Stone Vs Black Swan

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Re: Stone Vs Black Swan

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The crowd continued to roar out their support for Black Swan, cheering her on as she managed to climb up high enough with an impressive leap, landing a solid drop kick into the face of the staggering behemoth. With Stone in stagger, she fell into the strike, amplifying its damage, making Stone's upper body jolt back as her legs struggled to follow. She might have been felled had it not been for the ropes, as Stone crashed against them.

The momentum naturally caused a rebound, sending Stone forwards once more in a daze and another stumble, giving Black Swan all the time she needed to follow up with another attack. The sight of the comeback spurned Black Swans fans into a frantic cheering frenzy, looking to see their heroine bounce back from the brink of defeat and teach Stone and Stick a valuable lesson.

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Re: Stone Vs Black Swan

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Leaping up and delivering a massive dropkick to Stone's face, Swan would connect cleanly with the move, sending her heavyweight foe stumbling backwards into the ropes once more, with Stone bouncing off yet again! And Black Swan was quick to recognize this, watching as the larger lady stumbled back towards her, Swan turning to flash a smile to the crowd, ready to take advantage of this and send Stone back down to the canvas for good this time!

"Alright, get ready for a ride!" Black Swan cried out, before leaping up and wrapping her legs around Stone's head, aiming to suddenly throw herself backwards, aiming to swing Stone over and spike her head into the mat with a sudden huricanrana!

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Re: Stone Vs Black Swan

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The crowd erupted with joy, watching Black Swan turn the tide of the battle. Their cries and stamping feet made for an atmosphere that could only be described as war drums, spurning on their heroine to continue her momentum and win this match. The conditions were perfect for Black Swan, with Stone swooping low, making the behemoth of a woman at ideal height for Black Swan to leap up and wrap her legs around her head and neck... It still took an impressive display of athleticism, for Black Swan to leap so high and get herself into such a position... a mere testament to the quality of wrestler Black Swan truly was.

With momentum on her side, and all the experience as a true Luchador wrestler, Black Swan was able to fluently complete the huricanrana, flipping what had previously been through to be the inexorable Stone. No one had seen her hit the canvas, the closest so far being that Stone had been dropped to one knee. Black Swan completely decimated the illusion that Stone was unstoppable, and the crowd went wild watching as the giant of a woman crashed down hard in the center of the canvas, with the momentum causing her to roll not far from the turnbuckle. She lay flat on her back, clearly caught off guard by this sudden rush of attack... and it seemed her opponent was far from finished with her.

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Re: Stone Vs Black Swan

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Slamming Stone's head onto the canvas, Swan would get the massive heavyweight woman down by spiking her head onto the canvas, leaving Stone down and out, and providing the luchadora with what could be a match ending opportunity! Leaning down, Swan would give a hard shove in order to send Stone to her back, before turning and heading over to the corner of the ring, beginning to climb up the turnbuckles in order to make it to the top rope, turning to take in the sight of Stone on the canvas!

"Alright... You're finished!" Black Swan cried out, before suddenly leaping off the top rope, twisting her body as she performed a corkscrew backflip! She aimed to simply come down hard on Stone's body, hitting the giant woman with her finisher, The Last Dance, aiming to squash her once and for all, and end this match!

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Re: Stone Vs Black Swan

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The crowd screamed out in anger, something that was mostly unusual when Black Swan tried to hit her finisher. Normally it heralded the end of a match, bringing victory to the fan favourite Luchador... so why had the crowd turned on someone they loved so quickly? Black Swan's leap was as graceful as ever, as she corkscrewed and flipped back, but somehow she had overshot her mark, landing on the canvas besides Stone instead of on top of her... the origins of the anger soon became clear as the cause of it had been Stick, who stood at the corner turnbuckle just beyond the ropes... it became clear to the crowd she had shoved Black Swan as she initiated her move to make her miss on purpose. What was worse... the referee did not even see the treachery!

Stick slid away, clapping her hands to get the attention of Stone the moment Black Swan bounced on the canvas next to her. Like some form of robot, Stone sat up on command, as Stick began to yell commands, getting her to rise up to her feet. With a powerful hand she took Black Swan up with her, grasping her by the back of the neck. The crowd tried to rally for Black Swan, chanting to get her back into the fight, but slowly Stone began to lift Swan upwards from her feet, grasping at her crotch area, before hoisting her upwards into a Gorilla Press Slam position! It was clear what was coming next, as Stone looked to hit her trademark backbreaker upon the Luchador. Stick signalled Stone, before Stone nodded and dropped down to one knee, throwing Black Swan downwards spine first towards her outstretched knee if she did not try to escape quick enough.... if successful, it would spell disaster for Black Swan who had come so close to clinching victory had it not been for Stick.

