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Spars, workouts, and other such gym rp's go here. There are many different LAW gyms stationed throughout Japan.
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Another day of Reiko's usually dojo being closed on training day, this time due to renovations. It was a bummer too, she was going to try and pull off some of the more complicated wrist locks and counters today, but alas. So here she was at one of the LAW gyms in her sleeveless gi and hakama. It definitely got a few stares given everyone else was in gym clothes, but she played it off. Honestly, Reiko didn't own many casual clothes aside from formal wear, and it was just easier for her to workout in her gi.

Regardless, she walked around the gym, glancing around for sparring partners. She didn't have anyone worth fighting, most were out of her weight class. She'd prefer someone her size for some of the moves she wanted to work on today. I guess I could just punch away at the bag if I can't find anyone, but...
Last edited by dlamp on Mon Mar 07, 2022 2:31 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Making Sparks (Reiko and Alice)

Unread post by PrincessBlair »

Electro Alice
Alice McDowell, better known by her stage name Electro Alice, has been in the gym for a short while. Being smaller and skinnier then most of the other girls in gym, she is a bit hard to spot. She wears her bodysuit that she plans to wear wear underneath more clothes when she finally gets her debut match. She's been here, in Japan, for a week now and they won't let her debut. Haven't found the right opponent, they tell her. But she knows better than that. They want to debut her former mentor, the greater "Electro Girl", Emilia before they debut her.

Frustrated and angry, Alice attacks the punching bag. At least she can get a bit of training, while she waits for them to "find the right opponent". Maybe she should try to spar with someone. But most of the girls here look like they will eat a small little novice like her for breakfast. Alice continues to let out her frustrations on the punching bag, furiously punching at it.

Alice notices a smaller girl approaching the bags. She looks over at her in a bit of acknowledgement, but she continues punching the bag.

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Re: Making Sparks (Reiko and Alice)

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Just as she reached the punching bags Reiko spotted a girl around her size pounding away at the bag in clear frustration. She gave her a quick look before going back to it, but their eyes met. Reiko smiled. She seems like a good opponent. A bit taller than her, but a much better option than someone twice her size anyway.

She walked over to the girl, giving a quick wave. "Hey," She said. "Wanna' go a round with me?" Might as well be forward about it.

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Re: Making Sparks (Reiko and Alice)

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The smaller girl approaches Alice. Alice stops attacking the punching bag and turns to look at her. She crosses her arms and looks the girl up and down. "Alright... I'll go a round with you, but fair warning. I'm not in the best of moods. I won't apologize if you get seriously." Alice tries to make herself seem more threatening than she really is. She doesn't want to seem like weakling around all these bigger girls.

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Re: Making Sparks (Reiko and Alice)

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That... wasn't the kind of personality Reiko expected from someone in such a unique outfit, but at least she got her sparring partner. The girl looked a little rough around the edges, but that might mean she's a tougher opponent. "That's fine, I got some stuff I wanna' work out too. Let's make it a serious match then." Reiko smiled, walking over to the mats. She had to admit, the scene of an Aikido girl fighting a girl in a full bodysuit felt a little wild, but it'd make an interesting fight. "Oh yeah, I'm Reiko, Reiko Tachibana. I go by Amano in the ring though."

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Re: Making Sparks (Reiko and Alice)

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Alice follows Reiko to the mat. She looks rather serious, still with her arms crosses. "My name is Alice McDowell. I will be going by my stage name Electro Alice when I finally get my debut match." Alice slips though the rope and gets into one of the rings. She does a few stretches before they start sparring. She lifts her leg straight up over her head. And the other one. She does some other stretches not just to nimble herself up, but to show off how flexible she is. Alice is hoping to impress her opponent a little.

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Re: Making Sparks (Reiko and Alice)

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Reiko watched her opponent stretch, raising an eye. For someone that was acting so stiff the girl was rather flexible. Getting a submission in will be tough. Guess throwing her around will have to do. Reiko started to stretch as well, bending her back, then stretching out her legs. "You're still waiting for a match, huh?" Reiko paused, thinking it over. "Well, just get ready for some pain. My last match had me bleeding, like, a lot. My yellow kimono was practically red by the end of it." Just the memory of that grueling match with Himiko got her blood boiling. "But hey, if you can't get a match soon, just tell them you wanna' fight me. We're in the same weight class, so it'll be fun. Though... I'm pretty ruthless in the ring." She gave the girl a smirk, now getting into her stance. Feet apart, arms raised and waiting to catch attacks. It was an elegant stance, at least she hoped so.

"Alright then McDowell-san, come at me whenever you're ready," The girl had been distant so far, but maybe a fight would show her true personality. "Gimme' all you got!"

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Re: Making Sparks (Reiko and Alice)

Unread post by PrincessBlair »

"Maybe if we have a good spar I'll do that." Alice could probably have a match with this girl, espcially if she kicks her ass in this spar. But if Reiko is as ruthless as she claims to be then maybe having a match with her is not a good idea. The last thing Alice wants is to be left a broken bloody mess in front of a live audience. There is only one way to find out how good of an opponent Reiko will be for her.

"Ok Reiko prepare yourself!" Alice approaches her opponent ready to attack. She launches a quick side kick aimed at Reiko's face. She hopes that her speed is enough to get past her opponent's defences.

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Re: Making Sparks (Reiko and Alice)

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"Bring it!" Alice struck first and struck fast with a high kick. A gutsy move to do right off the bat, especially for a spar. "Hah!" Reiko rose her arm, blocking the strike and latching onto Alice's leg. "Heh, pretty nuts to just go for my face like that at the start," She commented, giving her pulling at her leg a bit for letting go. "I think you're gonna' a fun sparring partner, McDowell-san, now do it again!"

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Re: Making Sparks (Reiko and Alice)

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Alice puffs her cheeks as Reiko catches her foot. She is a bit upset that her sparring partner managed to catch that kick. Maybe she wasn't as quick as she thought she was. Reiko lets go of Alice's foot and Alice brings it down. "Ok... But this time you are not going to be able to catch it this time!" Alice shouts and launches another kick, this time aimed at Reiko's gut.

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