Pinky Nanako vs. Raquel Masters - Dreaming of Butterflies

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Re: Pinky Nanako vs. Raquel Masters - Dreaming of Butterflies

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Breathing hard after taking her opponent down with a body slam, Nanako stood over the prone form of Raquel, listening to the crowd cheering for her. She could feel confidence starting to wrap itself around her, and she knew that her chance of winning this was bright. She then looked down on her opponent before she decided to bring this match to and end, grabbing onto Raquel's body and dragging her closer towards the nearby turnbuckle.

Making sure that Raquel was on the mat, Nanako would head over to the turnbuckle, slipping through the ropes before climbing it up. The crowd and the announcers knew what the pinkette was about to do, and the arena was filled with cheers and hollers. Once she was on the turnbuckle, she would balance herself there as she would look at her opponent on the mat. Taking a deep breath, Nanako would take flight, leaping up into the air in order to perform her finisher, a Frog Splash!

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Re: Pinky Nanako vs. Raquel Masters - Dreaming of Butterflies

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Raquel was limp as she was dragged, trying to recover as she was left alone. Before she could realize what was going on Pinky was flying through the air and crashing down on her!

"AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Raquel screamed, her torso throbbing as she was crushed by Pinky. She was flipping weakly and ineffectively underneath Pinky, her eyes shut. She was practically in tears from the pain as well as knowing deep down that she had managed once again to fail to prove herself, losing a match she could have.... and should have won!

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Re: Pinky Nanako vs. Raquel Masters - Dreaming of Butterflies

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Landing down onto Raquel with her Frog Splash, Nanako gasped a bit as her body crashed into her opponent's. But she knew that the damage dealt on her opponent was greater than what she was experiencing. So, with her being on top of her opponent, she would maintain her position there as she would reach for one of Raquel's legs, hooking it with her arm as she went for the pinfall.

The referee came over next to them and started counting for the pin, slapping the mat next to them.


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Re: Pinky Nanako vs. Raquel Masters - Dreaming of Butterflies

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Raquel's weak flopping and thrashing amounted to nothing as she had failed to kick out. A desperate bucking of her hips and wailing scream escaped her lips as she continued to struggle but it was all for naught.


She did it. Pinky had managed to take what looked like a hopeless situation and turn the tables on Raquel, defeating her when Raquel should have had things under control. The lightweight woman was trying to shed her reputation as a wrestler who choked at the end when it counted most but tonight only seemed to reinforce that perception. Raquel just wanted Pinky to get off of her so she could roll towards the ropes and lay there looking up at the lights wondering what it was that she had to change to get herself back on track.

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Re: Pinky Nanako vs. Raquel Masters - Dreaming of Butterflies

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Nanako kept herself on top of Raquel as she pinned her down after crashing onto her with her splash earlier. When the referee counted up to three, she blinked, unable to process the fact that she had just defeated her opponent. She let go of Raquel's leg as she would roll herself off of her, still trying to make sense on what had just happened.

Rising herself back up onto her feet, she was declared the winner as the referee raised her arm. The crowd cheered for her, and the pinkette couldn't help but smile. It seemed that she got herself a win under her belt, and she knew that if she worked hard enough, she would be able to rack more wins in the future.

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Re: Pinky Nanako vs. Raquel Masters - Dreaming of Butterflies

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Raquel shook her head, embarassed that she lost. She rolled towardsthe ropes, laying there a minute to recover.

"Like... good job. Congrats." Raquel said quietly before rolling down off the apron onto the ground. She landed on her feet, stumbling and hobbling over to the ramp. Raquel walked up gingerly with her hands on her hips, head down as the crowd continued to cheer on the victor.

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Re: Pinky Nanako vs. Raquel Masters - Dreaming of Butterflies

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Nanako listened to what Raquel was saying as she congratulated her. She watched as her opponent made her way out of the ring. She didn't know what to think about this, but at the very least her opponent took her loss rather well. So, as Raquel made her exit, Nanako would remain in the ring for a bit before she decided to also leave the ring, making her exit. She was thinking about giving herself some rest after this, and she thought that it was well-earned.

Winner: Pinky Nanako via pinfall!

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