Alix Noir vs Marie Blanc - Ironwoman/Contract Match

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Alix Noir vs Marie Blanc - Ironwoman/Contract Match

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Ironwoman Match: Whoever earns the most falls within the time limit will be declared the winner

Last edited by winner3 on Sun Feb 03, 2019 3:57 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Alix Noir vs Marie Blanc - Ironwoman Match

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“Next up is a match that will shape the landscape of LAW” would miss nata say while stepping out into the open once again. She would look around for a few moments and then let her head circle. She would take a short break before going one. “a little bit less than one year ago we had a hard fought contract match between two French top athletes, with no clear winner. We gave the two a chance to prove that they belong here and gave each 3 matches, whoever would win more of these three matches would gain a law contract. But after the two finished their three matches both of them won 2 matches and lost one… meaning they both have a record from 2 wins -1 lose-1 draw right now. Meaning that they are on the same level once again. So now we have to determine who we hire and who we don´t hire. And how do we do this around here? With a big background check and a intensive job interview?” She would look around, with a big smile. “NO we let them beat the shit out of each other!” She would lift up a black suitcase. “in her is ONE contract! ONLY ONE! The winner of this match will get to sign this contract tonight and become a part of law! To make sure it is the best of the best we will sign, this will be no normal match this will be a iron woman match over 45 minutes! SO LET THE GAMES BEGIN!”

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Re: Alix Noir vs Marie Blanc - Ironwoman/Contract Match

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Marie was chancing into her black one piece as she could not believe how she had already bin in three matches after she faced her rival.As she had worried when she ended up with two wins , a lose and tie that she would end up losing her chance to win the contract.Only to end up hearing that Alix had the same record as she would have to face the other wrestler to see who would win it.Still it would be in Iron woman match as she would have to quickly take down her rival so she could score a pinfall or submission.

Still it seemed that someone important was going to be present as she wondered if this miss nata had a personal interest in seeing who would win.Still she should not think to much about it as it seemed she was going to be the first wrestler to make her entrance as she would walk onto the stage as LoveFuryPassionEnergy by Lita would be playing throughout the arena.Which caused her to smirk as it popped the crowd as she would walk down to the ring while waving at the fans as the announcer would say ''now entering the ring first from Lyon,France.Weighing in at 140ibs.It's Marie Blanc'' as was coming out of the speakers. As she would just lean against the ropes as she awaited the arrival of that bitch Alix.

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Re: Alix Noir vs Marie Blanc - Ironwoman/Contract Match

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The scream of written in the stars was hearable in the whole arena, when the music would play from all the speakers. The lights in the arena would go a little bit darker and turn purple. Some smoke would come from under the stage while a black haired woman would step out of the backstage area. She was wearing her typical white sport bra and shorts combination. In her left hand she was holding a open water bottle, taking a big sip out of it before tossing it aside in one swift movement. She would whip her mouth with her forearm, staring down to the ring for a few moments. After a short look over her shoulder to the red haired manager she would start to move.
The French fighter began to move down the ramp towards the ring. She would walk down with big steps, hurrying up, without running. It was clear visible that the fighter was highly focused right now, her mind only on the upcoming match.

“Entering next, also coming from France, weighing about 165lbs and standing tall with 5foot 6. Alix noir!”
The black haired woman would stop right in front of the ring looking to the inside, between the ropes. Her eyes resting at her opponent staring right at her, showing tension so thick you could cut it with a sharp knife. Alix would need a few moments before she took the stairs up to the ring, before entering the ring under the top rope. During all of this her eyes were always locked onto her opponent.

The referee was stepping right in the way of Alix after she entered the ring, trying to avoid an brawl before the actual match. Without looking away from Marie alix would turn around and get back into her corner, to lean backwards against it. The referee was shortly asking if both of them were ready to start before calling for the bell.

