LAW Medical: Prelude to the Foxy Fighter's Debut

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LAW Medical: Prelude to the Foxy Fighter's Debut

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Debbi hadn't debuted in the ring of LAW yet, which was irritating the Foxy Fighter. LAW management said they hadn't found an opponent that would make for a marque match up that the LAW crowd can really get excited about. First things first, Debbi needed to get cleared to get in the ring first. Debbi had no doubt she'd be cleared to compete. She had no injuries at all, and she was ready to make a name for herself. As she sat down in the waiting room Debbi would be reading a magazine with some of the most memorable matches from other wrestling promotions in the NSFW edition. Debbi would read this as she waited for her name to be called so she could get this over with, and get cleared to compete.

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Re: LAW Medical: Prelude to the Foxy Fighter's Debut

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Tsunade was wondering who she would have to give a physical today as so far she had not bin asked to work in the medical bay since her time in LAW.Still she knew that whoever it was would likely be gorgeous as so far their have not bin a ugly woman in the promotion as the blond was just glad that nobody had bin able to match her in the breast department. ''So dressed in a simple blue skirt , green top and a white lab coat the Japanese girl would walk out of the exam room , and walk towards the waiting room as she said ''Can a miss Debbi Chan please walk towards me as it time for your physical''.

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Re: LAW Medical: Prelude to the Foxy Fighter's Debut

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Debbi would look up from reading her magazine to see that the doctor was ready to see her, and a rather busty one at that. Debbi would respond by saying. "Yes, I'll be right with you." Debbi said before opting to keep the magazine with her as she walked towards her doctor. The doctor was a tall busty blonde woman that sounded like she'd be great in bed. Debbi could get used to being treated by this sexy woman. Debbi would read the magazine as Tsunade prepared for the exam. Debbi wanted to read up to the middle centerfold where the magazine looks at the career of a fighter from their highest highs, to their lowest lows. Debbi would then put the magazine down for a bit to listen to Tsunade's instructions.

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Re: LAW Medical: Prelude to the Foxy Fighter's Debut

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Tsunade had expected whoever this Debbi person to get up , and follow her towards an exam room straight away after calling for her. So when she was told that this Chan woman would be right with her , it caught Tsunade off guard as she watched as an attractive woman walk towards her while carrying a magazine. When the both of them reached the exam room the blond would turn around and say ''well do you got anything you like to mention like allergies or preexisting injures or something miss Chan?''

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Re: LAW Medical: Prelude to the Foxy Fighter's Debut

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Debbi heard Tsunade's questions and would answer them honestly. "No injuries or allergies to speak of doc. I'm just ready to get this physical done and over with so I can take LAW by storm. Those girls aren't gonna know what hit them when I debut and become the biggest star of the company in record time." Debbi said with confidence in her voice before asking Tsunade. "So what do I gotta do doc? The sooner this is over the sooner you get the privilege of medically clearing a future LAW champion." Debbi said sounding somewhat conceded in her tone of voice.

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Re: LAW Medical: Prelude to the Foxy Fighter's Debut

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Tsunade would glare at the woman while Debbie was not looking as she could not believe the arrogance this brat ''Alright then miss future LAW Champ please strip naked as I got to look at your body''replied the blond as she would allow the other wrestler the time to strip naked as she would get behind the foxy fighter , and grasp her breasts as she said ''well first thing I notice are these are clearly fake .So that is something I got to put down in your record Debbie'' in an arrogant tone as she doubted the other woman was a natural like she was.

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Re: LAW Medical: Prelude to the Foxy Fighter's Debut

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Debbi would do as the doctor said and stripped down naked, and felt Tsunade grabbing her breasts. Debbi couldn't help but laugh as she heard Tsunade speak, and then she'd respond by saying. "HAH!! You've got jokes doc. These tits are 100% natural. You may be getting too old for this." Debbi chuckled before she'd say to her doctor. "I mean I have the money to afford fake tits, but you can't improve on perfection. Hey, doc have you ever been on tv? Cause I could swear I've seen you before from somewhere." Debbi asked as she waited for Tsunade's next instruction.

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Re: LAW Medical: Prelude to the Foxy Fighter's Debut

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Tsunade grinded her teeth as she got told if she was getting too old as she replied back ''I've bin on TV brat , but you may have seen me on the roster list for LAW. As for that other comment I am sorry to tell you this ,but I can tell when someone got implants and these defiantly feel like implants''while she squeezed hard in the other wrestler's breasts as she was letting her pride get in the way of her job as an doctor.

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Re: LAW Medical: Prelude to the Foxy Fighter's Debut

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Debbi couldn't help but chuckle as she heard Tsunade ramble on. "I get it. You're jealous of me. My breasts are perfect and natural.
That irritates you, doesn't it? I have great tits, and you think calling them implants will make you feel better as a person. HAH!!! You've got jokes doc.
My breasts are the perfect size, while in a couple of years your breasts are going to be sagging from how fat they are. It's a good thing you're behind a doctor's desk and not in the ring. I mean who actually wants to see a jealous old bitch wrestle, especially if she's past her prime. I mean just look at this.
" Debbi said before showing the center fold of the magazine. "Tsunade Senju, her best match is the smother match, and she's beaten some impressive wrestlers. But that won't stop people from remembering some big loses like this one." Debbi said as she showed a picture of Tsunade losing a big match.


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Re: LAW Medical: Prelude to the Foxy Fighter's Debut

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Tsunade got annoyed as she listen as this brat called her jealous , and even worse an old bitch as she looked Debbie in her eyes as she replied back ''first off I am not jealous of you brat.I mean why would I as all I see before me is an dumb newbie who thinks she is the best , but you are nothing DEBBIE. As for that image you showed me their is an small problem as I have not faced that bitch yet as the image is a fake.Still when I get my hands on that little slut who calls herself a nurse then you almost got the image right'' as she would then show the other wrestler away and hopefully against the wall.

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