Anna/Samus: Beauties in the Gym

Spars, workouts, and other such gym rp's go here. There are many different LAW gyms stationed throughout Japan.
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Anna/Samus: Beauties in the Gym

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Samus got her earplugs in when she walked into the gym. She was wearing a black training´s jacked and a pair of black trainings shorts. Her blond hair was tied up to a ponytail. The American woman got a big smile on her face when she stepped though the empty hall. Today she would meet with another member of LAW to train together with her.
Samuela Healtway
She didn´t know much about the other woman, but she knew that she should be pretty fit and strong. A prefect work out and sparring partner for Samuela. Maybe she would learn something new today. The big woman would throw her water bottle onto a bank and would sit on it. She was a bit early… but only because she hated it to be late! The big woman was leaning back a bit and enjoyed the moment of silence, when she could listen to her music.

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Re: Anna/Samus: Beauties in the Gym

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Given that Anna had heard the gym in LAW was surprisingly popular even in its early days, it was no surprise that the busty Australian soon found herself accepting a spar offer. Clad in her usual work-out attire, which often doubled as a wrestling attire, the green-haired beauty would make her way into the reasonably packed training area, gym bag to hand. Adjusting her hat, she'd scan her surroundings, somewhat keen to see if she'd come across a face she would recognise. She'd certainly expect Tina Armstrong to be here right about now, but alas, could not lay eyes upon her.
With only a picture of her partner to hand, Anna would give once more a glance to her foe, trying to compare the picture of Samus to the figures in the room. Eventually, she'd find a match. And whilst Anna was expecting the heavyweight to be big, she didn't exactly expect her to be...

...that big.

"H..hihihihi!" Anna spurted out in her excitement, forcing a hand out to grab Samus' own after quickly closing distance with her soon to be training partner!

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Re: Anna/Samus: Beauties in the Gym

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Samus was leaning back a bit , but while it looked like she wasn´t paying any attention she got the entrance door in her view the whole time. It wouldn´t take long until a friendly looking woman with green hair was opening the door a stepped in. She was a pretty heavy woman… but Samus know that woman like her mostly had surprisingly much strength! So Samus was pretty sure that this would be her sparring partner for today. The American woman would push herself off the bench before walking towards her partner. She would look at her with a friendly smile. A short moment before the two women met Samus would pull out her earplugs.

“Hello!”, was Samus replying before shaking the hand. “Nice to meet you my name is Samuela Healtway. Looks like we are going to train together today… please call me Samus… So maybe you want to tell me something about you first? What kind of training do you like? I would love to lift some iron with you today!”

Samus would look up and down her partnet a few times. Seems like the woman seemed pretty excited… Samus tried to look as friendly as possible.

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Re: Anna/Samus: Beauties in the Gym

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Anna breathed a sigh of relief, as Samus seemed quick to not only accept her greeting, but return it; the earbuds on the giant soon falling out on purpose as the two began to exchange pleasantries.

"I'm Anna! You can call me...well...Anna!" She'd gleam, eyes briefly closing as she smiled at the giant before her. "Oooh what type, that's a question..." Anna pondered, bringing her no-longer shaking hand back so that she could stroke her chin, somewhat embarrassed she didn't have the answer to a question any rightful sparring partner would ask.

"We...we could just tussle in the ring!" She'd mutter out nonchalantly, before realising her poor wording. Obviously, the blush quickly grew more. "You know what I mean..." Playing it off, both of Anna's hands now came to her mouth, as she'd try to brush it aside with a giggle.

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Re: Anna/Samus: Beauties in the Gym

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Samus would lay her head to her side and scratch it a bit. She didn´t know why Anna was so nervous right now. “Hm I am sorry… seems like I don´t know what you mean by that would you mind explaining me what you have in mind…” Would Samus say not sure what to think about this Tussle.

She knew what a sparring match was but this had mostly pretty less to do with Tussling in the ring. Although it sounded a lot like fun. “But yeah why not do the work out inside the ropes… that can be fun as well.. you can explain me what you have in mind when we are there.” With these words Samus would grab her stuff and walk over to the wrestling ring. She would throw her stuff to the closest stairs before taking another slip of water. After putting the bottle away Samus would roll into the ring before standing back up. Inside the ring she would take of her trainings jacked and throw it back out leaving her upper body only in a tight sport bra. She would stretch her arms a bit while waiting for her partner.

