Danielle Degardin vs. Annabella Prinston - Welcoming Party

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Danielle Degardin vs. Annabella Prinston - Welcoming Party

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Match Type: I Quit Kiss My Ass Match
Rules: Match will only end once one competitor verbally submits. In addition, the loser must kiss the winner's ass for seven minutes.
After a week of anticipation, the moment had finally arrived. It hadn't been that hard for Danielle to get LAW's officials to schedule the match she wanted against the new arrival; she didn't even have to part with as much cash as she anticipated, since the bookers seemed plenty interested in what a matchup like this would have to offer. Now, it was time for her to get things underway.

The thought of a nurse being hired to join the roster of wrestlers was charming enough, and Dani was ready to give her a welcome she wasn't due to forget any time soon. By the end of this match, the redhead would ensure that Anna had been thoroughly beaten, humiliated, and punished for daring to stand up to her; not just that, but for daring that she ever had a place in this ring to begin with. She didn't have a modicum of Danielle's class or glamor in her entire body, and from how quickly she had been left a quivering mess from her words alone, she didn't have the spine for it either. But the way Dani had set things up, she would ensure that Anna was going to learn what being a wrestler was all about. The hard way.

"And coming first to the ring, from Cannes, France! At 5'7'', weighing 125 pounds, DANIELLE DEGARDIN!"
As her music hit, Danielle made her entrance onto the scene. For once she received some cheers and catcalls amidst the usual boos, in no small part due to how she had foregone her typical attire in favor of a rather revealing bikini, though certainly one in her typical style. This one would have ready access to her behind, for when the match came to a close, but more than that, Danielle knew how much her opponent was shy about her own body, and if the stipulations of the match itself weren't bad enough, she wanted to make things even more awkward for her. Furthermore, it would put their two contrasting personalities side by side - anyone looking on would know that Danielle was the more self-assured and confident, further shaming Anna. And of course, the eyes on her beautiful body didn't hurt either. She found herself slipping back into her old modeling ways as she walked down the entrance ramp like a catwalk, soaking up the attention, before she slipped in under the ropes, awaiting her opponent's entrance.
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Re: Danielle Degardin vs. Annabella Prinston - Welcoming Party

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The week had certainly been a interesting time for Anna. After the little incident in the lockers, she had become somewhat of a trending news story as of late. Her albeit weak standing up too Danielle had drawn her quite the attention of her fellow staff, and even a fair few wrestlers. All giving her support in her endeavouring for this situation, helping her gain some sense of confidence and training, she felt she'd be alright in terms of her chances, considering the girl she was up against wasn't known for her skill.

"Nnngh, curse this thing..." Anna would complain, still slightly red at the fact opt hat she was wearing what was the equivalent too underwear, the modest girl was dismayed at the fact her debut as a little side show as a wrestler wasn't even gonna be in her own uniform. But the nurse didn't want to let that stop her, she wanted to at least prove her point too this spoiled woman.

And standing 5"6 and coming in at 136Ibs! Our very own nurse, Annabella Prinston!

Due to her very new enrolment, and only being booked as a sort of jobber, she didn't yet have a musical entrance, but nonetheless. Upon hearing her name, Anna would steel herself, before she would pass through the curtains of the stadium and proceed too the ramp. Whereupon, she was beset by overwhelming stimuli, the roaring crowd and many lights temporarily overwhelming her brain, but quickly regained her composer upon seeing some familiar faces front and centre, many of her staff mates had chosen to watch this match, too support her, United by there hatred of her opponent. It helped ease her embarrassment at the many wolf whistles and stares she got for her unwillingly chosen attire, so with a shy wave and slight blush, but a small smile she'd begin to approach the ring.
Seeing the support by being the crowd favorited compared between the two girls. And a spike of confidence, Anna be rather bash fully chipper when entering the ring with a simple entrance. Before standing up and finally laying eyes on her nemesis. While blushing slightly at what she was wearing, Anna would hold firm. Keeping her stoic attitude upfront before this woman, not wanting to show feeling too her, but the slight blush on her cheeks betrayed her slightly.
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Re: Danielle Degardin vs. Annabella Prinston - Welcoming Party

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Seeing Anna come down the ring, Danielle crossed her arms, looking on with a smirk. While her swimsuit was hardly as revealing as the redhead's own, it seemed to cause her a good amount of grief all the same, and that was fine by Dani's book. The crowd seemed to be excited by her entrance as well, which Danielle couldn't help but find rather disappointing. Every voice that cheered for her was one not taking her side! She crossed her arms and scowled, but regardless, she wasn't about to let her hatred towards the girl get in the way of what she had in store for her. And she did have big plans.

"Well, well," Danielle teased, putting her hands on her hips as she smugly stared Anna down. "So it's finally come to this. You're here, and I must say, you do look wonderful," she added, teasing her opponent about what she was wearing, or more accurately what she wasn't. "I hope you're ready to tell your coworkers they lost a bet, because this is the end of the line. Tell me, are you going to run away? Or are you ready to see what you're getting into?"
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Re: Danielle Degardin vs. Annabella Prinston - Welcoming Party

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Anna would simply enter without much of a showcase, choosing to be quick and to the point. Before standing before her opponent, keeping a safe distance away and passively standing before her, not choosing to humor the woman in anyway just yet. Mostly to keep her nerves under control for the time being, she had to look strong for the people behind her. And she had a small suprise waiting for this spoiled woman.

