Allen Riley vs. Cali McCloud - Shock and Awe

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Allen Riley vs. Cali McCloud - Shock and Awe

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Standard Match
Victory Conditions: Gained by either pin, KO, or submission from the opponent.
Normal rules apply.

Allen would be having a match tonight, and she was already prepared for it. She put on her pink getup, which had black flame patterns on both her top and bottoms. After making sure that she looked presentable, she pumped her fist as she would then head out of the locker room, heading over to the gorilla position to wait for her cue to make her entrance.

She was slowly building herself up here in LAW, and she wanted to make sure that she would give it her all. She had won two matches so far, and she was looking to win her third here tonight. From what she had heard, she would be facing a relative newcomer here in LAW named Cali McCloud. Whoever this Cali was, the British daredevil was determined to leave the ring a victor.

Soon, Allen got her cue, and she made her entrance, receiving a moderate cheer from the crowd. Raising her fists up, she would break into a sprint down the ramp, heading over to the ring. Making use of her agility, she would fluidly slip into the ring after jumping up, and she made a three-point landing, which earned her a pop from the crowd.
Allen Riley
Getting back up onto her feet, Allen would do some light stretches before jumping on the balls of her feet. She was warming herself up before the match could begin, and as she did the stretches, she would look at the direction of the entrance so that she could clearly see the one whom she was fighting for tonight.

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Re: Allen Riley vs. Cali McCloud - Shock and Awe

Unread post by Faeron »

Cali finished wrapping the white tape around her ankles before she stood up from the bench and stretched out her arms
Cali was dressed in her blue suit with white decals complete with white knee pads for this one. The rookie had been finding incredible success in LAW and she was not planning to stop now as her next opponent was a high-flyer from the U.K. slipping on a blue and white jacket with her familiar red rose pinned to her raven hair and lucky flower held in hand, Cali took the gorilla position until she heard the familar tones of Selfish High Heels and walked through the curtains. Cali greeted the fans as they cheered the barefooted grappler who swayed her hips until she reached the ring.

Stepping through the ropes, she locked eyes with Allen before giving her a small wink as she handed her things towards one of the ring attendants.
Last edited by Faeron on Wed Feb 13, 2019 2:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Allen Riley vs. Cali McCloud - Shock and Awe

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Allen watched as Cali made her entrance. It wasn't unusual for a wrestler to wrestle barefooted, though Allen believed in the merits of having protections on one's feet by wearing boots. She would wait for Cali to make her way into the ring as she placed her hands on her hips, keeping her eyes on the barefooted fighter.

The British daredevil blinked when she saw Cali winking at her. She awkwardly responded with a nod. She would wait until the referee called for the two of them, and Allen would step away from her corner, looking all prepared for the match to begin. Once the referee ascertained that both wrestlers were ready, she called for the bell, starting the match.

"Show me what you got!" Allen yelled as she would quickly close in, looking to lock up with Cali in a collar-and-elbow tie up. She wanted to grapple with her opponent first before she could decide on what to do next.

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Re: Allen Riley vs. Cali McCloud - Shock and Awe

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"I plan too." Cali responded with a smirk, obliging to the collar and elbow tie-up to kick off the match.

"I like the look in your eyes, you have that fighting spirit that I see a lot in these girls." Cali said as the two locked up, "Let's see how long that lasts. Cali tensed her muscles and looked to push Allen towards the corner in order to establish dominance early on.
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Re: Allen Riley vs. Cali McCloud - Shock and Awe

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Locking up with Cali, Allen exerted her strength in order to match her opponent's while grappling with her. Grunting as she felt herself being slowly pushed back, the British daredevil would plant her feet on the mat, looking to stop herself from being pushed back even further. Knowing that she was having a disadvantage, Allen racked her brain as she tried to come up with a move to counter whatever Cali's plan was.

"H-heh... if you say so..." Allen said, grinning despite her situation. She would allow herself being pushed back by her opponent towards the corner, and when they were getting closer, she would try to make use of Cali's strength against her, stepping back before moving aside so that she could send Cali chest first into the turnbuckle!

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Re: Allen Riley vs. Cali McCloud - Shock and Awe

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Cali smiled as she was succeeding in pushing Allen back to the corner. Allen however showed off her speed by quickly sidestepping Cali, forcing the rookie to tumble towards the turnbuckle. Cali extended her hands and grabbed the ropes, very quickly shooting out her right leg as she looked to kick Allen in the stomach.
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Re: Allen Riley vs. Cali McCloud - Shock and Awe

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Allen intentionally allowed herself be pushed back by Cali towards the corner, and as they got closer to the turnbuckle, she moved to the side, looking to send her opponent chest first into the turnbuckle. But Cali had quite a quick reflexes that she managed to stop herself from hitting the turnbuckle with her chest by grabbing onto the ropes. She also sent a kick towards Allen's stomach, and she grunted as her opponent's bare foot hit her there.

"Nghh!!" Allen stepped back, distancing herself away from Cali as she nursed her stomach. The damage dealt wasn't much, but she needed to be careful afterwards, knowing that her opponent wasn't someone to be trifled with.

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Re: Allen Riley vs. Cali McCloud - Shock and Awe

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Seeing Allen stunned, Cali took a deep breath as she hopped onto the second rope and then hopped again onto the top rope as she showed off her athleticism. With an exhale, Cali jumped into an arc as she intended to flatten Allen with a moonsault.
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Re: Allen Riley vs. Cali McCloud - Shock and Awe

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Still reeling from the attack to her gut, Allen would try to recover, but Cali continued with her attack as she went towards the ropes before leaping off into the air, performing a moonsault. "Wahhh!!" Allen cried out as she was brought down, flattened under the weight of her opponent. The attack left the British reeling, exposed to whatever Cali would try to do next. "Uughhh..."

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Re: Allen Riley vs. Cali McCloud - Shock and Awe

Unread post by Faeron »

The moonsault was a success, Cali quickly hooked one of Allen's legs as she attempted the first pin attempt in the match and the ref sliding down to get into position.

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