Cali McCloud vs Princess Spooks

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Cali McCloud vs Princess Spooks

Unread post by Faeron »

Standard Match
Victory via pinfall, submission, KO or count out

Cali was already at the ring, using the ropes to stretch out her thick legs. After having a her debut match with Abby, she was put into a match with another debuting rookie by the name of Princess Spooks. It was kind of an odd name in her mind, but that all sorts of odd people tend to compete in LAW so Cali simply paid no mind to it. Her grey eyes were focused towards the stage as she waited for this supposed Princess to appear
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Re: Cali McCloud vs Princess Spooks

Unread post by PrincessBlair »

Soon punk rocky music starts playing, and a girl comes out onto the stage. A pale girl with long white hair and in a white frilled leotard. She wore a small crown on her head. This is obviously Princess Spooks, which was made clear when the announcer introduces her.
Princess Spooks strides her way to the ring, slipping under the ropes to enter. She gets to her corner and stares at her opponent, smiling. She waves playfully at Cali. "Hello! Friend! Lets have fun play time!" She sticks out her freakishly long tongue out at Cali. She also takes off her little crown and tosses it to the side out of the ring.
Princess Spooks

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Re: Cali McCloud vs Princess Spooks

Unread post by Faeron »

Cali couldn't help but let an amused smile grow on her face at the energy displayed by Princess Spooks.

"I like a wrestler whose ready to get it on. Hope you don't plan to use that tongue on me anything soon." Cali grinned as she heard the bell ring, readying to lock up with her opponent.
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Re: Cali McCloud vs Princess Spooks

Unread post by PrincessBlair »

Cali makes a comment about Spooks' tongue and it retreats back into her mouth. "Oh! Friend! My tongue has a mind of its own. I'm sure it will pop up for a more intimate hello later." With that the bell rings. Spooks slowly moves forward towards the center of ring. She raises her hands ready to lock with Cali for a test of strength.

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Re: Cali McCloud vs Princess Spooks

Unread post by Faeron »

Cali smirks as she edged closer to Princess Spooks, eyeing the raised hand. A test of strength is something she was good and a good way to get the match going in her favor. Cali raised her hands and locked them within the pale hands of the Princess.
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Re: Cali McCloud vs Princess Spooks

Unread post by PrincessBlair »

Spooks locks hands with her opponent, but instead of pushing for the test of strength, the Princess ties to pull Cali towards her. If she is successfully in pulling Cali to her, Spooks lefts her knee so that Cali's stomach goes into her knee. "Fooled you!" Spooks cheers if her attack is successful.

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Re: Cali McCloud vs Princess Spooks

Unread post by Faeron »

Cali is caught unaware and takes the knee to the stomach.

"Unh" Cali doubles over slightly, hearing Princess Spooks cheer for the attack. Clicking her tongue, Cali pulls her her body back and then slams her shoulder against the Princess's chest in retaliation.
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Re: Cali McCloud vs Princess Spooks

Unread post by PrincessBlair »

Cali's shoulder slams into Spook's chest and she steps back a few paces, clinching her chest. "Ow... Friend! You are pretty strong there. Friend." The Princess quickly recovers and gets onto a stance, ready for an attack.

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Re: Cali McCloud vs Princess Spooks

Unread post by Faeron »

"I wouldn't start cheering till I'm at least flat on my back...friend." Cali replied. Cali then ducked low and lunged towards the Princess with the intent of scooping her lighter opponent up.
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Re: Cali McCloud vs Princess Spooks

Unread post by PrincessBlair »

Spooks wasn't fully prepared for the next attack. Cali lounges into Spooks and lifts her off her feet. The Princess screams as she is being scooped up, "Aaaahhh! Let me go, friend!"

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