Kameko T./Marissa W. - To Make Matters Worse...

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The Ominous Future
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Kameko T./Marissa W. - To Make Matters Worse...

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Moping somewhat upon the nearest steady LAW locker, Marissa Wiltsure felt she had somewhat every reason to mope. Her training session a lacklustre one to say the least, almost purely because of the cancellation at the hands of her randomly selected sparring partner for the evening, Marissa couldn't stop herself from slamming open palm upon the metal surface her frame was clad upon.

In dire need of training, Marissa felt she didn't need to elaborate reasons why. Mediocre at best success in the world of wrestling, if you could even say that, had left the spiky haired Brit with a sour taste in her mouth. She had fully planned to debut at the top, and stay there throughout her reign. Right now, it was unlikely a figure among the LAW fan-populace even knew her name. Those who by chance did, likely only associated it with a string of losses.

Anger unkept, she'd simply continue to pound upon that locker once every few seconds; figure left solo in the locker room, perhaps wisely. For it would have been unwise and then some for any figure, new or old, to interrupt her private fury...

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Re: Kameko T./Marissa W. - To Make Matters Worse...

Unread post by godjacob »

"Some legends are told....some turn to dust or to gold....but you will remember me! Remember me for centuries!"

Unwise as it may have been for anyone to emerge Marissa would find herself not alone for long. Humming the runes of Fall Out Boy as she entered the locker room was L.A.W. newcomer Kameko Takara. In a contrast to the frustration of unfulfilled expectations, the muscular heavyweight Kameko had been grinning ear to ear since she arrived in the official L.A.W. facility. Her dream of being a pro was becoming a reality, while she wasn't booked for an official show yet she was told she would not have to wait long as they were always eager to see what the new girls could do. Or so she had been told, either way as she found an empty locker to call her own she seemed full of energy if not giddy as she began to put her spare clothes inside it while she continued to sing to herself unaware of who else was in there.

"Noo it's nothing wrong with me....the kids are all wrong, the story's all of...heavy metal broke me he...huh?" Kameko said, as her moment to hum the tunes of her phone were interrupted by the drowning noises of loud metal being banged. Kameko removed one of her earplugs as she glanced down her row within the locker room and noted someone else was there who seemed to be taking out some outrage over something on a poor locker room door. This caused her to raise an eyebrow, not the image she had when she thought of meeting a vet around here but eh could be worse ways for a first sighting and at least this one would stick out.

"Man, that locker must have pissed you off. Going to town on it girl." Kameko said with an amused grin as she seemed fascinated rather than worried about getting her attention. Maybe her naivety about L.A.W. or her natural confidence in herself either way she sought to get her attention.

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Re: Kameko T./Marissa W. - To Make Matters Worse...

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Marissa only faintly heard the hums of an annoying tune being hummed, but to her luck said hums weren't close enough to instigate her further. Until of course, they were.

"Ghh.." Shuddering as it seemed the source of that tune had opted to direct conversation at Marissa herself, the spiky haired Brit barely even lifted her head, only interested in seeing if it were a figure she recognised, before lowering her skull once more.

"Reaaaaaaaaaally not the best time to piss me off..." She'd grunt back, with a tone perhaps perceivable by some to be a threat. Even more so after Marissa once more dug her knuckle into that metal, as if it were to send the woman behind her scampering.

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Re: Kameko T./Marissa W. - To Make Matters Worse...

Unread post by godjacob »

However, Kameko did not scamper away much as Marissa likely hoped she would; as while she could pick up the malice behind her tone to recognize it as a threat Kameko had been far from intimidated. In fact, if her sly grin was any show she found it to almost be a challenge as she took one moment to pause the song on her phone as she placed her earbuds in her pocket before she turned to the girl to get a better view of the spiky haired Brit.

"Well, somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed. My intent was not to piss you off, just hard for a girl to focus with that annoying sound of banging metal in the air you know?" Kameko replied as she expressed her reason for the earlier comment as the girl seemed intent on still driving the irritating sound in the air.

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Re: Kameko T./Marissa W. - To Make Matters Worse...

