Lethe Cherry Vs Akemi

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Lethe Cherry Vs Akemi

Unread post by Dragonofdarkness »

match type standard
normal attire
win by pinfall, submission or ko

Akemi has been in a very sour mood as of late as she wasn't aching form her fight with that Teru bitch, But she was still annoyed by a few things. One of which was getting very little matched as she been itching to beat up some poor sap. She knew very little of this Lethe girl but all she knew that she was sorta new. Smirking she would stretch out her body as she head to the staging area and waited for her cue. Her music started and then Akemi would walk out to the arena flipping off the crowd as they booed her.
She didn't care what they thought of her as she knew she was destine to win this match thinking she was a destined winner. walking down the ramp she would walk up to a fan that gave her the thumbs down and would slap him. smirking she headed to the ring and would climb it raising her hand up to to give everyone the middle finger yelling out. "fuck all of you!". she would head to her corner, leaning on it she looked at the entrance as she waited for the girl she was going to face.
Last edited by Dragonofdarkness on Wed Feb 20, 2019 2:26 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Lethe Cherry Vs Akemi

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Lethe watched from backstage as the girl walked out onto the stage before her. Her eyebrow twitched as she watches her flipping everybody off, and narrows her eyes as she's generally disrespectful towards the crowd.

Typically she didn't really care about how she looked to others, but this bitch did just what she does... but better! She growls to herself, but knows there's not really anything she can do.
Lethe comes out to the entrance music that she chose. The start of "Riot" by Three Days Grace began to play, and she stepped out onto the ramp. With a sneer, she walks down the ramp, raising a middle finger up in the air to the crowd, which was also quickly met with boos and jeers as she made her way down the ramp. The fact that they didn't know who to cheer for brought a small smile to her face as she thought about how confused they had to be right now.

"The following match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, a new.. fiery face to the ring. Standing 4'7", weighing 87 lbs, Leeeethe Cheerryyy!!" The announcer calls, which was only met with more boos.

She makes her way to the bottom of the ramp, and slides in under the bottom ring before heading for her corner, then looks towards the girl in pink hair and yellow shorts.

"...You don't really look like the type to be rude like that to people. What's wrong? Did your mommy not get you that pricy designer purse that you begged her for?" She asked with a mocking smile.

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Lethe Cherry Vs Akemi

Unread post by Dragonofdarkness »

Akemi looked at the ramp as she saw the would be opponent. hearing she was 4'7, Akemi raised an eye brow as she only met one other person that was that tall. Smirking she couldn't wait to show her who was boss, she would see how the girl acted in front of the crowd. She wasn't to impressive, Akemi thought as she would stretched out. Hearing the girl asked why she was so rude and that she didn't looked like the type to be rude.

"aww really thank you i try so hard to a sweet girl." Akemi lied before laughing. "and whats it to you little baby? the only thing that matters to me is winning i could less what all these fucks think of me. As long as i win and show them who's really great, i don't care how many boos at me I am the destined winner so I'm always right. " Akemi said in a more snobby way as she walked to the middle of the ring.

"Also why did you treat the crowd like that? Did someone take your sippy bottle?" Akemi asked as the ref explained the rules. she would roll her eyes not really caring about the rules but still listened even though it didn't looked like it. Akemi was annoyed there was a no low blow rule meaning she wont have to pleasure of seeing the girl's face after getting hit between the legs. Soon the bell would ring and she would get into her wrestling position.

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Re: Lethe Cherry Vs Akemi

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Little baby? Sippy bottle?! SWEET?! Lethe clenches her teeth tightly, clutching her fist, while putting on a big, scary smile as a response.

"You're gonna NEED a sippy bottle when I break your damn teeth, bitch!" She snaps. As much of a bitch she was, she really only used vulgar language when she was actually angry. This girl had already crossed the line twofold. This girl was small like her. There was no real need to play it careful. And frankly, she didn't care if there was right now.

She bursts out from her corner before the bell even rings. When the ref sees her running for Akemi, she hastily calls for the bell to start!

Lethe rushes for Akemi and tries to bury her knee DEEP in Akemi's belly!

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Lethe Cherry Vs Akemi

Unread post by Dragonofdarkness »

Akemi would watch Lethe smile, she would see the big scary smile but would smirk. "aww you're trying to be scary.... that's cute but as im sure we both know looks are deceiving" Akemi said. She knew that they are both rather short girl's but Akemi also know that Lethe didn't seem to be the type that liked cute like an other girl Akemi knew. she would have to fight with all she had.

The bell rang and the 4'7 girl would rush Akemi, not sure what move Lethe was going to do Akemi would take a knee to the gut. Coughing out she glared at Lethe. Holding her ground Akemi tried to look tough. "is that all you got?" she said trying not to weeze. she would then grab Lethe's hair and spun around trying to Irish whip Lethe to a corner or ropes.

Akemi would have to watch out but she knew she can still win.

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Re: Lethe Cherry Vs Akemi

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Lethe was partial to a taunt or two, but she wasn't really the talkative type. Especially when her opponent was.

Lethe's knee connects with Akemi's gut, but she manages to power past it, and grab her by her twintails!

"Gh!" She winces as she's spun around, and slammed into the corner behind Akemi! She grits her teeth, and tries to knock the taste out of her mouth with an uppercut to try and knock her away while she made her escape from the corner.

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Re: Lethe Cherry Vs Akemi

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Akemi didn't care if Lethe was the talkative type she was going to ruin this girl and beat her up before winning. She was still feeling the effects of the knee but she powered past it and would successfully trap Lethe into the corner. Just as she was about to punch the girl and show her who was superior the girl would uppercut Akemi. "gah!" some spittle would fly out form Akemis mouth as she took a few steps backwards almost falling back wards.

This was enough time for Lethe to get out form the corner. "grr little bitch..." Akemi said as she would try to send a kick into Lethes side. She want to show her she wasn't some weakling she knew how to fight. She been training since her match with the blue bimbo Lucy and she sure as hell wasn't going to let some newbie keep hitting her with out repercussions.

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Re: Lethe Cherry Vs Akemi

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Lethe's fist collides with her chin, and she immediately sidesteps out of the corner to give herself some room to move again. As she moves, Akemi comes back in with a kick to her side! She takes the kick, stumbling to the side a couple steps.

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Re: Lethe Cherry Vs Akemi

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Akemi would be able to kick Lethe in the side as she looked at the girl smirking. She wasn't done yet however as she would rush at Lethe and throw a right cross into Lethe's cheek hoping to hit her. Even if she didn't hit her Akemi wasn't going to let Lethe recover as she pushed forward and attempted to give a hard uppercut into Lethe's belly.

the brown haired girl didn't like to lose and she told her self she should always win she didn't care who she was facing she was going to keep winning and show everyone she was better then them all. "that all you got you Lethe!?" Akemi asked yelling.

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Re: Lethe Cherry Vs Akemi

Unread post by BlueResonance »

Lethe keeps her eyes on Akemi as she comes after her again. She sees that fist coming for her head, and ducks low to avoid it. She hurls her fist towards Akemi's belly, stepping in to really make it count. But at the same time, she feels Akemi burying her fist into her gut!

"Gu-haah!" She gags, holding onto Akemi's shoulder with one hand, and her free fist buried into her belly. "Ngh... stubborn little.." She hisses at her.

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