Belly Queen Kyoko Akan vs Frau Doktor Eirina Makishima III - Redemption or Damnation?

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Belly Queen Kyoko Akan vs Frau Doktor Eirina Makishima III - Redemption or Damnation?

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Last Women Standing Hentai Oil match: The first person to render there opponent unable to answer a 10 count after an orgasm wins. Various sex toys are scattered around the ring and pools of oil surround the ring as well. If Kyoko wins Eirina is her prize for a month, If Eirina wins Kyoko is her prize for a week.

When Kyoko wanted something she wasnt shy about getting it. She wanted Eirina again and the Frau Doktor had answered her demands, eager for revenge of her own after being humiliated one too many times. But no matter how strong the face she put up Kyoko knew that Eirina knew she was fighting an uphill battle, the lack of confidence she had when Kyoko asserted herself told the whole story and the Belly Queen loved the sight of a proud women such as herself secretly shaking in her boots when confronted by her. That thought put a smile on her face and that smile was seen by everyone in the arena as Kyoko came strutting out to the arena in the same bikini she fought and beat Eirina in last time. The pink bikini complimenting her entire body as she took her slow walk down to the ring eyeing the crowd with a glint of confidence and superiority they were used to seeing from her while she crawled into the ring. Laying on the ring as she looked to be posing for the camera's knowing they were eating up the sight of her lovely body.
Soon after Kyoko motioned for a mic and got one, standing up to face the crowd on her feet. "In the Spring of this year I fought someone called Eirina Makishima, you al know her and you all love her..but neither was enough to save her from the beating I gave her to defend my belt." Kyoko added letting the usual boos run there course. "Oh its true. In fact I have a lovely image to prove it." Kyoko said pointing her finger towards the Titantron where the image of Kyoko standing tall over Eirina with her belt in hand could be seen, this elicited more boos but Kyoko just shrugged. "And then she wanted more and got involved in me teaching someone else a lesson. So in the Summer of that same year I fought Eirina again...and beat her even harder then I did last time." Kyoko again directed people to the Titantron where this time Kyoko was seen forcing the collar on a nearly out of it Eirina, once again to boos as Kyoko's smile grew bigger. "Oh and how Eirina wishes that was the end of her humiliation. but you see thanks to her own hubris this time I got to take her home, and turned her into the cutest pet for the day...That time Eirina wasnt so eager to come for revenge. She was afraid of me now, she avoided me when she could an for the longest time I thought maybe I scared her off." Another Titantron image, this time with Eirina pretty much tied to Kyoko's punching bag as Kyoko worked over her belly while also kissing the defenseless German. This one angered fans more and more, it was bad enough Kyoko humilated Eirina but to some this looked downright sadistic, which might have been Kyoko's point.

"Until a few days ago. Eirina and me met in the LAW arena and Eirina opened her big mouth one too many now shes going to be facing me one more time. And yes I assure you it will be the last time Cause when I beat Eirina here, She will be mine for not a day..not a week but one whole..agnozing month." Kyoko let that sink in as some actually didnt boo, not because they didnt care but because some were wincing at the thought at being at Kyoko's mercy for a whole month! and more importantly some were beginning to fear what might become of Eirina if that were to pass. "and I assure you I will make that month the most memorable of Eirina's life. I will make sure that by the first week of it Eirina wont be able to sleep without thinking of me, she wont be able to wreslte without thinking of me...every waking moment of her life she will stuck on thoughts of me. Im not gonna break her hand and ruin her chances of continuing her practice as a doctor. Im not going to render her unable to fight ever again, im just going to make sure that she gives in to the basic instincsts that shes felt ever since she laid eyes on me. You were born to be under me Eirina, you know it, and everyone here knows come out here so I can show, more, time." Kyoko dropped her mic and looked on waiting for Eirina to show her face.

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Re: Belly Queen Kyoko Akan vs Frau Doktor Eirina Makishima III - Redemption or Damnation?

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Eirina was in the locker room, preparing herself for her upcoming match against her rival, Kyoko Akan. This would be her third match against her, and the stake could never be higher. If she lost, she knew that her career as a professional wrestler would be over because she knew that she wouldn't be able to endure one month of torture under Kyoko. Those twenty four hours that she had spent as Kyoko's prisoner of war and slave had affected her greatly, and she couldn't imagine what would happen to her if she had to endure the same thing for thirty days. She wasn't even sure if she could maintain her sanity if that's the case.

Slapping her own cheeks a few times, Eirina reminded herself that this would be the match that would determine her future. There was no title involved, with the only wager being her self worth and dignity as a wrestler. She was determined to win this match, no matter what. This was the only way for her to move forward without having Kyoko looming over her.

When it was her turn to make her entrance, Eirina exited the locker room, making her way to the gorilla position as her entrance music, Battlefield of Steel, was played. For this occasion, the Frau Doktor decided to ditch her usual red-and-white wrestling outfit and came out to the ramp wearing the darker variation of her outfit, with no arm sleeves. She also wore a red jacket over her bikini-clad body, looking serious and somber as she walked down the ramp, heading over to the ring.
Eirina Makishima
Eirina knew that Kyoko had made some demeaning statements about her while she was still at backstage, but she wouldn't allow that to bother her as she gave a pointed look at the Belly Queen, showing her that she wasn't afraid of her. As soon as she entered the ring, she took off her red jacket and her hat, wearing only her dark blue bikini. She also decided to not wear her wrestling boots and opted to wear sandals instead, which she also removed, leaving herself barefooted in the ring.

