When Kyoko wanted something she wasnt shy about getting it. She wanted Eirina again and the Frau Doktor had answered her demands, eager for revenge of her own after being humiliated one too many times. But no matter how strong the face she put up Kyoko knew that Eirina knew she was fighting an uphill battle, the lack of confidence she had when Kyoko asserted herself told the whole story and the Belly Queen loved the sight of a proud women such as herself secretly shaking in her boots when confronted by her. That thought put a smile on her face and that smile was seen by everyone in the arena as Kyoko came strutting out to the arena in the same bikini she fought and beat Eirina in last time. The pink bikini complimenting her entire body as she took her slow walk down to the ring eyeing the crowd with a glint of confidence and superiority they were used to seeing from her while she crawled into the ring. Laying on the ring as she looked to be posing for the camera's knowing they were eating up the sight of her lovely body.

"Until a few days ago. Eirina and me met in the LAW arena and Eirina opened her big mouth one too many times..so now shes going to be facing me one more time. And yes I assure you it will be the last time Cause when I beat Eirina here, She will be mine for not a day..not a week but one whole..agnozing month." Kyoko let that sink in as some actually didnt boo, not because they didnt care but because some were wincing at the thought at being at Kyoko's mercy for a whole month! and more importantly some were beginning to fear what might become of Eirina if that were to pass. "and I assure you I will make that month the most memorable of Eirina's life. I will make sure that by the first week of it Eirina wont be able to sleep without thinking of me, she wont be able to wreslte without thinking of me...every waking moment of her life she will stuck on thoughts of me. Im not gonna break her hand and ruin her chances of continuing her practice as a doctor. Im not going to render her unable to fight ever again, im just going to make sure that she gives in to the basic instincsts that shes felt ever since she laid eyes on me. You were born to be under me Eirina, you know it, and everyone here knows it..so come out here so I can show them..one, more, time." Kyoko dropped her mic and looked on waiting for Eirina to show her face.