A Valkyrie's Dance- Agatha and Astrid!

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Re: A Valkyrie's Dance- Agatha and Astrid!

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*Her pearly whites feverishly gnashing against one another in a harmonic symphony of unyielding anguish and misery, Agatha struggled as valiantly as she possibly could to maintain appearances, but it was to little success- She knew the limits of her physical capabilities, the distressed nord reluctantly huffed out a response, something she sincerely abhorred doing but knew the ramifications of her stubbornness would result in serious injury.* "I..I..s..submit..t..to your..s..superiority..." *She begrudgingly muttered through laborious gasps, every inch of her sun-kissed skin aching from the unfavorable position Astrid had locked in.*

"G.good..m..match.." *She sheepishly uttered, almost as if the unprecedented loss didn't effect her whatsoever, and in a sense, it hadn't- Regardless of coming up short in this climactic skirmish, Agatha couldn't have been more pleased with how the clash transpired. Although, the only request she currently had on her mind would be to finally feel the sweet embrace of being relinquished from the merciless hold Astrid had her trapped inside of.*

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Re: A Valkyrie's Dance- Agatha and Astrid!

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As time went on with the hold locked in, Astrid knew that time was running out for Agatha, and it would only be a matter of time now - she could feel her struggles growing weaker and weaker beneath her weight, as the Sledgehammer's strength subsided, her energy being spent. And at last, it came, as Agatha was left with no choice but to concede that Astrid was the victor.

"Very well," came the Norwegian's reply, as she gently set Agatha down on the mat before stepping off of her - the Sledgehammer had proven herself to be a worthy foe, as deserving of respect as she was Astrid's full effort, and it would only be right for someone who had given her such a good spar. She smiled wide to Agatha at her praise, extending a hand to help the Norsewoman back to her feet. "That it was. You gave a good effort...truly, you are a worthy foe."
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Re: A Valkyrie's Dance- Agatha and Astrid!

Unread post by SubtleRoar »

*Elated that someone of Astrid's caliber was so generous as to offer her assistance back to her feet, Agatha gleefully accepted, clasping the palm of her hand and immediately popping back up to her full form.* "I needed a good stretch anyway. Odin knows that I've suffered unimaginable pain from my previous encounters in that particular area, thank you~" *She gave her better a gentle nod, intending to diminish any and all guilt Astrid potentially felt for executing such a devastating move on her spine.*

"You know..." *The gears in Agatha's brain began to spin at an accelerated rate, as a brilliant idea began to form.* "With your congenital power and my uncanny tenacity, we could make quite the formidable duo~" *She allowed her comment to trail off into oblivion, silently praying to the divine above that Astrid was on the same wavelength as her.*

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Re: A Valkyrie's Dance- Agatha and Astrid!

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Astrid smiled as she let Agatha rise back on her feet, taking a step back to give the Sledgehammer some space - after all, they had been in close quarters for a good amount of time. She nodded, beaming with pride as she proudly posed herself with her hands on her hips. Even if Agatha had lost, she had given her a good fight, and she warranted the respect any true warrior deserved. Anyone could see that.

"A duo, you say?" Astrid said in response to her opponent's proposition. "Well, I must say...there's much to be said, yeah? You certainly have the skills to get you far, and I can see what we have in common - our northern blood, and of course our raw will and fighting spirit!" She nodded, moving to offer her hand again, this time for a shake. "Besides, with my stamina and your agility, we'd be a formidable force, no? Working together as one, we could take down any foe! I have to say...I like the prospect."
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Re: A Valkyrie's Dance- Agatha and Astrid!

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"Exactly! You see things with such crystal clarity. It sends a chill of confidence down my spine that I've found someone so accepting of my offer!" *With the same degree of zeal she used to initially greet the massive flaxen amazonian, Agatha clasped her hand on either side and enthusiastically shook it to confirm their newly created alliance.* "And we shall be called...The Daughters of Odin, in honor of the father of the gods which watch over our battles, grant us unyielding strength, and allowed us to test our mettle on the battlefield this day!"

*The Swedish Slammer chuckled with satisfaction- Today had been remarkably productive, and with the advent of this coalition formed alongside someone as formidable as Astrid, it seemed that both women were destined to accomplish great things in the impending future.*

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Re: A Valkyrie's Dance- Agatha and Astrid!

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The smile grew wider across Astrid's face, and she gave another nod. It all seemed to be falling into place for her, and every word to come out of Agatha's mouth seemed brilliant. While Astrid was considering the value of a tag team herself, she had to credit Agatha with being the one behind the name - and it was absolutely perfect, at that; the Norwegian's grin was proof she thought as much. She leaned in closer to Agatha, placing her hand on her shoulder. "Yes," she said, "it's perfect! A name to resound in the hearts of many who stand in our way...and they will fear our wrath!" Being around Agatha was already making Astrid slip into theatrics by association - and she had to admit, it was fun.

"Truly...I see a bright future on the horizons for us. What do you say?"
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Re: A Valkyrie's Dance- Agatha and Astrid!

Unread post by SubtleRoar »

"I say..." *With a confident motion, Agatha instantaneously reciprocated Astrid's shoulder pat, her beaming grin a reflection of how she felt.* "Get ready to wear the golden belts as a symbol of our undisputed might!" *Witnessing her zeal being returned in such an abundant fashion, Agatha couldn't help but wiggle with excitement; this was the dawn of a new chapter in Agatha's life, and sharing it with someone so unique would bring with it an unparalleled sense of unity between them. Every tag team backstage better beware- The Daughters of Odin were about to go on a warpath, and they won't stop until the gold is around their taut waists!*

The End.

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