Knocking out another tournament

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Knocking out another tournament

Unread post by Noob »

Alrighty! Finally finished the 2018 tournament! (please feel free to read here viewforum.php?f=73
Thanks to all y'all who participated. Great matches. Hope it was fun)

And as such I'm immediately going to be recruiting 8 people for 2019's run. So if you're interested, keep reading! Up for grabs are totally awesome accolades, and totally not just my terrible attempt at making accolades a thing. Anyways here's an example from 2017 cause I wanna post this now but can't get to my computer to find this last year's reward (it's pretty similar. Different placements get different images)


Anyways here's a few things about this year's tournament

- This is open to just about everyone however preference will be given to those who have proven they can finish a thread in a timely manner.
- All matches are win by KO only.
- Open to to middleweights and heavyweights
- Matches will be done over discord and posted on LAW. If they can't be finished in a timely manner (approximately 8-9 months) a final few posts summing up the results will be used to finish up.
- If you're interested please pm me with the word Apple
- All participants chose their character and then all placements are decided using a random number generator (you can trade places with people if both parties accept)
So yeah if you're not ok with this don't join, cause I will be calling you out if you quit after knowing the rules and just don't like your placement.
- depending on your placement you might be asked to participate in more than one match at once. Since the placements will be known people that are moving on can knock out the next round while working on the previous one.
-If you actually read this far/read all the rules and are still interested, DM me with the 2nd word of this thread

Anyways I really do hope people are interested. I'd love to get this going a third year AND I'd love to not have to participate myself this time XD.
Last edited by Noob on Sat Feb 02, 2019 7:38 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Knocking out another tournament

Unread post by Noob »

Bumping this cause I'm looking for one more person!
Noob's Cavalcade of Combatants
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Re: Knocking out another tournament

Unread post by shadowcathy »

Cathy would like to participate!

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Re: Knocking out another tournament

Unread post by Noob »

T_T I realized I forgot to get back to someone two weeks ago so I'll have to get back to ya about it after that
Noob's Cavalcade of Combatants
Discord - Noob6737
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