D-Evil vs Kaoru Fujikage

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D-Evil vs Kaoru Fujikage

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D-Evil vs Kaoru Fujikage
Standard Match
Win by Pinfall, Submission, or Countout

Sitting in the locker room between two taller girls, legs crossed, bottle of water in hand, is LAW new tiny villainess. She goes by the name D-Evil, and on each side of her, her two goons. The brown haired Japan native, Marika Soresi, and the blonde haired European, Liliana Vergamon. D-Evil waits patiently for her chance in the spotlight. Today is her debut match against... Who cares... Her opponent isnt going the star of this match. This is D-Evil's time to shine. Its her time to show the ladies of LAW who the new queen of the ring is, and strike fear in future competitors and audiences alike.

"It's time..." D-Evil speaks as she chugs her bottle of water and throws it on the floor. She gets up and heads down the hall, her two lackeys close behind. She walks down the hall, grinning sinisterly and tapping her finger tips together. She is shorter than all the wrestlers she passes on her way to the stage, but it doesn't matter they will all soon fear and bow down to D-Evil. She gets to the entrance to the stage and turns to her goons, "We went over this... You know what to do."

"Yes! Boss!" the two goons say in unison saluting D-Evil. Soon everyone will be calling her "Boss". The two girls then go dart in another direction.

"Now entering the ring! From parts unknown! Wieghing in at 95lbs! D-Evil!" the announcer announces and the music plays and D-Evil comes walking out onto the ramp. Some people in the coward start laughing. She is so tiny and her outfit is ridiculous. It didn't bother her any, however. She walks up to the ring and slides under the ropes. She grins turns to face the ramp, with her malicous grin on her face. She waits for her opponent to enter.

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Re: D-Evil vs Kaoru Fujikage

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Kaoru's debut was, if anything, tremendously successful. She had managed to make a great impression with the crowd, definitely convincing them that there was something... cool about her. She liked remembering the cheers she got that night, and it gave her tingles. Sitting in the locker room, she waited and waited - her opponent would be coming out first, production said.

"D-Evil?" The only thing she knew about her opponent was her name. "I dont draw early conclusions but... I bet she's evil." Kaoru's detective work was definitely top-notch. She adjusted her suit, looking at herself on the mirror and making sure the star was in the middle of her chest. The asian girl wrapped her red scarf around her neck and made her way out once she was called. "In that case... it's time to serve justice!" She said out loud, as if anyone else could hear her. She gave herself tingles with how epic she was.

Her theme song started playing as she came out to the ramp. "And her opponent, hailing from Kanto, Japan! Weighing in at 104lbs! KA! O! RU!" Kaoru was actually digging the way the announcer said her name. She rushed down the ramp, highfiving some fans along the way - this time, they sure looked a lot more excited than the first time they saw her.
Climbing onto the apron, Kaoru grabbed onto the top rope and leapt right over it, landing perfectly on the mat and throwing one arm in the air, summoning a burst of cheers from the audience. Only then would she take a look at her opponent. Once more, she was booked to fight a smaller girl - but she knew better than anyone not to underestimate little fighters. She was, however, more concerned with the presence of the similarly dressed people near D-Evil, making a mental note to keep an eye out for them at all times. "Yo!" Kaoru waved casually at her opponent from across the ring before starting to take off her scarf, tying it around the post of the corner. "You got your friends ringside tickets? How nice of you!" She said, gesturing towards D-Evil's goons. It was an understatement to say that she didnt trust them being there.
Last edited by Veinlash on Fri Dec 21, 2018 6:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: D-Evil vs Kaoru Fujikage

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D-Evil watches as her opponent enters the ring. Yes. This one will do nicely for her first victim. D-Evil will this Kaoru girl begging for the pain to end in no time. Her opponent starts spouting some nonsense about D-Evil having "friends" in the audience. D-Evil gives Kaoru a confused look, "What? Friends?" She looks behind her to find Marika and Liliana sitting to right behind her.

Noticing that D-Evil is looking at them, Liliana waves at D-Evil. "Got get her, Boss!" Liliana cheers. Marika gives a thumbss up, "We are cheering for you, Boss!"

"Idiots!" D-Evil mutters. They were suppose be hiding in the coward, not waving at her looking suspecious. D-Evil turns her attention back to Kaoru. "Nevermind them! Just fans from my conquest of the American promotions." The little villainess gives Kaoru a sinister grin and sticks her foot, "There is still time! You can give up now and kiss my boot! I might show you mercy! Because once that bell rings I'll be choking the life out of you with that stupid scarf your wearing!"

