Mako Adachi VS Jamie Harper: Hard to Humiliate

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Mako Adachi VS Jamie Harper: Hard to Humiliate

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No DQ Submission Match
Win via forced submission

Mako Adachi
Mako was already dressed for her next match. She was wearing a black/yellow bandeau bra with bloomers that had a shark bite design on her ass. She also had on yellow and black leg guards while going barefoot. Tonight she was facing Jamie Harper, however, she wasn’t sure who that was. Mako only knew the name, and she should’ve done research. However, she was lazy and decided to be surprised instead of prepared. So going in blind, Mako would head out and make her entrance.

The shark’s theme would play through the arena as she came out. Fists raised, Mako would punch the air a few times before making her way down the ramp. She’d speed up some to slide right in under the ropes. Then Mako would pop up onto her feet and waves to the crowd with her usual smirk. There were a lot of lewd remarks coming from the fans, but the shark didn’t give a damn. She just kept smiling as she went over to the corner, laid back, and flipped off a few rowdy, front row fans who seemed to enjoy the attention they were getting from her.

“Welp...Bring out the fresh meet...” Mako thought to herself as she waited.

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Re: Mako Adachi VS Jamie Harper: Hard to Humiliate

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Jamie Harper had done a similar level of research on who his foe was tonight, so his first glimpse of the woman he was wrestling was on the monitor backstage as she made her entrance, allowing him just a glimpse of this woman before facing her. And as he observed her, her confident walk, incredibly curvy figure, the toned physique of her body, Jamie knew that he was going to be in for quite the match. And he was going to love every single second of it.

Soon after Mako would make it down to the ring, Jamie would get the go ahead from one of the backstage workers, cleared to head out, stepping through onto the top of the ramp!
Smiling as he made his entrance, Jamie would play up to the crowd a bit, posing just a little for the girls and mocking some of the guys, always getting a mixed reaction when he came out, just because of his looks. It didn't matter too much to him though, because soon enough, he would slip into the ring, all of his attention turning to Mako, eyeing up the girl as they awaited the start of the match.

"Cute bite mark! Hope you don't mind if I add another..." He said with a mischievous grin, already starting to tease his foe!

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Re: Mako Adachi VS Jamie Harper: Hard to Humiliate

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While watching her opponent come out, Mako chuckled a bit. He was cute, and yes it was a he. Although for a second Mako thought it was a hot babe, as he got closer she realized there was a 'package' that proved otherwise. The shark didn't give a damn about girly boys, though. She was a pretty manly girl, after all. So as her opponent got into the ring and took the time to eye her hot body up, Mako did the same to his. Luckily, there wasn't much left to the imagination since he had such tight bottoms...

"Cute face, cute butt, tight shorts, and...a big dick...this is going to be fun." she thought to herself before hearing Jamie's comment. Mako just smiled and walked forward. Stopping only when she got right in front of her opponent.

"Oh that's fine, babe...I mean...I'm gonna bite you ass all over~ So it's only fair..." Mako would taunt back as she stared him down with a smirk on her face. The shark would even call her opponent babe to start establishing her dominance. She was the man here! "Anyway, the name's'll probably be screaming it soon enough...what's your's cutie?~" the badass woman asked as she introduced herself to the cute boy. Mako would then raise her fists and ready herself for the bell. Once this match started all bets were off. With it being No DQ, they could do anything to each other...which was just how Mako liked it!

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Re: Mako Adachi VS Jamie Harper: Hard to Humiliate

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Smirking as he greeted his foe, Jamie was soon met with just as much vim and vigor from the curvy girl that stood across from him, Mako stepping forwards in order to get up close and personal with Jamie, something that bothered the young man little to none! As Mako got up close and personal, trying to establish a bit of dominance early on, Jamie didn't back down at all, if anything, stepping in a bit closer, pressing his front against hers with a smile on his face as he responded!

"Name's Jamie... the pleasure is all mine..." The black haired male said with a grin, slowly reaching out and wrapping his arms around Mako, testing how far he could get in some pre-match mindgames! If uncontested, Jamie would give her a cheeky smile, before grabbing Mako's waistband and tugging up just a tad, wedging her bottoms up her behind before giving one of her thick cheeks a slap, delivering a light spanking to the curvy girl, all while giving her a disarming smile!

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Re: Mako Adachi VS Jamie Harper: Hard to Humiliate

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Mako watched as Jamie approached her and introduced himself. He seemed like the charmer type. Sweet talker maybe. Then he'd wrap his arms around her, making the shark raise an eye brow. She wasn't sure what he was going for...a hug maybe? Mako was pretty confused, at least until Jamie grabbed her bottoms and gave her a wedgie. Not only that, but he'd give her now exposed ass cheek a nice spank. The shark let him do this unopposed, though. If he thought this would get to her...he was very mistaken.

