Gabriella Guerrero

121-169 lbs / 54.6-76.657 kg
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Gabriella Guerrero

Unread post by Devastated »

Name: Gabriella Guerrero
Age: 25
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Purple-Black
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 155 lbs.
Nationality: Mexico
Alignment: Heel (Loved)
Entrance music: Wisin - Adrenalina ft. Jennifer Lopez, Ricky Martin

Wrestling Style:

Gabriella's style is a varied one, she alternates a lot between strikes, submissions and powermoves. Transitioning easily between the three as she is very fluid in her style. She is quite well trained and capable as a wrestler as such she can be quite deadly in the ring. Her skill at submission holds and grappling has earned her name quite a lot of fame around the world. She generally switches between powermoves and strikes as she wears down her opponents so that she can finish them off with a well placed finisher or submission hold.

While her skill with powermoves and submission holds has earned her fame her deadly kicks and powerful legs have made her the envy of many wrestlers and general fighters in the world. They are undoubtedly Gabriella's strongest point.

As opposed to someone who wants to finish things quickly, Gabriella is someone who wants to wear her opponents down and make sure that she will be able to finish them off with one of her finishers as opposed to having her finisher be kicked out off or escaped from, she wants them to be finished off by them. They are called finishers after all, and therefore she reserves them for when she actually thinks she can finish off her opponent. Unless she uses her Bicycle kick finisher for a more...clever tactic, sometimes against the ref to get them out of action for a little bit. Of course it's done very discreet.

She has a rather ambivalent morality compass as she also much prefers to perform cheap tactics in times when they would be the most entertaining for her and for the crowd.

Preferred Attacks: DDT, Brain Buster, Samoan Drop, Belly to Belly Suplex, Backdrop Suplex, camel clutch, Kimura lock, High-kicks, Headscissor, Waist scissor, Lotus Lock, chickenwing sleeper hold, cobra clutch. Lots of kicks.
Preferred Matches: Standard, submission, 2 out of 3 falls, ultimate submission, ironwoman.

Signature moves:

Triple Vertical Suplex

Gory special submission

Gory special Bomb

Headscissor+armbar hold

Finishing moves:

El Atardecer - Gabriella pulls her opponent up so that she's holding them back to back by theirs chin with the back of their head resting on top of her head. How she pulls them up is a matter of choice, from a bent over head between her legs position or just hook their arms from back to back to lift them up, or just straight clasp against their chin back to back and pull them up. Gabriella then drops down onto her rear, causing their neck to impact against her skull as a jolt of pain is sent up through their knees up their body to their head for a nasty widow's peak.

El Sol - Gabriella charges forward or steps up and jumps forward at a charging opponent, raising her leg to kick and drive her foot into her opponent's face for a nasty bicycle kick!

Siente el calor - The hold sets up the same as the sharpshooter, with the opponent supine on the mat with the applying wrestler stepping between the opponent's legs with his/her right leg and wraps the opponent's legs at shin level around that leg. However, instead of stepping over the opponent to flip the opponent, the applying wrestler flips the wrestler over from left-to-right, keeping the opponent in front of him/her. The applying wrestler then leans over the opponent and grabs his/her arms, applying a double chicken wing to the opponent. The applying wrestler then squats back, lifting the opponent's torso into the air.


Gabriella is the definition of a heel that draws the love of the crowd, she is a crowd pleaser after all. That is one of the fundamentals you learn when Wrestling in Mexico, that pleasing the crowd is the best thing there is to wrestling. Beyond that, she is the kind of wrestler who will do whatever it takes to win. There is no line she won't cross, because to her there is no line. It's safe to say that she is the kind who'd lie, cheat and steal to get ahead. Though she generally has rather clever ways to cheat, as opposed to the usual low blows and dirty pins. Not that she doesn't mix them in....but she has a more varied repertoire to her name. She's crafty and resourceful, and knows how to play the crowd and the very business of wrestling in her favor.

She's of the mentality that life is meant to be lived, so she does all that she wants because a life not lived is a life without meaning. She's also well aware of her beauty and knows how to flaunt it much like her skills as a wrestler.

Gabriella can come off a bit arrogant but also at the same time as a supreme free spirit. She doesn't have much problem taking things too far, because as mentioned there is no line for her and most often will think people are kinda stupid if they get offended by that. After all this is a dog eat dog world and you got to look out for number one. That's her mentality.


Gabriella was born in a small town in Mexico, there wasn't a lot of money around but there was a lot of heart...there was also a lot of crime. Not that it stopped Gabriella from growing up into a smoking hot beauty who stands head and shoulders above most. The only joy there was in her hometown was wrestling. Something that became a big part of her life as that was what one watched on TV, if one had one that was, or watched the local wrestlers put on shows in the town center.

It inspired Gabriella who from a young age started to train under the local wrestlers tutelage and soon enough when she had saved up enough money and gotten older, she took off to the nearest big town. She entered a local wrestling contest, an "open" event were members of the crowd could join in and try their luck. Gabriella had a hard fought first match but with some clever tactics managed to pull out on top. What more was that she got the favor of the crowd for her clever tactics and skilled coupled with her beauty.

The sensation of having the crowd behind her was what Gabriella loved the most. As she soon found herself being employed by the wrestling company. She took whatever matches she could get and performed better than most, earning more fame and skill as she continued to wrestle. Growing over the the years as she started to reach maturity, which was when she was also scouted by a modeling agency. She started to cross modeling and wrestling and with even more fame coming her way she soon found herself in even bigger and better promotions in Mexico. Until she had reached the biggest stage there was and earned just about as much fame and greatness as one could there.

That was when she got the chance to travel out of the country, she could have either gone to an already established place and be a big fish in the world wide ocean....or she could be a big fish in a small pond and pick a place that was just starting out. Ever the gambler, Gabriella decided to go the risky path and took the small newly opened league. She'd make the league great with her at the forefront of it all...That was her mindset, a big fish in a small pond.


Ring Attires

Normal attire


Emelia Atkinson
Kyoko Akan
Sienna Smith
Last edited by Devastated on Thu Jul 05, 2018 1:19 pm, edited 10 times in total.

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