Alias: La Diabla
Sex/Gender: Female
Age: 35
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Purple
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 175 lbs
Nationality: American
Citizenship: Mexican
Alignment: Heel
Wrestling Information
Strategy: Offensive
Style: Judo, Krav Maga, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
Type: Brawler, Technician
Preferred Attacks: Punches, kicks, locks
Preferred Matches: Normal and brutal matches. Will indulge in the occasional hentai match.
Finishing Move/s:
Iron Anesthesia: Uses brass knuckles to try and knock her opponent out cold while the ref isn't watching.
Crossface: She takes a famous late wrestler's move, laying on top of her opponent and locking her hands around her head to pull back hard until she taps out.
Hentai Moves:
Entrance Music:
Visual Apperance:
Rose Deltora

Past/History: Rose Deltora joined the military in her country at an early age., after her parents were killed and she was trapped in the middle of lawless hell. She lived a very rough life as a kid, stealing food to survive and living on the streets. She wanted to join her military at a very early age. To defend herself, and to help prevent what happened to her never happened to another kid.
Growing up, she learned Judo, Krav Maga, and Brazilian Jiu jitsu. She became handy with a blade and a gun. But most of all, she had learned to kill. She was a part of several missions, and moved up several ranks. She even reached a point where she was able to command her own squad, however she was soon stripped of that rank when it was shown how little she cared for her squadmates lives.
Eventually she was discharged, and forced to live on her own again, but she was a new woman now. She had grown to love the thrill of the hunt and the kill. She used her skills to become a bounty hunter, taking contract after contract. Rare was the case she brought in her target alive, regardless of the crime they had committed. She was hardened, cold, and more than happy to do her job. She lived the wild life with drugs, sex, and alcohol. It was the peak of her life.
Unfortunately as time rolled on, there came to be less and less contracts as more and more of the country were deeming bounty hunters like her as unlawful, leaving types like her out of a job. And once again in her life, she was left without money. She had thought about joining the military again, but they refused to let her join again after her behavior prior.
All she ever knew in her life was fighting and surviving, she had never really bothered to learn any other kind of skills that would take her on in life. She had thought this way of life could carry her into her days where she couldn't pick up a gun. She needed a way to put her skills to make money in a way that was... acceptable. Lawfully. She had grown to learn about fighting leagues, and had come across LAW. This would be her last chance to live a life that wasn't on the streets. If she was to work here, she'd have to change things about herself. The main one being not to kill her other competitors. She could bludgeon them. She could bruise them. She could cut them. She could fuck them. But she could not kill them.
Attire: What she wears in the pic, minus the weapons.
Fun Facts:
Rose has shut out the darker side of her, but still proves to be quite a dirty fighter. She doesn't seem to care about the concept of a fair fight, she just fights to win by any means.
Rose sometimes comes out to the ring drunk. If anything, this can make her more dangerous as an opponent.
Jess Mcleary - Her laugh, her accent, her heritage, and her stubborn, twisted personality all serve to infuriate Rose.
Jess Mcleary.