" that's how we're gonna be? Heh...fine by me..." Mako would say as she leaned forward and cupped Jamie's bulge! "Nice cock by the way~" she said with a smirk while her other hand snaked around Jamie's waste. Then Mako would yank on his bottoms to give him a wedgie too! The ref girl would have enough, though, and shoo them apart so she could start the match. With a few feet of space between them, Mako would fix her bottoms by stretching them back out with her index fingers. So now that her butt wasn't uncovered, the shark would focus on her opponent as she bounced on her feet and waited for the bell!

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Re: Mako Adachi VS Jamie Harper: Hard to Humiliate

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Smiling at Mako as he got nice and close to her, the busty woman would hardly move at all as Jamie tugged her bottoms up a tad, before giving her thick behind a spank, teasing her just a tad, which she didn't seem to mind! This was shown as Mako not only took all of this in stride, simply standing there as Jamie did this, but by also reaching forwards in order to cup Jamie's bulge, folding him in return while giving him a taste of his own medicine, yanking his shorts up to give him a wedgie as well!

"Heh, somebody's feeling cute I see..." Jamie said with a wink, before the referee would step into separate them, Jamie giving Mako one more smile before turning and walking to his corner, not bothering to fix the wedgie she'd given him! After taking his place in his corner, Jamie would give a smirk as he got into a ready stance, stepping forwards just a tad as the bell rang, waiting for Mako to make her way to him, despite how eager she was to kick things off!

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Re: Mako Adachi VS Jamie Harper: Hard to Humiliate

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"Less cute, more dominant. Remember that hot stuff." Mako would say in a stern yet casual tone, correcting Jamie before they were separated. This guy was going to be a handful, the shark could tell. He was also going to be a mouthful...but that was a different problem all together. Jamie didn't even bother fixing his pinkish purple shorts. He just left his ass cheeks out for her to see while he walked back to his corner.

So when the bell rang out loudly, Mako would charge forward without fear. She didn't want to play this slow, she wanted this go hard and fast. She'd start by trying to lock up with Jamie, seeing how he wasn't much of a powerhouse. Mako was willing to bet she had the real muscles here. So she'd put them to use by trying to forcing Jamie back against his corner. Then, due to the No DQ stipulation, Mako would drill her knee into his midsection without worrying about a rope break. That way, when he hunched forward from pain, she could force him in between her breasts! Normally smothers weren't Mako's thing offensively, but they were always fun. So the shark would go for one if she was given the chance.

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Re: Mako Adachi VS Jamie Harper: Hard to Humiliate

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Smirking as he made his way back to his corner, Jamie would soon turn around as the bell rang, ready to tangle with this curvy woman, only to find Mako charging him head on, taking the pretty boy by surprise! Jamie would just manage to get his hands up in time to catch Mako's, but the shark had all the momentum behind her, and since she surprised Jamie, she had a pretty easy time shoving him backwards into corner, throwing a knee into his stomach and knocking the wind out of him!

"Augh! Nngh... not one for foreplay, are- Mmmph!" Jamie groaned out, suddenly cut off as Mako wrapped her arms around Jamie's head, yanking his face right into her breasts! Her large tits instantly caused Jamie's face to become buried in her cleavage, leaving him squirming against her as she forced him into her boobs, starting off the match by denying him any and all air!

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Re: Mako Adachi VS Jamie Harper: Hard to Humiliate

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Mako chuckled after delivering a knee into his midsection. It made him look even cuter as he grunted in pain. Then Jamie made a comment about foreplay before she started smothering him with her tits. However, he was completely wrong. "Sorry, cutie...but for me...that was foreplay~" Mako laughed as she forced his face between her tits. It was pretty fun to feel him squirming in a desperate attempt to escape from this squishy prison.

"Don't worry, bad as I hurt ya...I'll make you feel ten times as good~" the shark teased as she slowly rubbed her tits from side to side. Mako wasn't planning on making Jamie pass out, though. This was just a little fun before hitting him again...and that time was now! So Mako would suddenly try to grab the back of his head and fall back. Then she'd try to force her feet into his chest and send him flying with a monkey flip! Plus the whole time Mako was smirking like a devil!

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Re: Mako Adachi VS Jamie Harper: Hard to Humiliate

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Forced to bend over after Mako's knee to his stomach, the pretty boy gave a slight gasp as his face was yanked forwards into Mako's chest, sinking deep between her thick, soft breasts, forced to motorboat his foe as she smothered him with her tits! Still, while Mako kept Jamie's face pressed into her round tits, she was still in motion to continue her offense, as she suddenly threw herself backwards, keeping Jamie's head in her tits just enough to yank him with her, planting a foot in his stomach before flipping him over with an acrobatic monkey flip!

"Whoa! Augh!" Jamie gave a shout as he was suddenly flipped over, flying through the air before coming crashing down onto the canvas, giving a loud grunt as he did so! The impact left Jamie flat on his back, groaning as he reached down to rub his rear, having landed painfully on it, still a bit dazed after the sudden flip, leaving himself open to an attack!

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