Natalia Nowak vs. Chiara (D)

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Natalia Nowak vs. Chiara (D)

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Standard Match

Rules: Standard
Victory Condition: Pinfall, Submission or K.O.
Attire: Normal


Natalia was not yet very familiar with LAW, having not been here for very long she was still getting acclimated to the place, but she found it to be interesting so far. The people were tough and didn't take crap, which was what she was looking for when it came to opponents. She rolled her shoulder as she stood in the backstage area, waiting for the stage hands to tell her that it was her time to make her entrance. She had decided to fix herself an actual wrestling her first bout here in LAW had seen her in a bikini, this time she would wear a form fitting one piece outfit that hugged her curves and showed off her amazing physique.

It wasn't long until the workers told her that she was all clear to make her entrance, and with it Natalia Nowak would walk up and out onto the ramp. Her frame instantly catching the eyes of the crowd who seemed to start hollering and catcalling the beautiful woman. Natalia didn't really mind it, shooting a sly smirk to the men in the audience as she walk down the ramp.

Her tall and powerful frame, making it's way down the ramp as she walked towards the ring. Considering her debut match had been in a pool of oil, this was a change of pace for her. Stepping into the squared circle, Natalia would start to walk around the ring, shooting glances at the crowd as she walked around the ring...before she'd end up in the center of the ring...placing her hands on her hips in a typical power-pose.

Eyes fixed towards the ramp, she was eager to see what kind of opponent she would be up against. She hadn't heard much, in fact she hadn't heard anything about who she was to face tonight...but with what this place threw at her for her first match, she knew she was most likely in for a treat.

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Re: Natalia Nowak vs. Chiara (D)

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The wrestler known to the few in the back as Chiara was not particular in her opponent. Beyond the fact that they appeared mighty enough to atleast put up a struggle, Chiara did not care if she was facing the very top brass of LAW itself nor some new recruit by herself. They'd all serve the same role.

Namely, as an example.

Figure emerging from the back with music blaring, Chiara would pace to the ring itself in quite the casual way. Eyes to the woman in the ring, a figure she had only seen once before agreeing to fight, the tall dashing amazon found herself on the ring apron for what felt like an eternity, as she shot her busty foe quite the glare. Hand to the top rope, other to her side, a squinting of those eyes of hers would soon see the woman find herself in the ring; arms soon crossing, as she somewhat arched back.

Posing adding even more height and curve to an already astounding frame, the mysterious powerhouses glares were only broken with the briefest of nods towards the referee; her curious way of showing she was ready to start the violence made known.

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Re: Natalia Nowak vs. Chiara (D)

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Natalia stood tall and firm in the ring as her opponent started to make her way down to the ring, she would narrow her eyes when she entered the squared circle and would soon take a step forward. Looking to fold her arms under her chest and glare over at the fellow powerhouse.

Chiara looked like a powerful woman, there was no doubt about that. Yet, Natalia was no slouch, she would hopefully find a good challenge tonight, but even if she did she was still planing on coming out on top. The busty Polish woman walked up to the center of the ring, with her eyes fixed on her opponent, arms still crossed as she waited for the bell to ring.

The referee would be wary of a fight starting out before the bell even rung, with how these two were glaring at each other it seemed as if they could pounce at each other at any moment.

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Re: Natalia Nowak vs. Chiara (D)

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And whilst Chiara had every intention of being the first to 'pounce,' the form in which she did so was likely unexpected and then some. Hell, she didn't think she'd seen a match within LAW started in such a manner at all!

Stepping forward as her stacked foe did so, the two titans appeared more than happy to stare one another out, figuring out every inch of one another and perhaps deducing weak points. Chiara, though, already had a weak point in mind. Or rather, two.

The match underway, the heavyset woman opted to test the rules of LAW itself and her opponents lungs, or more so, her ability to scream, by latching her right hand onto Natalia's left breast!

Squeezing tightly, far beyond what one could ever consider to be a pleasurable grope!

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Re: Natalia Nowak vs. Chiara (D)

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Natalia would raise an eyebrow a little as she looked on at Chiara who looked back at her, the two having a bit of a staredown against one another. Neither woman seemed like they were willing to wait any longer. The match was clearly about to begin and most likely in a rough way. Though, from the looks of it the raven haired woman would act first!

Chiara's hand latched onto her breast and started to squeeze and twist, the sheer surprise of the act caused Natalia to gasp out and scream out in pain, as her breast was twisted and clawed at. " Aaaagh!" Natalia cried out, as the Polish woman would try and recoil, but quickly would throw her own hand forward, trying to smack it into Chiara's heavy breast to try and punch one of them flat, hopefully driving Chiara away from her.

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Re: Natalia Nowak vs. Chiara (D)

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Chiara was expecting reprisal for such a harsh move, though perhaps she didn't expect such a forceful one. Still, despite the power of Natalia's massive smack, the heavy amazonian shrugged it off even as her plentiful bosom jiggled. Rolling her shoulders and stepping forward, she opted to try and make the girl pay for such a blow, by catching that arm ideally before Natalia could pull it back.

From there, it was a simple case of trying to twist it at the wrist and hand; bending Natalia's poor mitt back, as she tried to clench fingers with fingers, and showcase her own brand of sadistic wrestling just a little more!

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Re: Natalia Nowak vs. Chiara (D)

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Natalia's strike had hit but it didn't seem to bother the busty raven haired woman all too much, she was sure it had hurt, but it didn't look as if Chiara was the kind to show that sort of thing. She would grunt out as Chiara took a hold of her arm and yanked it around, twisting it as it was grabbed and controlled.

She would wince out as she started to bend over a bit, trying to get her hand free, but it looked as if Chiara had other things in mind. She would lock her fingers in with the Polish woman's, interlocking their hands as Natalia would wince out. She would try and pull away from Chiara as best as she could.

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Re: Natalia Nowak vs. Chiara (D)

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Her efforts to sadistically twist Natalia until she wept somewhat put astray, Chiara wasn't the sort whom would let her denial go unpunished. When the figure before he indeed opted for that pull back away from the towering amazon, she opted to give her just that.

But not without raising her boot the moment some space was made, to try and kick Natalia rather simply in the gut with her sharp heels!

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Re: Natalia Nowak vs. Chiara (D)

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Pulling away from Chiara, Natalia was quick to try and raise her arms as she retreated. Though to her own misfortune as she retreated away from Chiara she would be punished with a sharp heel kick straight into her gut! " Guuh!" Natalia gasped out as she pulled back further, doubling over.

The Polish woman's arms quickly went down to her abs, hugging them as she coughed out with a raspy tone of voice, glaring up at the powerful raven haired amazon before her.

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Re: Natalia Nowak vs. Chiara (D)

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Chiara didn't at all seem eager to simply stop with the act of punting Natalia outright in her gut. Recoiling off the power of her own blow, the stacked amazon pressed her back against the ropes as she simply fell in the direction she was pushed.

With her feet moving forward and her back leaning, Chiara's figure added momentum upon itself with that recoil off the ropes. Her arm raised as she quickly cut the distance she herself had made, with this time her right arm raised up to take the head off the woman bowing before her!

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