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Re: Anna/Samus: Beauties in the Gym

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Her nerves quickly disappearing, Anna found herself somewhat skipping like a giddy schoolgirl alongside the much bigger Samus, eager to see what happened when the two of them step foot in between the ropes. It was only part way to the ring, did she miss the obvious.

"Oh..! Forgot my bag! Hehe!" She'd smirk out, running back with a jiggle to her step as she picked the gym back she had so casually dropped besides Samus when she was greeting her, before returning to the blonde giant. "So clumsy~ Anyway I think we should just do the basics. Anything we wanna practice specifically, we just say. Deal?" Smile now as big as it could be once again, Anna too found herself quickly rolling under the ropes, before finding her feet. As she did, she would leave her gym bag just under the ropes she had entered in, making note to remove her hat and place them alongside it.

"I'm really eager to see what we can do!"

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Re: Anna/Samus: Beauties in the Gym

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Samus would think for a moment while looking at her trainings partner. She would smirk down to her after that short moment… “If you really want to see what I can do I got a great warm up for us!” Samus would let her shoulders circle a bit before stepping into the center of the ring. When she was standing there she would slowly bring her hands behind her back and grab the wrist of her left hand with her right hand.
“This is a pretty fun warm up I learned in Brazil! It is a small girl. We put out hands behind out backs and they stay there… the goal is simply bring your opponent down to the floor or push him against the ropes to win the game… how does this sound for you? Are you in? Or are you too much afraid of the big bad woman?”

Samus would start jump to the right and the left smiling at her opponent. The big American woman would directly as soon as her partner got her hands behind her back jump forwards, trying to hit her hip against the hip of her opponent, before jumping backwards and starting to jump to the left and right again. The first hip attack was more playful than powerful.

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Re: Anna/Samus: Beauties in the Gym

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Anna was all the more eager now her figure was between the ropes; such became apparent when her figure began to jiggle up and down, excitedly hopping from one foot to another. She didn't know what to expect from such a mighty figure, but was eager to try whatever came her way. After all, she suspected the first encounter that relied upon strength would likely gain her a victory, given there was little chance Samus expected such a figure to contain as much power as it did. Albeit, then on, Samus would simply overexert her.

"Ohh! Lemme hear lemme hear!" She'd giggle, even though Samus was already telling her. "Ooo, that sounds super interesting. I'm down!" Moving her posture as Samus did, she'd find her foes iron hips smacking into her own with a somewhat resounding thud, making the green haired beauty jump a little in surprise.

" just like...that..!" Speaking as Anna brought her own hands behind her back and locked the fingers together, Anna would attempt to return the hip thrust. Inadvertently, making her giant chest briefly mushroom against Samus' own mighty pair!

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Re: Anna/Samus: Beauties in the Gym

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Samus wanted to see how Anna was handling this situation. She looked over to her trainings partner with a smile on her face. It seemed like Anna wasn´t so happy about the surprise attack of the American woman, but the idea of the game was something for her.
Because soon after Samus did the first strike, Anna started to move a bit herself she would put her hands behind her back as well and came closer to the big woman, smashing her one hip smash against the hip of her opponent. Samus would stumble backwards a bit after that. Her smile just became much more playful.
Now the real game could start. Samus would try to jump closer to the green haired beauty again, this time only faking her hip attack before turning around and smashing her breasts right into the big breasts of her opponent. Samus hoped that she would be able to take her opponent by surprise again. But this time Samus wasn´t pulling away directly afterwards she would keep pushing her breasts against the breasts of her opponent for some time, hopping being able to push her backwards a bit.  

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Re: Anna/Samus: Beauties in the Gym

Unread post by Devilish53 »

The contest was something resembling extreme, wild power in a giant form, against notable power compact down. Anna had the momentum and the positioning to hold against the wild shoves, but lengthier pushes would begin to force Anna back. It was not that she wasn't enjoying the contest overall regardless. And it was not like she wasn't holding her own for brief moments. Slamming her hips back against the bigger figure, she'd find Samus looking to respond with a similar lunge. Only, suddenly go higher instead!

"Ooohhh..." Anna would whince, stumbling back as her natural great bustyness provided her with something of a shield! "You'!" Slowly pushing back, Anna would up the ante, as she seemingly tried to squish her giant bosom as hard as she could against Samus' pair!

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