Submission Schooling

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Re: Submission Schooling

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"Hmmm?" Erin responded as Ducky bent down and reached for her ankles. The redhead didn't know what was happening until it was too late. "Haaaah! Shit!" She cried out as she fall back and eventually crashed to the ground. A bit shocked from the sudden fall it would take Erin a moment to figure out just what was going on. "Nnnnng...f...fine. Just maybe a little fucking warning next time?" She complained from the floor. She wasn't exactly thrilled about the turn of events but for the sake of training she'd go along with it.

"Ok fine...step one. What the heck do you do from there?" The redhead asked. Her tone was a tad annoyed but she was legitimately curious. Sure she had seen matches before and had a bit of an idea as to where this was going, but she never really took the time to figure out how any of it was done. "I'm guessing something twisty right?" She said, now with a renewed playfulness in her tone as she quickly got over the fact that she had just been floored and would try to give the blonde a light jab with her foot.
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Re: Submission Schooling

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Smiling as she yanked Erin's legs out from under her, Ducky would give the redhead quite a rough landing, though she figured that if she was to get ready for a real match, she would probably have gotten dropped in a much less kind way, not that Ducky had been gentle. At Erin's words, Ducky would give a slight chuckle, nodding her head thoughtfully as she considered the redhead's proposal, before responding in a kindly manner, though her words had a teasing tone to them still.

"Well, just relax and watch close! Because I'm about to teach you how to mess up someone's legs!" Ducky said, before grabbing one of Erin's legs and stepping over it with her own! From there, Ducky would fold one of Erin's legs over the top of the other, her own leg in the middle, before falling to her back and bringing her free leg up to hook it around Erin's ankle, locking in a figure four leg lock!

"If you're a big wrestling fan, this should look familiar!"

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Re: Submission Schooling

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As soon as Ducky began maneuvering her, Erin knew exactly what she was in for. She had seen the move a fair number of times but had never taken the time to really do much else but roll her eyes every time she saw it applied. "Too complicated, just slam em." Was always her thought process. Having faced some larger opponents though, she was beginning to see that perhaps this was more efficient. When Ducky fell back she saw that it was also much more painful.

"Wait! Don't mess up my legs though. I need...ahhh! F...fuck fuck fuck!" Erin tried to say before crying out in pain. The one benefit of not performing in front of a crowd was that she no longer felt the need to keep in any profanity. She'd slam her fist against the mat and glance up at the blonde. At this point she was much more concerned about how to escape the hold than performing it. "Ahh...Al...Alright. How do I get out?" Erin stammered. It was as close to pleading as she was willing to get. Of course a prolonged stay in her current position might change that but as was the case with the last hold she knew Ducky was most likely about to tell her what she wanted to know.
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Re: Submission Schooling

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Maneuvering Erin's legs into position, Ducky would quickly thread her own through, before suddenly falling backwards onto her back, applying a fair amount of pressure to Erin's legs as she cinched in the figure four leg lock! Immediately, the redheaded girl began to swear and bang her fists against the mat, showing that the hold was indeed quite effective, while Ducky quickly sat up, trying to get Erin's attention before continuing on with her lesson in submissions!

"Relax for a sec! I know it hurts, but if you keep swearing so loud, you won't hear what I'm gonna say!" Ducky chastised with a small smile, before explaining further.

"Knowing how to apply a hold is good, but knowing how to counter one is better! And this hold has one big weakness! If you manage to roll over onto your stomach, it reverses the pressure! Go ahead and try it!" Ducky said with a smile, relaxing the hold just a bit in order to allow Erin to roll the both of them over!

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Re: Submission Schooling

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"How can I relax when youre...nnnng...DOING THAT!" Erin immediately cried out. She very quickly clasped her hands around her mouth to prevent any further words from escaping. She then nodded towards Ducky as she tried to listen to what her now instructor had to say. At the moment it was either shut up and learn how to escape or continue being loud and suffer. Of course the redhead would chose the former over the latter provided she could keep her mouth shut.

