Slowly she was getting the heavy weight up from the ground. Her eyes on fire. Caro would clap into her hands and kept screaming at her trainee to push herself more. It would take some time before the weight was in the final position but samus was able to do it. Caro would look at her daughter with a proud smile on her face. The blond woman would start to lean forwards again and put the weight back down onto the floor. She wouldn’t put it down completely, instead a little bit over the floor she would drop it. The blond woman would spin around as soon as she got rid of the weight, walking away screaming still filled up with adrenalin from the exercise.
Caro would cross her arms under her chest. “come on that were only ten repetions, don´t get to full of yourself!” Samus would reach wall and would lean forwards taking a short break to breathe in and out deeply. “When you’re able to do 15 your allowed to scream out in pride like that. But until then, keep it quite!” Samus would need a few more moments until she would spin around. “oh come on. That is almost double the weight you dead lifted to your prime time, I think I even overdone dad meanwhile!” would samus say with a smirk on her face.
“maybe, but we didn´t go for the girly version with 10 repetions because we couldn´t make it. We went all the way and did 15 at least!”, would caro reply teasing her daughter. Samus who was wearing a dark blue shirt and a pair of black trainings shorts. Both where sticking to her body thanks to all the sweat, would only turn this down with a waving hand movement.
“I would say that is enough for today…” would the mature woman say. “some cardio for you and then go home, shower and eat and eat! My next client should be here any moment now anyway.”
Samus eyes would sparkle. Even in that age her mum was taking on new rookies as clients… this woman never knew when she should stop, and that was the think she loved about her.
The older woman was wearing a normal trainingsjacket with a pair of long sport´s pants, everything in a lighter blue.
Carolina + outfit