Anna would say nothing, only blushing slightly more at what Daniele had to say a bout her appearance, though she wasn't wrong, Anna did seem to look very nice in the outfit, it's just her modest nature seemed to equate it to nearly a crime to wearing it, despite being a rather tame two piece, though even then, it seemed Danielle wasn't just gonna let her be with this outfit, having vchoosen to make the bottom part, one size too small in a way, most likely out of spite. But Anna had long not minded this, her surprise being related to this fact.

Upon hearing Danielle's question, Anna would get a shy smile, shaking her head no and Danielle's taunt too flee. "I think you misunderstand our bet..." She'd begin, before turning around and presenting her back to her opponent. Her surprise in full display for her rude opponent too see. The staff seemed to pay back Danielle with her little costume and sizing stunt with a little message on the back end of the bottoms Anna wore. dear Danielle, pucker up! Kiss here, love the staff in bold writing, and a big arrow point towards one of her cheeks, in erasable marker was the message that all the members of the staff wanted the spoiled girl to know. "It's quite different from what you believe" finishing her sentence, she'd turn around, blushing heavily, but still slightly smiling.
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Re: Danielle Degardin vs. Annabella Prinston - Welcoming Party

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Danielle had thought that she had Anna securely under her thumb, and she remained smug and confident in her inevitable victory. Even as Anna locked eyes with her as she joined her in the ring, she saw no reason to feel concerned about what she was getting into. With her own natural talent combined with Anna's lack of experience or know-how, Danielle saw no reason this could possibly end in a result other than one favorable to her purposes. She hadn't even done much in the way of training in the leadup to this match, but she didn't need to. She knew already that Anna was going down.

But to her surprise, it seemed that Anna was more prepared than she would have expected, as the nurse turned to display her rear end to Danielle and show her the message addressed to her. Immediately, Dani's eyebrows narrowed in a piercing glare as she clenched her teeth in fury. "You...listen, you-!" she spat. "I will not stand for this...this mockery! I don't care whatever little games you've played on me, but you're going to pay for them!" As Anna turned back to Danielle, the Frenchwoman shoved hard at her shoulders to start things off, while the ring crew ran to sound the bell, seeing as the fists were already beginning to fly.
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Re: Danielle Degardin vs. Annabella Prinston - Welcoming Party

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Anna would display the message to the woman with a very small but if smugness seeping out if her posture, even just slightly enjoying the flustered and angered protests from her opponent from her little stunt, seemed her embarrassment at the idea, and wearing such a message was well worth the reaction. So with a brisk turn around, Anna would expect to face her opponent a fair distance away, but instead was greeted by the sight of a rushing and angry end Danielle, who quickly approached and gave a hard shove upon Anna's shoulders. The belling ringing to signify the start of this match.

Anna would be staggered by the student shove, being unprepared for the action, but with a quick thinking, she'd catch herself and refined her footing, remembering some tips from some wrestlers, Anna would reach out to try and grab apdanielles outstrched limbs, tightly grabbing Her forearms to prevent her from a follow up, and to somewhat steady herself from the still womanly aftermath from the shove. " thought life was a game for you...?" She'd both insult, and genuinely ask her opponent, being confused more and more by the woman.

After a brief moment of entanglement, Anna would try something, seeing it be common causes of bruises in her patients, pulling Danielle slightly closer, Anna would aim too shot a knee straight into her opponents stomach, hoping to cause her to bend forward and get stuned. If she got Danielle in the position she wanted, she would go for something a companion of hers told her to try, while embarrassing Anna wanted to please, so with a kneeled over opponent, Anna would jerk her with her arms again, before launching the side of her hip straight into the face of Danielle, nailing her right in the mouth with her cheek, right where the arrow pointed too, hoping to hit her hard enough to send her tumbling! While being very red faced at doing such a move...
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Re: Danielle Degardin vs. Annabella Prinston - Welcoming Party

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Anna's little taunt was a declaration of war, in Danielle's eyes, and she was going to make her feelings on that abundantly clear. She snarled angrily at her opponent, starting the match off with a bang as she delivered a sharp and quick push to Anna's shoulders as soon as she had turned around. By acting this quickly, Dani hoped that she could catch Anna off her guard, and unseat her balance before she was fully grounded in the hopes of securing an advantage.

Anna wasn't going to go down so easily, though, and she grabbed for Danielle's arms as well, holding her down while also using her as a support to keep her footing. She snarled at Anna, bending forward at the waist to try to even out the balance that existed between the two as they went into a mutual deadlock, each holding tight to the other. Growling and struggling, Danielle tried to push her weight back against her foe. "Oh, if it's a game, you'll always be the loser!" she said in response to Anna.