Finally Erin got the information she needed. As soon as she could she tried to roll over onto her stomach with a rather loud groan. She had no idea if this would be a difficult maneuver or not but it appeared that it was fairly simple. The redhead had a feeling Ducky had made it that way but at the moment she wasn't complaining. It was good practice and there was no risk of her leg snapping. Finally on her stomach Erin let out a drawn out sigh of relief. "God damn..."
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Re: Submission Schooling

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Holding Erin in the figure four leg lock for a few more minutes, Ducky would finally manage to explain how to reverse the hold over the top of Erin's shouting, instructing the redhead to roll over onto her stomach in order to reverse the pressure! And sure enough, Erin would soon do so, Ducky easing up on the hold in order to allow Erin to do so, the blonde quickly being rolled over onto her stomach and feeling pain flood into her legs, Erin successfully reversing the hold!

"Aaagh! There ya go... worked like a charm!" Ducky hissed, squirming slightly on the ground as pain flooded through her legs, doing her best to deal with the pain for now! "Aah! A-alright, you can let go!" Ducky groaned from the ground, waiting for Erin to release her from the painful reversal!

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Re: Submission Schooling

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Erin was pretty proud of herself, now grinning from ear to ear. It wasn't until Ducky told her to let go that she realized that perhaps this wasn't a comfortable position for the blonde. " Oh! Right Sorry. Ummm gimme a sec." She quickly responded as she worked to untangle her legs from Ducky's. It took a moment but finally the two were parted and the redhead would scramble up to her feet. "Phew ok! Learning stuff!" Erin declared, clearly excited about it all. She couldn't wait to try some new moves out in a real match.

Once on her feet Erin brushed her hair to the side. Sh then extended her hand out to Ducky, ready to help her blonde instructor up. "Aye, right. So what 'ave we got next? I'm havin a whale of a time." The redhead eagerly blurted out, her accent becoming more pronounced for a quick moment. Seemingly catching herself though her next sentences were more consistent. "I mean...You've got to have more tricks up your sleeve right? I mean it's nice to know how to deal with some of this but so far nothing has screamed ERIN'S FINISHER." She explained and made sure to put extra emphasis on her last two words.

"Although maybe it's better just to learn some quick escapes. But like what fun is that?"
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Re: Submission Schooling

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Groaning from her position on her stomach, Ducky would feel Erin struggling for a second to untangle her legs, before she managed to get to the two of them unstuck, Ducky quickly sighing in relief as the pain in her legs disappeared, the blonde feeling quite a bit better now! And soon afterwards, Ducky would slowly push herself up to her feet, reaching down in order to rub her legs, while thinking about what she could show Erin next, running through a list of submissions in her head!

"Hmmmm... well, I think I got one you might like. Lay down on your front for me!" Ducky said, gesturing to the mat in front of her, picking out a hold she thought the Irish girl would like!

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Re: Submission Schooling

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"nnnnnnng....this one's gonna hurt ain't it?!?!?" Erin whined. While it was all a good experience for her, the redhead was starting to have her regrets. Perhaps she should have started slow. Maybe by doing some reading first. The redhead was laying down soon enough though, her chest pressed against the floor and her cheek puffed in a pout. "Fine right...I did ask for this, di'int I?" She said with a resigned sigh.

Ducky did say that Erin might like this one though and so the Irish lass did let a bit of a smile shine through eventually. She couldn't wait to try out her new moves but of course she had to put in her dues before anything. There was no gain without pain after all. "I swear you're the only person who I've just laid down for." Erin teased, turning her head to face Ducky. "Just not too hard alright?" She finally said while trying to hold in a giggle.
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Re: Submission Schooling

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Instructing Erin to lie down flat on her stomach, Ducky would give a wry smile as the Irish girl let out a whine, somewhat amused with Erin's attitude towards this, the redhead eventually coming around to the idea. And as she laid down, Ducky would give her a playful sigh, rolling her eyes in exaggerated fashion before quickly sitting down on Erin's back, assuming the position for this hold!

"Oh relax! I'm gonna do it light, and it's probably not too much worse than anything else you've felt. ...Probably." Ducky said, reaching forwards in order to grab Erin's arms and yank them up and over her legs! From there, Ducky would very lightly wrap one arm around the redhead's neck, before very gently beginning to wrench backwards, getting her in a camel clutch sleeper!

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