Unread post by Devilish53 »

As with most, complaining about something to an irritated individual only drove them onto perform the task ever the more heartedly. Had she been sat at a diner and Kameko asked for her seat, Marissa would have purposefully taken an hour or two longer. Such was the case now, as she drove her fist in in longer intervals, but at a volume that could near enough be heard outside.

"Plug...your..ears..!" Marissa roared out with a bang of the locker in between, making sure to look Kameko in the eyes as she did. Weirdly enough, she wasn't actively seeking a scuffle. But in the world of wrestling, there were few other places this moment could go.

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Re: Kameko T./Marissa W. - To Make Matters Worse...

Unread post by godjacob »

"Man, you are just a ray of sunshine aren't you?" Kameko asked, though it needed not be said as she saw Marissa deliberately increase the banging and ear screeching sound of fist against metal as she seemed to take offense to her comment. In truth, Kameko was never one to shy away from confrontation and in any other context this woman's rude behavior would have been reason enough for retaliation through either verbal or if it escalated physical jabs.

But, she remembered the words of her adoptive pops, and took a deep breath. She had to make a good first impression here and getting into fights was no doubt set to raise the concern of L.A.W. staff and paint a target on her from the locker room. A bad image perception she wanted to avoid. So she folded her arms over her chest as she learned against the locker next to Marissa's and looked her right in the eye.

"Look, I know that tone better than most. I'm gonna take a guess and say you had some bad luck in a recent match? I'm new here so I wouldn't know the context, but I do know beating up lockers isn't gonna resolve your issue or make you any happier."


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Re: Kameko T./Marissa W. - To Make Matters Worse...

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Marissa would have very much liked the solo experience in the locker room right now, but it seemed that regardless of how vicious her voice had gotten and how loud those bangings had become, Kameko was going to poke her.

"Listen, you ain't a psychologist..." Marissa finally took her knuckles from the locker itself, and instead opened her palms.

"Now for the final time, BEAT IT!" Her hands coming up to the toned blondes shoulders, for quite the nasty shove!

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Re: Kameko T./Marissa W. - To Make Matters Worse...

Unread post by godjacob »

Kameko, whether it had been a natural impulse of the situation or simply expecting a more violent reaction for Marissa, seemed prepared for this as she got her hands up in an effort to catch Marissa's hands before she could shove her away.

"Woah there, easy. No need to cause a seen here. A locker room is no place for a fight, that's why we have a ring..." Kameko said, before a light bulb went off in her head. This girl seemed angry, and quite temperamental....maybe what was needed here was a way for her to let off some steam.

"Listen, you seem pretty pissed. Maybe if you want to vent your anger on me, we can arrange something in the Gym here. I don't think anyone would mind." Kameko suggested as she tossed the idea to Marissa curious what the girl would have to say on it.

The Ominous Future
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Re: Kameko T./Marissa W. - To Make Matters Worse...

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Where as Kameko seemingly had a response or atleast an idea for everything the tempered Brit threw at her, Marissa was firing off everything that came to her head the moment it did. Suffering the lack of progress she had thus far within LAW was patronising, but the fact she felt she wasn't even allowed to rage about it in peace?

"I'll cave your skull in right now if it'll get you off my back!" Her fists held tightly to her sides, as Marissa attempted to make herself almost bigger than she was. Right now, she wouldn't actually complain to an actual gym brawl.

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Re: Kameko T./Marissa W. - To Make Matters Worse...

Unread post by godjacob »

"Hey hey, I am just trying to help here. I get you are upset so I am just trying to give you and outlet to let your aggression out somewhat reasonably." Kameko said as she noted Marissa's pure rage and attempt to appear a bit bigger as she glared at her. The girl was angry, but it appeared she was at least willing to hear her out on the spar suggestion if nothing else....granted it was to drive her fist into her own head but hey progress was progress.

"I'd say for now we head to the ring. From there we can talk about details and or rather more importantly give you the chance to work out that steam." Kameko suggested as she knew the gym would be empty and provide a spare ring for them to work with.

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