A Clash Of Classics Old And New

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A Clash Of Classics Old And New

Unread post by Highfly »

Alaina came strutting out of the locker room, already dressed in a black one piece, form hugging swimsuit, black kneepads and black boots for some in ring training. Tina had a friend of her meeting her he see today.

No introduction like wrestling a lady in the ring right? Unfortunately Tina was feeling sick, not able to make it. She did call Alaina and say that Grace was still going to be there though. Alaina grinned at the thought of a serious spar against someone good enough to beat Tina in the ring.

The amazon climbed inside the ring, making her way to the corner and leaning back, awaiting Graces arrival.

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Re: A Clash Of Classics Old And New

Unread post by Ironsoldier »

Grace Allen was flattered that Tina recommended her for the sparring match. Having faced the younger Tigress once already, she knew Tina wouldn't give praise lightly, and it said something that it was Grace who'd been thought of when Alaina, Tina's mentor, needed a sparring partner.

Stepping into the locker room, Grace made her way to the ring, dressed in a curve clinging leotard of black with pink accents along with matching boots and pads. She climbed into the ring, smiling at Alaina. "Been looking forward to this, it's an honor." Her tone was sincere, Grace being a student of the wrestling business, and her respect for the Amazon was obvious.

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Re: A Clash Of Classics Old And New

Unread post by Highfly »

Alaina nodded and smiled when Grace came out. "Hey, nice to meet ya. You had a great match with Tina, but I am going to do my best not to take it easy on you or anything." Alaina said extending her hand.

After the hand shake Alaina would back off and "signal" for the opening bell. Alaina circled Grace, clearly with a size advantage. Grace was strong for her size but Alaina lunged in for a grapple trying to eatablish herself early!

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Re: A Clash Of Classics Old And New

Unread post by Ironsoldier »

Grace stared back at the heavier woman with intensity burning in her eyes and a slight smile on her full lips. It was clear she enjoyed a good challenge in the ring, especially against someone who wasn't likely to cheat or pull something underhanded. It was raw competition, one woman's strength and skill against anothers. "I don't want you to hold back. Come at me like there's a title on the line!"

She felt her arms slide and entangle with Alaina's as the amazon cut the distance between them. Grace angled her body forward, using her legs to help make up for her disadvantage in weight, but she could only hold out a few moments before she found herself behind slowly, steadily pushed backwards by the amazon!

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Re: A Clash Of Classics Old And New

Unread post by Highfly »

Alaina groaned and grunted as she pushed back on Grace, doing her best to plant her in the corner with as much force as she could!

"Ngh... Nice try Grace!" Alaina said as she gave it her all against her hungry young opponent!

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Re: A Clash Of Classics Old And New

Unread post by Ironsoldier »

"Oh yeah? Well I- Woah!" Grace Allen went flying backwards, crashing against the corner turnbuckle with a groan. Alaina wasn't kidding about not holding anything back, but Grace 'had' asked for exactly that. For the moment she hung in the corner, arms looped over the top ropes on either side of her, trapped between the ring-post and the bigger, more experienced wrestler, momentarily vulnerable!

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Re: A Clash Of Classics Old And New

Unread post by Highfly »

Alaina had Grace in the corner and needed to hammer her. Alaina reared back and rammed her knee into Grace's abdomen! "All right now to get you out of here..." Alaina said as she grabbed Grace by the hair and pulled her away from the corner.

The amazon then bent down and grabbed Grace between the legs and around the shoulder attempting to scoop her up, spin around then step into as hard a scoop slam as she could muster!

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Re: A Clash Of Classics Old And New

Unread post by Ironsoldier »

"Oufff!" Grace nearly doubled over as most of the air in her lungs was suddenly, violently crushed from her body, the knee strike forcing her to rise to the tips of her toes. Alaina wasn't finished even then, it seemed, yanking Grace out by her hair and earning a hiss of pain as the roots tugged at her scalp.

Before she could gather the wits to retaliate, Grace found herself lifted up into the arms of the more experienced wrestler spun about and slammed hard to the mat! She arched off the canvas with a cry of pain, her legs kicking, boots thumping the mat.

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Re: A Clash Of Classics Old And New

Unread post by Highfly »

Watching Grace go down, Alaina bent down to pull Grace up again. "One good slam deserves another right?" She said as she got Grace to a standing point, the bigger woman bending down once more, grabbing Grace's backside and reaching around her shoulder. The amazon was in position to scoop slam Grace a second time. If this one connected Alaina would take a quick second to flex her arms afterward!

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Re: A Clash Of Classics Old And New

Unread post by Ironsoldier »

Grace flailed her legs, trying to take Alaina off balance, but it seemed to do little good. She was scooped up by the more experienced wrestler as easily as one might lift a child, only to be driven into the mat a second time. "Ahhhh!!" Her back arched in a dramatic bow off the mat before she collapsed flat to her back, gasping to reclaim what had just been knocked from her lungs. Then, she saw the amazon showboating, and Grace felt a rare surge of anger boil within her. If Alaina thought she was just going to be some easy victim, the woman had another thing coming.

She lay on the mat as if completely stunned, recovering while Alaina flexed, waiting patiently. If the amazon returned to haul Grace up for a third slam, Grace would be ready, her right leg snapping up to kick Sanders-Haine's in the head when she bent down!

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