Pinky Nanako vs. Raquel Masters - Dreaming of Butterflies

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Pinky Nanako vs. Raquel Masters - Dreaming of Butterflies

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Standard Match
Victory Conditions: Gained by either pin, KO, or submission from the opponent.
Normal rules apply.

It had been a while since the last time she wrestled. Nanako had spent most of her time at the gym and development center to improve herself for her next match. And now, she got a match arranged for her after a few months of inactivity. To say that the shy pinkette was nervous was an understatement.

"Oh gosh... what should I do? Should I just bail out? Maybe they won't mind if I said I'm sick or something..." Nanako muttered to herself at the locker room. She was already dressed in her wrestling outfit, which was a pinkish white leotard and wrestling boots with similar color. But then, she slapped her own cheeks several times to psyche herself up.

"Okay, I should be able to do this. I'm okay now..." Nanako muttered. Once she was ready, she would make her way out to the gorilla position, waiting anxiously for her cue to make her entrance. Soon, her music was played, and the pinkette made her entrance. The crowd gave her a polite cheer, indicating that she wasn't that big as a star in LAW.
Pinky Nanako
Well, big or not, Nanako was already prepared despite her nervousness. She made her way into the ring and climbed up the apron. Once she was in the ring, she did some stretches as she would then head over to her corner so that she could wait for her opponent to show up. From what she had heard, her opponent for tonight was also a lightweight, which brought relief in her, knowing that she wouldn't be fighting someone above her weight class.

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Re: Pinky Nanako vs. Raquel Masters - Dreaming of Butterflies

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Raquel hadn't wrestled in a bit. Her career here has been up and down, a mixed bag in her air at to prove herself to her more known wrestling brothers back home in the USA. She was lean, fast and packed a punch.... she knew she could work her way up!

As her music began to play she came out, jogging down the ramp and waving her arms to try to fore up the crowd and get them on her side. She saw her opponent who was a bit smaller but all things considered the women were of roughly equal stature.

Raquel jumped up onto the apron from the ground in one leap, then vaulted over the ropes in another to land in the ring, walking confidently towards the center. Raquel struck a couple poses to further fire up the crowd, waiting for the bell to ring.

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Re: Pinky Nanako vs. Raquel Masters - Dreaming of Butterflies

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Nanako gulped when she saw her opponent, Raquel Masters, making her way down the ramp towards the ring. She seemed capable enough as a wrestler, and the pinkette hoped that she could at least give a good showing in this match even if she couldn't win. She nervously waited for Raquel to enter the ring as she leaned against the turnbuckle.

Seeing Raquel posing for the crowd, Nanako couldn't help but be amazed by her opponent's confidence. If only she could be like her, then things would be much easier. Still, it wasn't time to be in a daze as the pinkette would prepare herself for the match. Soon, the bell would ring, starting the match between the two of them.

Stepping away from the corner, Nanako looked at Raquel before she took a stance, preparing herself to start off the match with a collar-and-elbow tie up. For the time being, she would like to ascertain her opponent's strength first before she could decide her next course of actions. She had learned a few moves back at the development center, and she would like to try them out here in this match.

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Re: Pinky Nanako vs. Raquel Masters - Dreaming of Butterflies

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Raquel saw Pinky move in, and she accepted the lock up! Raquel was pretty strong especially for a lightweight so she groaned and squat low before trying to force Pinky back towards a corner! If Raquel could get her there it would put Pinky in a nasty spot where Raquel could treat her like a punching bag which in Raquels mind seemed to be a great way to start off the match! Raquel tensed up, pushing with all her strength in order to force Pinky back!

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Re: Pinky Nanako vs. Raquel Masters - Dreaming of Butterflies

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Pushing against Raquel, Nanako could feel the push coming from her opponent, and she let out a cute grunt as she would plant her feet on the mat, hoping to keep herself from being pushed towards the corner. Hoping to change the direction of the match in her favor, the pinkette would try to shift her footing, moving to the side as Raquel was pushing against her, looking to make use of Raquel's own strength against her, hoping to make her stumble forward. If successful, Nanako would try to take advantage of this by shifting her hold on her opponent by wrapping her arm around her head in a side headlock.

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Re: Pinky Nanako vs. Raquel Masters - Dreaming of Butterflies

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Raquel was making progress but her pink haired opponent changed things up by moving, shifting her weight! Raquel groaned as she found herself stuck in a side headlock! She grunted as she tried to grab Pinky around the waist, struggling to think of what to do. Raquel suddenly had an idea, and she tried to tighten her grip of Pinky lifting the woman up to counter the headlock with a backdrop!

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Re: Pinky Nanako vs. Raquel Masters - Dreaming of Butterflies

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Clamping on Raquel's head in the side headlock, Nanako planned to give her head a squeeze as she would try to come up with her next move. But, Raquel managed to figure out a way to counter this as she wrapped her arms around her waist before she lifted her up and threw her down with a backdrop!

"Aughh!!" Nanako grunted in pain as her back hit the mat. She released her headlock as she would squirm a bit, trying to nurse the pain on her back. She should've done something back then, like planting her feet on the mat to prevent herself from being lifted up, but she was careless, which resulted in her being brought down onto the mat like this.

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Re: Pinky Nanako vs. Raquel Masters - Dreaming of Butterflies

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The backdrop was a success and Raquel was trying to show that she could hang with anyone in the ring! Getting up to her feet Raquel would bend down to try to grab hold of Pinky. Gritting her teeth, Raquel tried to spin around and Irish whip Pinky over into the corner as hard as she could! If successful, Raquel would give chase immediately after, trying to leap up and smash Pinky in the chest with a running dropkick while she was stuck in the corner!

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Re: Pinky Nanako vs. Raquel Masters - Dreaming of Butterflies

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Brought down onto the mat with a backdrop, Nanako was trying to regain her bearing, but she was pulled back up by Raquel before she was sent running towards the corner with an Irish whip. "Nghhh!!" She grimaced as her back hit the turnbuckle, and before she could get her mind back in order, she saw Raquel coming towards her with a dropkick. She had no time to move out, and as a result, she took both her opponent's boots into her chest.

"Aughhh!!" Nanako cried out in pain before she draped one arm over the top rope while the other nursed her aching chest. At the moment, she needed to recover, which put her in a precarious position before her opponent.

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Re: Pinky Nanako vs. Raquel Masters - Dreaming of Butterflies

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Raquel was off to a hot start and wanted to keep up her momentum! "Yeah! All right!" She shouted, pumping a fist into the air as she got up, walking back over to the trapped Pinky. Grabbing onto Pinky Raquel tried to lift her to a sitting position on the top rope. She had a little idea in mind....

Raquel squat down and jump up onto the top rope, perching for a second to get her balance. Raquel wanted to set herself up to try to hurricanrana Pinky from the top rope..... if things went according to plan that is!

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