set to fail(Lilly Maringly vs Daisy knight)

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Re: set to fail(Lilly Maringly vs Daisy knight)

Unread post by shanecawf »

Lilly would let out muffled groans and moans as she was suffocated by Laura's ginormous ass that she was literally tied to. She would feel Daisy sliding beneath her and would let out a moan that would vibrate nicely between Laura's ass cheeks getting a moan out of Laura as well. Midnight would smile as Daisy ordered her to get Lilly's ass and she would comply immediately, reaching forward to spread Lilly's cute cheeks before plunging in without any holding back.

When Lilly felt the double penetration, she would scream causing Laura's delicious ass to ripple causing Laura to moan louder as well. Laura and midnight would be happy where they were and Laura would respond to the compliment on her ass by letting out a louder moan. "I'm sure... She'd be happy with yours as well daisy." She would say between moans as Lilly continued moaning and vibrating Laura's ass. Midnight meanwhile would reach begin sending hard slaps to Lill'y ass while thrusting into her, making the cheeks dark red. Midnight was going all the way in and all the way out with each thrust, making a clapping sound every time she went in with her hips smacking into Lilly's ass.

Midnight and Laur would notice the flashes of cameras taking pictures and videos and would smile brightly as if it were an everyday kind of photoshoot. "Smile for the camera ladies!" Laura would joke as she didn't mind the booing they were receiving.

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Re: set to fail(Lilly Maringly vs Daisy knight)

Unread post by Jman2113 »

Daisy stuck her tongue out with a smile as they all abused Lilly. "Well, I'm sure she'd enjoy my ass, I'm a bit tired of her...more interested in you two..." She moaned. Daisy gave several rapid thrusts. "You bout to cum?" She taunted Lilly, twisting her nipples. "Come on...this is fun, but I wanna play with your friends! CUM!" She said, then started a chant with the other two. "CUM! CUM! CUM!"

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Re: set to fail(Lilly Maringly vs Daisy knight)

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Lilly was completely humiliated already and it just seemed to get worse every second. She could only hear the taunting of her opponents as everything else was dark. Her senses were cut off by Laura's massive ass that nearly engulfed her entire face. Laura and daisy would chuckle as they heard Daisy claiming she was tired of Lilly and wanted to move on to them. They agreed. There was only so much they could do with a weakling like Lilly.

When Lilly felt the rapid thrusts from both ends hitting her faster than ever, she would shriek. it only got louder when Daisy twisted her nipples and yelled at her to cum, before starting a chant that even some of the more dominant fans started in on. Lilly would only hold on for a couple more seconds before she would cum. Her juices spraying out wildly as her body thrashed and she let out the loudest moan into Laura yet causing Laura to moan as well.

Midnight would snicker as she saw the juices spraying the mat but she would continue humping her until it subsided.

Lilly would pass out in the humiliating position after her orgasm subsided, letting out a few delayed spurts of juices. She had been thoroughly dominated and it was up to the three to decide what to do now.

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Re: set to fail(Lilly Maringly vs Daisy knight)

Unread post by Jman2113 »

Daisy cheered as Lilly came. She pulled out of her, then stood. "Well, girls...I'll ask her. We all need to hit the showers..." She said, then placed her foot on her breast. "Laura, let the girl speak?" She requested. "Lilly, ya fucking loser slut, do you submit?" Daisy said, twisting her foot to torture her boob.

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Re: set to fail(Lilly Maringly vs Daisy knight)

Unread post by shanecawf »

Midnight and Laura would join in on the cheer as Lilly came. Midnight would pull out a couple seconds after Daisy while Laura kept her tied to her ass. Laura would only untie the top when Daisy asked her to letting Lilly hit the mat. Lilly would regain consciousness when Daisy's foot hit her breast, twisting and stretching the skin painfully as she was asked if she would like to submit. Lilly would let out a nearly silent submission as she nodded answering the girls question.

Laura would get an idea as she would suggest Daisy go for a pin as well. "Why don't you take a seat on her face, Give her a nice gift for being so brave tonight..." Laura would say as she would give Daisy's ass a pat and midnight would nod pleading her to do so. This would be the end of the match and a good way to do it as they had dominated her all the way through and hoped to end it in a dominating way as well.

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Re: set to fail(Lilly Maringly vs Daisy knight)

Unread post by Jman2113 »

Daisy was happy, flexing her arms. The crowd booed her, but she didn't care. Suddenly, she felt her ass get smacked, giving a small yelp. She took Laura's advice, sitting on Lily's face.She grinded her ass on her face as Midnight would count.

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Re: set to fail(Lilly Maringly vs Daisy knight)

Unread post by shanecawf »

Laura and Midnight watched happily as Daisy took a seat on the poor Lilly's face. The would look at each other and kiss happily before looking back at Daisy to join her. Laura would sit down on Daisy's lap adding weight to the face sit, only raising the level of Boos and disaproval from the crowd while midnight went to the mat for a slow 10 count. Laura would lean in gently placing her arms on Daisy's shoulders while her hands gently caressed the back of Daisy's head, pulling her close to her so their foreheads would press against each other. She would smile lovingly at the blonde as she leaned in to give her a quick kiss. "I think you earned an extra long vacation with us..." Laura would giggle as she sat on top of Daisy's lap, causing the face sit for lilly to be extremely heavy. Midnight meanwhile took her time, finally hitting 10. She would stand up and wait for Daisy and laura to join her. They wouldn't join right away as they were busy making out but after a couple seconds, they would stand up and take in the reaction of the crowd. Claiming victory.

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Re: set to fail(Lilly Maringly vs Daisy knight)

Unread post by Jman2113 »

Daisy rubbed Luara's butt, then kissed her. "Mmm...I want my next match with bed." She said. Daisy rose with the others, raising her arms and giving two middle fingers to the crowd as she wiggled her tits and butt.

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Re: set to fail(Lilly Maringly vs Daisy knight)

Unread post by shanecawf »

Laura would wiggle her massive rear as she felt Daisy rubbing it while kissing her. "That can be arranged... On our little vacation with our happy family!" Laura would giggle as she pointed to Midnight and Lilly who would be joining them. "We'll have plenty of alone time though... I promise." Laura would say in a sultry tone as she would rub Daisy's butt in return before giving her a quick kiss on the lips.

"Lets get out of here. I've got the perfect place for our vacation." Laura would say excitedly as she would put her hand on daisy's ass while guiding daisy's to hers as well. Midnight would simply drag Lilly out of the mud pool before hauling her over her shoulder and following the two amazons out of the arena, leaving the cheers but mostly boos behind.

Winner: Daisy Knight.

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