, and so didn't really know what to expect. Just from her build alone, she looked pretty strong, but looks can be deceiving, so many of them just didn't really know how to react.

She made her way to the ring, climbing up to the apron and stepping through the ropes. As she made it to her corner, she took a look at her opponent. She seemed to be a littler bit shorter than Amy, but still looked to be a decent wrestler. Amy hoped this would be an exciting match.
Amy Henderson
Last edited by FinyBoy on Fri Apr 05, 2019 3:16 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Mara Ashford vs. Amy Henderson - Whatever It Takes

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Mara watched as Amy made her way into the ring, noting that she was quite pretty. She continued watching the beautiful blonde girl as she entered the ring. Mara decided to stay at the corner for the time being, preparing herself for the match before the two of them were called by the referee to the center of the ring before the match could start.

Mara would step away from the corner, all prepared to face her opponent. Keeping her genial smile, she then spoke to Amy, "Hope you can give me your all." Soon, the referee would call for the bell. As the bell was sounded, Mara would take a wrestling stance, arms brought up in front of her in preparation for a grapple with the blonde girl before her, looking to start off the match in earnest.

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Re: Mara Ashford vs. Amy Henderson - Whatever It Takes

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Amy made her way to the center of the ring as well when the referee called for it. Amy gave her opponent a small bow as she smiled back and said "Of course! I hope you will give me your all as well!" She was happy that her opponent seemed like a decent enough person. So many previous opponents had been rotten to the core, which made it difficult to enjoy the match sometimes. It looked like this match would be good, though.


The bell rang and Amy got in a fighting stance, lifting her arms up in a similar fashion to Mara and meeting her in a grapple to start things off. As they locked up, Amy began to push against Mara, looking to back her into the corner that Mara started in. Her opponent seemed strong, but Amy was determined to get the better of her early on.

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Re: Mara Ashford vs. Amy Henderson - Whatever It Takes

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With the bell being sounded, the match had officially begun, and Mara rushed towards her opponent to lock up with her. Pushing against Amy, Mara grunted as she felt her boots skidding back as she was being slowly pushed back by the blonde. Renewing her effort, Mara would also push back, stopping herself from being overpowered by her opponent, displaying her strength to the blonde and to the crowd.

At the moment, the two of them seemed to have entered a stalemate, but Mara was having none of that if she could help it. While they were maintaining the stalemate, she would try to spice things up by shifting her grip on Amy's hands, looking to grab onto her right hand before attempting to give it a twist, looking to lock her into a wrist lock. She was planning to transition it into a hammerlock in order to apply more pressure on the blonde girl even further.

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Re: Mara Ashford vs. Amy Henderson - Whatever It Takes

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Amy began to get the better of Mara as she started to push her towards the corner. Mara wasn't letting that happen, though, as she pushed back even more to bring them to a stalemate. With neither of them really gaining any ground, Amy though about doing something to start gaining the upper hand. Unfortunately, Mara also had the same idea, and she had thought of it sooner.

As Mara shifted her weight, Amy lost her balance a tiny bit, which allowed her opponent to grab onto her hand and begin twisting it. "AUG!" she cried as the sharp pain was shooting up her arm. But things didn't stop there. Soon Mara would change the wristlock into a hammerlock, applying even more pressure to her arm! "ARG!"

It hurt quite a bit, but Amy wasn't going to let things stay that way. She began twisting her body around, ducking as needed, until she was able to untwist her arm from the hold. Now, with both of them facing each other and holding wrists in what looked like a weird handshake, Amy would send a boot directly towards Mara's midsection. She could tell that she wasn't going to win the technical war with Mara, which meant she needed to go for a different strategy to compete.

Assuming the boot hit, and that Mara was doubled over, she would pull her opponent towards her and grab her by the waist. She would look to pull Mara up and slam her down quickly with a powerbomb!

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Re: Mara Ashford vs. Amy Henderson - Whatever It Takes

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Trapping Amy in the hammerlock, Mara would make sure to apply pressure in the hold, looking to weaken the blonde in order to gain an upper hand over her. But then, Amy slowly managed to slip herself out of the hold by twisting her body around, and once her arm was untwisted, she sent a boot right at Mara's midsection, causing her to gasp out in pain, doubling over before her opponent. "Guhh!!!"

This allowed Amy to pull her head down and clamping it between her thighs. Grunting, Mara knew what her opponent was trying to do here, and she would try to stop it from happening as she would grab onto the thighs of the blonde, hoping to stop her from lifting her up. But the kick to her stomach earlier prevented her from countering the move, and as a result, she was lifted up before thrown down back first into the mat with a powerbomb!

"AUGHH!!!" Mara cried out in pain, her eyes closed tightly as her brow scrunched up into a scowl. She could feel pain spreading all over her back after taking the powerbomb. Hoping to keep herself well-defended against whatever Amy would throw at her next, Mara would try to roll over to her side so that she could try pushing herself back up while recovering from the powerbomb earlier.

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Re: Mara Ashford vs. Amy Henderson - Whatever It Takes

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Amy managed to get the powerbomb off despite some resistance from her opponent. Mara was a bit heavier than she originally anticipated, but nonetheless, she was able to get her up and down efficiently enough. She was going to try and go for a quick cover, but Mara managed to roll herself onto her side before Amy could reach her. Silently cursing her opponent's resilience, she quickly turned around and ran towards the ropes.

She had to keep up the offense, no breathers allowed! As Mara started to get back up, Amy would bounce off of the ropes. She would run towards Mara and attempt to hit her with a drop kick! Should it hit it's mark somewhere on her body, then Amy would quickly go for a cover and try to get a quick win.

If it missed, well, let's just say it won't be a nice landing for her as she hits the canvas.

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Re: Mara Ashford vs. Amy Henderson - Whatever It Takes

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Rolling herself to her side after being brought down onto the mat with a powerbomb, Mara would then try to push herself back up, grunting slightly due to the pain from the powerbomb that she took earlier. At the same time, Amy had made her move, running towards the ropes and rebounding from them before returning back to Mara, who was on the midst of getting up, before she went to deliver a dropkick at her.

"Guahh!!!" Mara cried out in pain as she took the dropkick, and the impact caused her to lose her balance before she fell onto her back. This time, she was unable to roll herself to her side as she nursed the part of her body that took the dropkick earlier. Things didn't seem too good for Mara at the moment, and Amy would be able to take advantage of this.

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Re: Mara Ashford vs. Amy Henderson - Whatever It Takes

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Amy's dropkick landed squarely on the mark! It sent her opponent back down on the canvas and in a prime position for Amy to pick up a quick victory. As quickly as she could, Amy would go for the cover on Mara, grabbing her leg and hooking it up tightly so that her short-haired foe would have a more difficult time getting out of it.

"Count it, ref!" she called out as she pinned Mara down to the mat. The referee quickly obliged as she jumped down and began the count:



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