To the Victor...Drinks!

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Re: To the Victor...Drinks!

Unread post by Knight-Day »

Ricci chuckled, Nayla never lacked confidence. Considering her two wrestling experiences with her, the former heiress knew why. But she was determined to win this contest.

“You’re on sister. Hell I’ll even raise the stakes. The loser owes the winner a favor for the rest of the week.”

After making the bet Carina grabbed her new glass of sake as soon as the barkeep gave the next rounds to them. The huntress gulped down with one swallow and placed the cup down. Then she looked toward her large rival.

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Re: To the Victor...Drinks!

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Nayla chuckled when she heard from Carina that the lower would owe the winner a favor for the rest of the week. "I see no problem with that. Bring it on, babe."

And so, the drinking contest started. Seeing Carina downing the entire sake with one swig, she then also took her cup, and like the other woman, she downed the entire content of the cup before setting it down.

After she did that, she smiled at Carina, waiting for her to do it once more.
Last edited by PrinceArjuna332 on Mon Dec 31, 2018 10:03 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: To the Victor...Drinks!

Unread post by Knight-Day »

The bartender can already tell his two customers wanted more drinks. Carina paid him extra cash to make sure to keep it coming. New glasses swiftly slide over to the pair. After making sure she had the right drink, the west coast girl remarked. “Get ready to eat humble pie Nayla.”

Without further words Carina took another swig and let out a satisfied sigh. Slowly but certainly her body started to get affected by the amount of sake she was putting, that her vision started to blur a bit.

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Re: To the Victor...Drinks!

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Grinning as new drinks were served, Nayla looked at Carina, chucking at her words before responding, "I'm not the one to be humbled today, honey..." Seeing Carina downing her glass, Nayla also took her glass, and with one swig, she finished the content.

Sighing, Nayla started to feel lighter as the drinks started affecting her. Her vision started blurring a bit, but she was determined to not lose to the younger woman before her.

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Re: To the Victor...Drinks!

Unread post by Knight-Day »

Ricci bobbed her head back and forth as it started to swim. The younger woman didn’t want to admit defeat now at their third and unofficial contest with one another. New glasses showed and Carina grabbed hers but it took two glups to finish it off unlike the last times. Crap, I should’ve done the game sooner. she realized but was too stubborn to back out now.

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Re: To the Victor...Drinks!

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Like Carina, Nayla also had problem downing her drink with one gulp, and she couldn't keep her head straight at this point. Still, she refused to give up, not wanting to lose to someone she had defeated twice. She started hiccuping, having trouble keeping herself focused, but she was too stubborn to give up, demanding more glasses. She would not stop until she managed to beat Carina in their drinking contest.

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Re: To the Victor...Drinks!

Unread post by Knight-Day »

Carina’s vision blurred more and more. The Italian American held out as long as she could, managing to consume two more cups of sake. Given a fresh glass she attempt to grab for it but dropped her head down on the counter instead. “Dammit not again.” Carina muttered to herself.

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Re: To the Victor...Drinks!

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Nayla wasn't faring much better as she had trouble keeping her head up after drinking two glasses. Soon, she dropped her head onto the counter, too tipsy to even keep her head straight. She let out slurred mumbles, still trying to get her head up in order to continue drinking. But it was clear that she couldn't even get her head moving at this point.

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Re: To the Victor...Drinks!

Unread post by Knight-Day »

The bartender shook his head in amusement at the crazy foreigners. As long as they didn’t damage the bar it’s all good especially since the drinks were all paid for. He attended to the other customers letting the duo recover from their little game. Finally looking to the side Carina saw through in a blurred view that Nayla was on the counter as well. Moaning, the blonde said.

“Ugh guess...we can call this bout a draw. Means we both owe a favor. Shit my head is spinning.”

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Re: To the Victor...Drinks!

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

It seemed that both of them were unable to continue with their little contest. Groaning, Nayla looked at Carina, hearing her words before saying, "Agreed. Urghh... everything's spinning..." she grumbled.

So, the contest ended with a draw, and the two of them owed each other a favor thanks to this.

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