LAW Medical: The Seductress and the Belly Queen

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LAW Medical: The Seductress and the Belly Queen

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Jessica Carter
Jessica would look at her clipboard which had a list of women who needed a check up for in ring clearance. Jessica crossed off the names of the women she had helped with the best care LAW could provide before she'd say to the waitng room. "Kyoko Akan, we're ready to see you now." Jessica said as looked around for the woman. "Right this way, please. We need to make sure you didn't suffer any injuries in your match earlier. I'm surprised you didn't do this before your debut." Jessca said to Kyoko before she went to go and grab Kyoko's file before entering an office with the self-proclaimed Belly Queen.

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Re: LAW Medical: The Seductress and the Belly Queen

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At the sound of the nurses voice Kyoko stood up and walked on towards the door. She didn't feel worse for wear, honestly her first match didn't leave her many opportunities to be hurt but her boss insisted and it was better to just get it over with then stay spiteful on the matter. "I had a check up before my first match just not here and I didn't think I needed one afterwards. Felt better then ever when it ended." She said simply.

Holding the belt around her she placed it next to her when she took a seat. "Sorry, Wouldn't have brought it if I planned to be here, it was kinda last minute and I was already at work." She shrugs regarding both that and her attire as she had gotten no real chance to change. Still it wouldn't be an issue.

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Re: LAW Medical: The Seductress and the Belly Queen

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Jessica smiled as she heard Kyoko's optimism. "It never hurts, to be safe. Plus I your first LAW check up is free because of your contract.
So let's get started.
" Jessica would start by testing Kyoko's blood pressure, and temperature. Then Jessica would log that Kyoko was fine on those accounts. Jessica would then ask. "Do you have any previous injuries that we should know about Ms. Akan? If you do, do you feel any fatigue from them currently?" Jessica asked to make sure of her patient's condition before the reflex test.

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Re: LAW Medical: The Seductress and the Belly Queen

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She remembered hearing about that, still she checked on herself before then nd she figured it was better to save that for when she wasn't feeling so great. It didn't matter honestly, she was here and she could get it out of the way. Though looking at Jessica it made her wonder if LAW just made it a priority to hire pretty girls. Though that wasn't to knock on her profession she was confident they wouldn't have hired her for this if she didn't know what she was doing.

"Previous injuries?...none that I can think of...Sure ive been hurt pretty badly but I don't think any have had any lasting effect on me, I'm certainly not feeling any of them now." She said when asked, letting her do her work and listening to every command she was asked. Wondering how much she needed to cover.

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Re: LAW Medical: The Seductress and the Belly Queen

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Jessica would jot Kyoko's statement in her notes, and would then do the usual reflex test tapping yoko's knees to check their response time to the kick. Jessica would then right that there seemed to be nothing the matter with Kyoko. As Jessica began writing down her notes she'd talk to her patient. "So you came out of your debut match. I remember you told you felt great, did you win? How did it feel wrestling in front of one of the biggest wrestling promotions in the world?" Jessica asked Kyoko as a bit of friendly small talk before she would tell Kyoko her bill of health.

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Re: LAW Medical: The Seductress and the Belly Queen

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There was something that always made Kyoko giggle slightly when they did the reflex test. Nevertheless she thought she did fine as her leg responded and Jessica started writing things down. Kyoko wondered if that was it when the girl suddenly started to talk, not necessarily about her health just about her debut which Kyoko had no problem going into detail about.

"Oh easily, match was rather one-sided, no disrespect to my opponent she looked and acted fairly new but. I'm not fairly new and she learned the hard way how I wrestle." She said pounding her hand in her fist. "And it was great as usual, ive wrestled ina few big promotions but it never feels the same, always different in its own way."

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Re: LAW Medical: The Seductress and the Belly Queen

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Jessica would smile as she heard Kyoko's answer before she would respond by saying. "Well from us at LAW Medical, we're glad to have you apart of the roster. Kyoko you've got a clean bill of health. Forthat we'll give you a second free check up because we found nothing wrong the first time." Jessica said before she finished writing her notes. "If you don't mind me asking, is that belt from another promotion?" Jessica asked as she looked at the Belly Queen Title as if it was a challenging her to take it away from Kyoko. Jessica had to remain profession, after all this is a place of business.

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Re: LAW Medical: The Seductress and the Belly Queen

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Kyoko clapped her hands together with a smile. "Good to hear, I thought I did but having confirmation is always better then your own instinct." She said getting ready to get up and leave when she heard Jessica speak up. This time about her title belt as Kyoko grabbed it. "Well yes and no, it has a bit of a double meaning." She said before deciding it wouldn't hurt to clarify. Pointing at the name she started

"The name was something people started calling me in my first promotion, some small indie promotion in Japan and it kinda followed me wherever I went. I grew to love the name and owned up to it, had it challenged a few times and had some rough moments, hence the injuries I was talking about but its been my name. This was made to show that better then my words could, But its not an official title in any promotion as far as I'm concerned its a belt everywhere."
Last edited by Fairy Dragon on Sun Jul 11, 2021 4:11 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: LAW Medical: The Seductress and the Belly Queen

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Jessica was intrigued as she heard Kyoko's backstory for her belt. Jessica would then say to her former patient. "That's wonderful.
It's like a badge of honor. Did you get for how strong your abs are? I don't like to brag but I was an undefeated foxy boxer for awhile before the LAW nursing became my job. Would you mind if I see if I still got my punch on your iron abs?
" Jessica asked friendly to Kyoko to mask that she wanted to take Kyoko's belt and imagine the despair on Kyoko's face as she was dominated by her.

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Re: LAW Medical: The Seductress and the Belly Queen

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"Something like that yeah. Ive jokingly called it a crown at times. And yes that's more or less how, that and my preferred method attacking someone's abs. Only a few girls have ever surpassed me that way and even when they do I always get them back." She said. She wasn't surprised to hear about the boxing stuff she looked like someone they'd want in those rings. "Oh really? By chance to do still compete either at LAW or anywhere else or is nursing a full time thing?"

Her second offer did surprise her. Most didn't think to check on how strong her abs were, but she felt the challenge there that made her smile and put the belt down again. " Odd request if I'm being honest. But sure I can take it." She said confidently and stood up placing her arms above her head and flexing her abs.

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