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Re: Stone Vs Black Swan

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Perched on the top rope, Swan looked down at Stone, the massive woman laying dazed, ready to receive the luchadora's finisher, with Swan getting ready to come off the top with a corkscrew flip, leaping high into the air! Only, as the masked woman came off the top rope, there was a sudden shove right as her feet left the turnbuckle, and the resulting force caused her to overshoot Stone, coming down hard on the mat and completely crash and burn on the mat!

"Augh!" Swan cried out as she landed hard on the mat, gasping and clutching her stomach as her attempt to hit her finisher had backfired! And soon enough, Stone would be up and moving again, grabbing Swan and lifting her up off of the mat, gorilla pressing her overhead! The luchadora could only give a light groan as she squirmed in her foe's grasp, before the massive woman would bring her crashing down back-first across her knee!

"AAGH!" Swan let out a pained scream, her back folding across Stone's knee and the poor luchadora going limp in the heavyweight wrestler's grasp!

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Re: Stone Vs Black Swan

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The crowd continued their uproar as Black Swan was hit with a devastating backbreaker from Stone. The fan favourite luchador looked near impaled across the powerful leg of Stone, her back curved into a C like shape with her bare midriff stretched and straining. Stick laughed out loud, only spurning more anger from the watching fans as their heroine was slowly decimated. Stick than called out to Stone, signalling for the end. The monster of a woman saw the signal, nodding before standing up, keeping a grip upon Black Swan as she rose up tall.

In no time, massive arms engulfed around Black Swan's smaller frame, enveloping around her waist and mid back in a frightening muscular embrace. Hoisted off her feet, Black Swan felt her bare midriff press and mesh against the colossal stomach and powerful abs of her opponent. The fans realised that Stone had locked on her deadly bearhug, and quite swiftly those powerful arms began to tense, seemingly grow and enclose tighter around the exposed form of Black Swan, crushing her in what had to be one of the most devastating bearhugs in all of the LAW.

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Re: Stone Vs Black Swan

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Slammed down across Stone's knee, all the air was crushed out of poor Swan, leaving her folded across the larger woman's leg and gasping in pain, all of the fight being taken out of her after suffering the intense backbreaker. And Stone wouldn't slow down any after bringing Swan down across her knee so brutally, quickly reaching down to grab the luchadora and lifting her back up, wrapping her arms around Swan to lock in a crushing bearhug!

"Aaaaaaaahhhh!" Swan let out a cry as Stone's muscled arms wrapped tightly around her, lifting her up and beginning to squeeze tight, crushing the air out of Swan and leaving her dangling, helpless to stop Stone!

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Re: Stone Vs Black Swan

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"Crush her Stone! Squeeze her until her spine grinds down to nothing but dust!" Stick roared out with delight, watching as her Wrestler finally locked in her finishing submission hold upon Black Swan as prompted. She was confident of victory now, not knowing of anyone who had been able to break out of the hold. Stone had locked it in within the center of the ring, making a rope break all but impossible. Given Stone's immense strength and size, she knew Black Swan would not be able to power out, and after receiving such a back breaker she would no doubt be weakened and already in intense agony.

Stone's colossal arms seemed to slowly grow around Black Swan as her arms tensed, her muscles buldging and hardening as they slowly began to enclose around Black Swan's waist and lower torso. The crowd continued their uproad of displeasure, watching as Stone slowly wrung the life out of Black Swans will and spirit with each passing second as her powerful near tree trunk like arms continued to press and squeeze the living daylight out of the fans favourite luchador. Stone only knew she was suppose to do one thing, and that was hug her opponant until they tapped out or passed out. Given how strong Black Swan's will was, somehow she was able to hold out from tapping, taking the immense pressure and pain, even if it did leave her screaming in agony as her lower spine clicked and creaked audibly.

The ref checked on Black Swan, looking to see if she would tap, prompting Stone to squeeze harder, letting her powerful arms enclose all the tighter, forcing Black Swan to arch flexibly. If she wouldn't tap out... Stick was confident she would eventually pass out from either the pain or the lack of oxygen from such a devastating squeeze. She couldn't help herself but laugh out loud, enjoying the show as Stone's opponant was crushed.

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Re: Stone Vs Black Swan

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

Trapped in the brutal squeeze of her opponent, Black Swan could do very little in order to fight back against the heavyweight woman, Stick screaming from the sidelines for the woman under her control to crush Swan until she could fight no more! Despite how close she had come, the crushing bearhug that she was trapped in left Swan completely unable to scream out, fight back, or do anything, the luchadora stubbornly hanging on as her pushing and pawing at Stone's shoulders became weaker and weaker!

"Nnngh... you... uuugh..." Black Swan gave a final gasp before she went limp in Stone's grasp, the air being completely crushed out of her, leaving her to pass out in her foe's grasp! The referee would check the unconscious luchadora one more time, and seeing that she was out, would quickly signal for the bell, calling the match after Swan had been knocked out!

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