"The beast master" Sven Karlson

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"The beast master" Sven Karlson

Unread post by xalex »

Name: Sven Karlson
Ring Name: The beast master
Sex: Male
Age: 28
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Green
Height: 6’5”
Weight: 250lbs
Nationality: Swedish
Alignment: Face outside the ring, inside the ring none
Entrance music:

Wrestling Information
fighting style:
Sven was trained in mma as well as in Olympic and pro wrestling. He might look like a big stupid brute but he knows what he is doing when he steps into the ring and he is able to take everyone apart piece by piece. None the less he uses his strength as good as he can. He can land devastating punches and kicks, throw you around like a ragdoll before suddenly he changes his approach to outwrestle you with chain wrestling or floor wrestling. He is able to do a few top rope moves but he normally never does them.
When the match starts he always loves to try his opponent out and find out both limits.

Match Types:
Hentai, normal, mma, submission, humiliation, ko and cage.

Preferred Matches:
Endurance: 4,5/5
Strength: 5/5
Speed: 3/5
Defense: 4/5
Technique: 4/5

Favored moves:
Bearhugs, spears, tackles, lifts, chokes and throws.
Signature Move:
German suplex series
At least three in a row [youtube][/youtube]
Spinning high kick
A spinning high kick, he usually throws himself at his opponent to do as much damage as possible

Finishing moves:
Sit out Powerbomb
Anaconda Choke
For the really though matches [youtube][/youtube]

Visual Appearance:
ready to go!
beast title
work in progress


Sven is a really nice and outgoing person outside the ring. He will go out of his way to help anyone who needs his help. It is just the right thing to do for him to be nice to everyone. He is mostly seen with a smile on his face. The boy just loves to spend good times with his friends and have fun. When he is out he is mostly out doing something, like taking a bike trip or hiking or climbing, rarely he is only sitting around doing nothing. Sven isn´t one of the brightest people and some even describe him as simple minded, not being able to plot evil plans against his foes.
Overall he doesn´t have any foes… he got opponents in his matches but they aren´t his enemies. They are just his opponents for this one match. He doesn´t different in who is opponent is as well. He doesn’t care if he is male or female. He will always give his best and wants to have a great match with his opponent.

Sven was the single son of a rich businessman. His dad did own a big chain of companies, with the main porous of cutting down trees and cutting them into usable size and selling the product. Sven was never really interested into this business. Instead he was more interested in outdoor activities, doing a lot of sports and enjoying the nature.
He would join up many sport clubs while growing up, being especially interested in fighting sports. Going toe to toe with anyone who could put up a good fight was the best thing for him. He would fight everyone he could. During collage he started to take mma classes as well and would get even better. When he was done with the school he started to travel the world a little bit using the money of his dad learning different fighting styles from all over the world. He soon started to have his few real matches and they were so much fun for him…
He even won a title in a less official league called the beast master title. Now he is carrying this belt around with himself, to every league he goes.

Fun Facts:
-is bisexual

LAW Information
Record: 0-0-0


Samuela Healthway (hm yes these curves…)
Sasha Ann Williams (these body, this power…)
Ashley Wildheart (i think we would have a lot of fun inside the ring or outside!)
HARADA HANA (This is the definition of a perfect female body)
VICTORIA FARADAY (this would be a battle for the ages)
MISTY (i am her fan)
Yurika Abella (she is a beast and a woman at the same time)
Ursula Burns (power and beauty in once!)
samar "Izzy" Delrey (i always wanted to wrestle a aligator)
Alaina (come on, who doesn´t love her!?)
Tina (she got the fire!)
Alice Gaster
Holly walker
Joana Tojo
Audrey Hunter
Amelie Roux
Marissa Wiltsure

Ryan Ashford
Jamie Harper
(and more)


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