Momo Yamamoto vs Ami Sane

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Momo Yamamoto vs Ami Sane

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Momo Yamamoto vs. Ami Sane
Match Type: Standard
Victory by: Pinfall, Submission or Knockout

The arena began to fill up with bright colors as Pulses by Karmin plays and Momo Yamamoto ran out onto the stage, arms out with a huge smile on her face. She immediately began to blow kisses to the crowd, looking excited and eager to go on with her next match. She then did a few spins on the stage before skipping down to the ring, giving high fives to the fans as ringside. She made her way around the ring until she got to the steel steps and sprinted up them before grabbing hold of the top rope and vaulting over it by kicking her legs out to the side in an impressive show of athleticism.
There was no way that Momo could look any more thrilled to be competing tonight as she basked in the reaction of the crowd, blowing kisses to each side of the crowd around the ring. She didn't know much about her opponent, but she was determined to go out there and really put on one heckuva show for the crowd.

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Re: Momo Yamamoto vs Ami Sane

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Ami was excited for her upcoming match , but a bit surprised it came so soon.As she had not thought about what song to use for her entrance music so she would have to come out to some generic theme for tonight's match. Still she had plenty of other things she should be worried about as besides not having a theme song yet her attire may be a bit simple. As she had just decided to wear long white boots and a leotard with a blue skirt attached to it. It also had a blue color as she wore white gloves with 3 blue bands at the ends of them as she waited for her cue.

As she waited she could hear the crowd cheer as she assumed her opponent was already making her way down as she took a deep breath.As after a minute or so of waiting it was her turn as she walked onto the stage , and just waved at everyone.The reaction she got was a bit discouraging as it was not as loud as for her opponent , but it seem to pick up as she walked down to the ring.Halfway their she would hear the announcer say ''now entering the ring from Tokyo,Japan. Weighing in at about 102ibs, it's Ami Sane''as she would climb into the ring.Once she was inside she would hesitate a bit before she approached Momo for a handshake as she did not say a word as she extended her hand.
Last edited by anime_hentaifighter on Sat Feb 23, 2019 11:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Momo Yamamoto vs Ami Sane

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Momo smiled as she watched her opponent come down to the ring, stretching a bit just for something to do. She was used to having prepared for a match with copious stretching, but a little bit more never hurt! When Ami entered the ring, she noticed the blue-haired girl looking a little bit nervous. And awkwardly yet, she extended her hand without saying anything to her. Yamomoto, never one to turn down such a gesture, took Ami Sane's hand and shook it with a glowing smile. "Ami, right? You look positively adorbs in that outfit! I am so excited for this match, and good luck!" Her friendliness practically oozed out of every word, her bright smile never leaving her lips.

The darker-skinned girl then stepped back to her corner and waited for the bell to ring. And, once it did, Momo held her arms up with a determined grin on her face and went to meet up with Ami for a lock up. She figured since the girl seemed nervous, a simple and basic start to the match might be better for her. She just didn't have it in her to take advantage of Ami's hesitance.

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Re: Momo Yamamoto vs Ami Sane

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Ami was not really expecting her opponent to say anything when she extended her hand out for a handshake.AS she knew it must be a little weird for the bluenette to just do that without saying anything as she would feel the brunette grasp her hand in responds.Then to be complimented , and wished the best of luck in their match as she was unsure how to respond back at first.Still in the end she would just smile back as she replied ''yeah my name is Ami.Should have maybe introduced myself first , but a bit nervous for my first match.Still think your outfit pretty good too'' as she would step back as she released the darker skinned girl's hand as she would raise her arms up.

As she would crouch down as she awaited the moment when the referee would call for the bell as she planned on just circling around Momo for now.

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Re: Momo Yamamoto vs Ami Sane

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Momo's opponent seemed nice enough too, but still somewhat skittish or expecting much worse out of her. She understood that. It was hard to put yourself out there sometimes. But still, the Heartthrob wasn't about let herself go easy on the new girl. She had risen her arms for a lock up, but it didn't seem like Ami wanted any part of it. Still cautious, she thought. Pursing her lips, the brunette narrowed her eyes and gave it a moment's thought for her next move.

Then, Momo stepped forward, making it look like she was going to go high for a grapple, but then she would go low to try and hit a drop toe hold to take her opponent down! If she could nail that move, Momo would then leap forward and attempt to lock in a basic headlock on her blue-haired foe, wanting to start off with something basic to get warmed up.

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Re: Momo Yamamoto vs Ami Sane

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Ami was more cautious as she saw the other wrestler attempt to lock up as she would keep her distance.Not wanting to be overpowered so quickly as she suspected Momo was stronger , but when she had nowhere to go she would accept.As she moved in closer as it seemed the brunette wanted to grapple with her.However it was a diversion , and she fell for it as she was taken down with an drop toe hold as she would soon after be trapped in an headlock while she was down as she attempts to rise up.

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Re: Momo Yamamoto vs Ami Sane

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Momo was very happy her first maneuver was such a success! She held Ami in a headlock and felt her slowly standing up. The tan girl bit her lip and awaited for her blue-haired foe to stand up high enough and said, "Not so fast!"

Then, Yamamoto would try to take Sane down with a headlock takedown and press her body against her chest. If she could maintain control with these basic moves, Yamamoto figured that Ami wouldn't get the momentum necessary to get any footing in this match.

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Re: Momo Yamamoto vs Ami Sane

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Ami had not expected to end up sitting on her behind so quickly into the match as she felt her opponent's arms around her neck.As she would attempt to pry the arm that was pressing against her head.Only to hear her opponent shout ''not so fast''as she would feel Momo's chest press against the back of her body as she would grab onto one of her opponent's wrist with both hands as she attempts to force it away from her head.

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Re: Momo Yamamoto vs Ami Sane

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Momo's headlock takedown was stuffed and she felt Ami trying to pry her fingers from the headlock. Maybe this girl had some strength behind her after all! Momo's face twisted as she thought of her next move, not wanting her to get the advantage by breaking her headlock.

The brunette stiffled a grunt as her hand was being slowly pried away, and before Ami Sane could get it fully unhooked from her, Yamamoto let out a high pitched yell and leaped up, trying to hit a knee strike to Ami's face while she still barely had her bent over.

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Re: Momo Yamamoto vs Ami Sane

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Ami was trying to pry her opponent's fingers from the headlock as she felt the other wrestler's grip weaken a little.Not enough to break free yet as she would have to work a bit longer on that.Still just when she thought she was able to slip free she would end up taking a knee strike to her face as she would fall backwards against the nearby ropes.

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