Alix would come out of her corner and would start to circle her opponent slowly, She would keep her hands in front of her chest while circling her opponent. Meanwhile thanks to their first match and watching the other matches of Marie she knew a little bit about the other woman… When the time was right alix would lift her hands up into the air starting to walk towards her opponent trying to go for a lock up with her, trying to place one hand on marie´s shoulder and one on her neck, starting to push against her.  

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Re: Alix Noir vs Marie Blanc - Ironwoman/Contract Match

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About 5 seconds after she had made her entrance did she hear the music of her rival come out of the speakers in the arena.As she would glare at Alix as she walked down to the ring as she for a second went over what she remembered of the other wrestler.As she had watched the other matches Alix had bin in with great interest.Since she could study them for any weakness the other wrestler had as soon the bell would ring as she would walk towards her rival as they would lock up in the center of the ring.

Her right hand on Alix's shoulder while the other was on her neck as she began to push forward.As she felt her opponent do the same as for now they were evenly matches as she whispered ''did you really think I was not prepared for you to start things off with an lock up Alix?Well think again as you won't be getting in the way of that contract''.

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Re: Alix Noir vs Marie Blanc - Ironwoman/Contract Match

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Alix and marie did both look up in the center of the ring, pushing against the other trying to win ground for themselves. But that wasn´t going anyway, both women were in a still stand right now. So the black haired woman was thinking about breaking this up again, she would suddenly let go of her opponents neck and shoulder pulling both of her arms backwards and grabbing the arm of her opponent. With one swift movement alix would move around her opponent. She would try to spin below the arm of her opponent and twist it around as much as she could, while both of her hands where now holding on to the wrist of marie.
Alix would smile sinister when she finally got the wristlock in on her opponent, twisting the arm a little bit more, to keep her opponent under control. Alix would try to push her opponent towards the ropes slowly, using the lock as leverage.

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Re: Alix Noir vs Marie Blanc - Ironwoman/Contract Match

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Marie was wondering what was up with the other wrestler as she would normally have already bin insulted by this point.Still maybe Alix had chanced for the better since their first match , but that thought would only cross her mind for a few seconds before she ignored it.As she doubted anything could make that bitch a better person as she felt the other wrestler release her neck and shoulder.Which caused her to move forward as she figured this was an opening she could exploit only to end up falling for Alix's trap as she ended up in an wristlock as she felt the other wrestler twist her arm as she was forced towards the ropes.

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Re: Alix Noir vs Marie Blanc - Ironwoman/Contract Match

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Alix was enjoying having the control over her opponent. She Would make sure to keep it that way by holding on to the wrist as close as possible.
When the two fighters would get closer to the ropes Alix would see her big chance to put a statement down. She would shove her opponent into the ropes as rough as she could and just in that moment when Marie was turning around to face Alix again the black haired woman would chop Marie against the chest as hard as she could with her flat right hand.

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Re: Alix Noir vs Marie Blanc - Ironwoman/Contract Match

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Marie would grind her teeth as she could not believe she was already in trouble.As with one of her arms being twist so it would be behind her back as the result of an wristlock she had to find a way to escape quickly.However before she could do anything she would be shoved into the ropes as she would feel her wrist be released.This caused her to turn around as she would just see Alix's hand move towards her chest for a chop as she gasp in pain.

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Re: Alix Noir vs Marie Blanc - Ironwoman/Contract Match

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Marie´s gasp in pain was like a short piece of music for Alix and the black haired woman would smirk for a moment, before she would lean forwards grabbing the arm and shoulder of her opponent once again, before pulling her out of the ropes. When marie was coming closer to alix she would sidestep out of the way and push her opponent into the back to whip her towards the other side of the ring trying to force her to run right into them. The French would lean forwards and run after her opponent directly leaving as little space between her and her opponent. When marie would rebounce of the ropes Alix would be already there warping one arm around the midsection of her opponent from the front. The other hand of alix would grab her opponent’s legs and lift her up from the ground. This was alix would put her opponent right onto her side carrying her like a overweight purse. Alix would do one big step forwards before dropping down going into a kneeing position and slamming her opponent onto her extended knee, going for the oldschool sidewalk backbreaker.

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