Victory Via KO from a smother
Ying Tao. The woman had made quite a name for herself even though her stint at LAW hadn't been the longest, the psychotic painter having made quite the impact on the promotion as a whole with her presence, which was considered a good thing by many of the board members at the top of LAW, though a good deal of wrestlers would be plenty eager to argue the opposite. Still, she was here to stay, and had gotten a fair few matches under her belt in that time. The next of which was about to be one Ducky Williams.
But not just any Ducky Williams. Quite recently, the blonde had underwent a change of persona, something that the LAW crowd hadn't even seen yet. A new look and a new way of doing things, one that few in LAW had been privy too, minus a certain pesky wrestler that had brought about this change. But soon enough, they were all about to meet "The Hitwoman."
When time drew near, Ducky herself would be found waiting just outside of the entrance to the ring, an easygoing smile on her face as she waited for her cue to head out to the ring! The crowd around her looked somewhat nervous, knowing damn well the reputation Ying had. But the blonde was more than a little prepared, something she was more than ready to show off tonight...
And as soon as the cue was given, she would step out through the curtain, turning a showing off her jacket to the crowd, striking a pose as The Hitwoman showed off to the LAW crowd!