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Re: D-Evil vs Kaoru Fujikage

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Kaoru couldnt help but chuckle a little bit at D-Evil's... comedic exchange with her goons. Maybe this little girl wasnt that bad? Kind of like a little kid trying to play the villain in a school play. What if she was really, really good though? She wasnt one to underestimate her opponents, and she'd probably do better if she took D-Evil as seriously as possible.

With her scarf tied around the corner instead of her neck, the raven haired wrestlerette had nothing to fear. Besides, the referee wouldnt let D-Evil use her scarf, now would she? What really bothered her was the adjective 'stupid' when D-Evil mentioned the red cloth. "Hey, take that back! My scarf kicks ass, and you wish you had one!" The scarf carried a lot of emotional value for Kaoru, and she wasnt going to let some wannabe villain disrespect it. Only a few seconds later though, the bell rang loud and clear, signalling the beginning of the match. Not wanting to get a slow start, Kaoru stepped out of her corner, hands up in a stance as she began approaching the smaller girl carefully, fully expecting a speedy offensive from her opponent.

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Re: D-Evil vs Kaoru Fujikage

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"Psh... Whatever you say." D-Evil disregards Kaoru remarks about her scarf being "kick ass". "I'll be making you beg for mercy one way or the other."

The bell rings and the dark haired girl gets in to a stance, preparing her self for a coming attack. D-Evil takes a bit less efficient start. The tiny villainess lets out her ferocious battle cry and recklessly charges right at the Japanese wrestlette, her arms flailing in circles as she runs. "AYAYAYAYAYAYA!" She tries to tackle her opponent upon getting close to her.

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Re: D-Evil vs Kaoru Fujikage

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Kaoru's forehead vein popped a bit as the villainess simply disregarded her. Now that's totally rude. She meant to say something, but what better way to teach her a lesson than right now, with the bout underway. She clenched her fists once before opening them again, ready for anything!

D-Evil's loud and careless approach was... unexpected but too telegraphed not to counter. Kaoru didnt manage to get too far out of the corner before she noticed her opponent rushing at her, deciding to stay in place and wait for her opponent to get close enough before leaping into the air, trying to stop her right on her tracks with a dropkick, both legs aimed right for D-Evil's petite chest. "HYAAAH!"

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Re: D-Evil vs Kaoru Fujikage

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D-Evil's attack is interrupted by her opponent's drop kick. The little villainess is hit straight in the chest, she goes tumble back and lands on her back. D-Evil breathes heavily, just now having the wind kicked out of her. She clinches her chest in pain. Her tiny body isn't able to take many hits like that. "Y-You're gonna pay for that!" After a couple of deep breathes, D-Evil will try to stand back up. If allowed, she will take a fighting stance. Looks like the recklessly run at approach won't work, time for a change in tactic.

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Re: D-Evil vs Kaoru Fujikage

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Kaoru's dropkick totally nailed D-Evil, getting a nice wave of cheers from the crowd. The black haired girl quickly pushed herself back up to her feet, taking the opportunity to get fully out of her corner, actually giving the smaller fighter a chance to get up, smirking confidently as she gestures her up. "Come on, evildoer! Come face your punishment!" She exclaimed, waiting for D-Evil to get up before moving in to try and grab her by the arm. If that succeeded, she'd start spinning around, only to send her opponent running towards the ropes with an irish whip!

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Re: D-Evil vs Kaoru Fujikage

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"Punishment?... Nobody will ever punish me!" D-Evil prepares to attack. Before the small evildoer can attack, the raven haired girl heads towards her. Kaoru grabs D-Evil's arm. "Hey! Let me go!" the blonde girl cries out. Kaoru spins D-Evil around and launches her towards the ropes. D-Evil runs into the ropes and is back. She is running back towards Kaoru. All of this is happening too fast for D-Evil, she can't think of an attack to counterback.

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Re: D-Evil vs Kaoru Fujikage

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Kaoru watches her opponent running to the ropes, deciding to add a little extra oomph to her next move by sprinting towards the ropes behind her, adding her own momentum to the following impact... as she leapt forward, almost head first, towards the masked girl, holding an arm out to try and take her down with a corkscrew lariat right across the neck, spinning after the impact if that connected. "Juuuuustice!" She exclaimed as she went for that risky but definitely powerful move.
Last edited by Veinlash on Mon Dec 24, 2018 2:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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