Their lock would soon be broken, as Anna was quick to throw out her knee and strike Danielle squarely in the gut. She let out a pained moan, forced to let go of Anna as the pain sent her staggering. And from there, Danielle was open for further attacks - and Anna delivered, flying with her hip outstretched straight for the redhead and toppling her off her feet as she landed right into her face. Dani cried out from the sudden impact, going staggering back a few steps before she fell, only barely managing to catch herself in a seated position as she looked back up at the girl. "Hmph! Getting ahead of yourself, are we?" she sneered.
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Re: Danielle Degardin vs. Annabella Prinston - Welcoming Party

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Remembering some of the tips she had gotten from her staff coworkers Anna would be the semi-initiator of the fight between the two woman, launching a quick knee too the gut followed by a swift strike from her hips too the stunned woman, her plan going along realatively well, catching the red-head of guard and sending. Her stumbling back a ways, before falling back onto her rear.

Anna would stand there for a second, surprised at what she did, having caught her opponent off guard by her sudden attacks. She still wasn't completely used to the "hurting others" concept, but she definitely felt a fairly good feeling of slight vengeance upon smacking around the woman a few times. She gave a one over if herself after she did some, sort of out of instinct for using a move with that part of her body, and stifled a snicker at what she saw, before looking up and meeting the sitting woman's eyes. "I'd say I'm ahead in the game currently..." She'd lead on, before turning her back again too the seated woman, showcasing her rear and the message upon her backside once more, only this time, right where the arrow pointed too her right cheek, was a small slight smudge mark of the woman's lipstick on her cheek from the hip thrust. "I may be ahead of you in the kisses by a second..." She'd say with a taunting shake.

She'd turn back around after teasing the woman enough, the hprush kf everything motivating her too do so, before she'd try to follow another lesson from one of her friends, so she'd back up a ways, before bursting into a run at Danielle before leaping up, aiming to slam into the girl with a sloppy but forceful drop kick! If she landed it, she would scramble on top of the woman into a sort of mount position, hoping to get an advantageous in the match early on. Kinda resorting to schoolyard tactics.
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Re: Danielle Degardin vs. Annabella Prinston - Welcoming Party

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Coming off of their confrontation backstage, Danielle had been expecting this to be an easy win for her. She was sure she would be the one to keep control of the match's momentum, dominating Anna at all times and in all respects. So when it was Anna who was the first to make her move, countering Dani's shove and sending her toppling back, the former model had no idea what hit her. She sat there for a moment, eyes locked in a furious glare. This was supposed to be her moment, of showing Anna her place and rightfully destroying her, crushing her dreams on the grand stage! And she was ruining that for her!

"Oh...just you wait-!" Danielle sputtered at Anna, growling under her breath. "Your beginner's luck isn't going to last forever, and when I get my hands on you..." She couldn't finish her sentence, her teeth clenching as she watched Anna turn her back to her and shake her hips from side to side to taunt her. It seemed almost as if Danielle was facing down a new woman; she didn't seem like she could be the same one she had brought such misery to back in the locker room.

But whether she was a new woman or not, either way, Danielle was better than her. And she had no intentions of losing this match, under any circumstances.

Nevertheless, with the Frenchwoman's attention elsewhere, Anna would be able to charge in and land a dropkick straight into Dani's chest, sending her over onto her back. Thus grounded, Anna would be able to secure a mounted position, as Danielle groaned, trying to clear her head and get back in the game.
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Re: Danielle Degardin vs. Annabella Prinston - Welcoming Party

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To be perfectly honest, Anna had dent changed very much personality wise the last time she met this woman. It was an unfortunate situation too be in such a vulnerable position with a woman like Danielle, unexpected and unprepared for this woman's very unpleasant personality. But Anna was relaying on what she got taught be her comrades behind the scenes, relying on their skills to bolster her own. She still was the quiet and calculating, but right now, she had a confidence boost, especially considering how things have been playing out so far. With her drop kick landing successfully upon her opponents chest, knocking her flat on her back and wide open for Anna to continue her assault.

Anna would try her best to catch herself from the messes are fall from doing a drop kick, sort of catching herself properly on her arms, but landing a bit too hard on her knees, taking a second to recover from the weird tingle in her shin, before she pounced upon Danielle's prone body, securing a mounted position on the foul mouthed girl. "Establish control..." She'd begin to whisper to herself, couch in herself through what she is doing. Upon saying that, Anna would make a grab for Danielle's arms, hoping to further limit her options as her mind tried to think of where to go from here.

A particular memory of an injured arm she had too fix came to her mind, that came from her current position, so with a brief slap upon the pinned woman's cheek, payback for the lockers. She'd then take her right arm, assuming the woman was right handed, and began her next step. "Acquire target..." She'd continue, isolating that arm in her clutches, pressing it against her belly and lower chest, before wrapping her legs around the base of it in a constricting fashion. Mildly crushing Danielle's face with her thigh in the process.

"Overextend..." Suddenly, Anna would drop too her right, extending Danielle's arms painfully outwards, trying too overextend danaille arm with a arm bar!nattepting to put some more pressure on and get things rolling!
Last edited by DeviousAnon on Tue Jan 22, 2019 1:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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