Doing a light stretching up, Eirina then looked at Kyoko, showing a determined face before saying, "We'll end this tonight, Kyoko. It won't end the same way as the last time," she said, stepping to the center of the ring, crossing her arms under her busty chest as she glared at the Belly Queen. She knew that she couldn't afford to lose here, and she was aware the kind of monster Kyoko was, judging from her experience facing her twice before. She knew she wouldn't walk out unscathed, but she was determined to bring the Belly Queen down and end this nightmare.

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Re: Belly Queen Kyoko Akan vs Frau Doktor Eirina Makishima III - Redemption or Damnation?

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When Eirina came out there was no boast about how Kyoko was dressed, no taunts about how she had basically made herself a nice looking prize for the Frau Doktor and no real bits of flirty kissing and sowing off, despite the fact that Eirina was in a nice new look. In fact she looked completely ready for a fight because she seemed to know that the last two times had been a heavy load for her to handle that she downright refused to allow for a 3 peat. Of course Kyoko didnt care what Eirina allowed, in fact she basically made her own fun based off what Eirina tried so hard to stop and simply failed and this time would be her biggest failure yet. She wanted all Eirina could offer her, so she could crush it, break it, and then take the rest of it home for more fun.

"Aww, look who got all dressed up for me. You were so determined that it wouldnt end the same last time so your confidence is a little unfounded. But thats okay if this is gonna be your final bow I want to make sure everyone sees you at your best before that flame is snuffed out...again." Kyoko said getting close to Eirina to the point she was staring at ehr face to face with her hands at her sides, this would last a minute before the ref tried to get one of them to back off as she explained the rules. Though she was a bit hesitant to ask Eirina and Kyoko if she accepted since she was aware the loser was in for a rough night and one of them was basically asking for trouble. But since neither girl seemed poised to turn down the match at this moment it was there own fault.

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Re: Belly Queen Kyoko Akan vs Frau Doktor Eirina Makishima III - Redemption or Damnation?

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This time, Eirina said nothing to Kyoko. She had a lot of things to say to her, but only if she managed to defeat her and bring her home as her prisoner of war. "..." She continued staring at the beautiful Belly Queen who continued to deride and mock her, and the Frau Doktor had to grit her teeth in her effort to keep herself grounded. She knew that she couldn't afford to lose her temper this time, because this match would determine her future as a wrestler.

Eirina barely listened to what the referee was saying as she continued staring at Kyoko. Then she got a little impatient before she said, "Get the match started already." She looked at the referee, looking to have the match as soon as possible.

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Re: Belly Queen Kyoko Akan vs Frau Doktor Eirina Makishima III - Redemption or Damnation?

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The ref's eyes went wide as she heard Eirina snap at her to get started and she stopped going over the rules, looking between the two girls before backing away. It was clear she was not going to change anything between the two of them and Kyoko was glad she stopped talking. Finally getting ready to start the big match as she settled on ringing the bell and staying out of the two wrestlers way. Once things finally started Kyoko got into a more appropriate position.

"Wow I'm flattered your so eager to get your hands all over me again. What part of me is your favorite?" Kyoko continued to talk and chatter like she didnt see Eirina as a threat. Though she was definitely more focused then she was letting on. Despite her confidence she was not going to let herself live down a week of servitude. Her mind was focused and she watched Eirina for any actions the Frau Doktor might take.

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Re: Belly Queen Kyoko Akan vs Frau Doktor Eirina Makishima III - Redemption or Damnation?

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This time, Eirina directed a glare at Kyoko, looking very irritated by how nonchalant her was. It felt like she wasn't treating her as a threat, which was quite an insult to her as a wrestler. She didn't feel like exchanging banters with the Belly Queen as she would take a stance, preparing herself to clash with her.

As the match started, Eirina took a stance, watching Kyoko. Then, she would rush forward, looking to lock up with her. Their bikini-clad bodies would mash against each other as she would start grappling with her. At the same time, she would try to come up with a plan to take the Belly Queen down.

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Re: Belly Queen Kyoko Akan vs Frau Doktor Eirina Makishima III - Redemption or Damnation?

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This was probably the most irritated Kyoko had seen Eirina, last time even though she was bouncing from a loss Eirina was still completely playful with her In her quest for revenge. Now the playfulness that made that venture so fun (mostly cause it was great seeing Eirina's confidence deteriorate as she realized that no, she would not be getting her revenge) was gone now, replaced with a razor focused women trying to save her dignity. Maybe the fear of being a prisoner for a month had something to do with it. Either way when Eirina made the first move and locked up pressing them together it was causing there bikini covered breasts to bounce into each other, it was clear that the only goal in her head was a clear cut win.

"So angry...what was your time with me that bad? I thought you had fun...It was the strap on right?" Kyoko giggled at her constant needling of Eirina before she pushed in closer her forehead brushing against Eirina's as she lowered herself and tried to bring her leg around Eirina's to hook it and push into her to knock her off balance and send her down to the floor with Kyoko on top.

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Re: Belly Queen Kyoko Akan vs Frau Doktor Eirina Makishima III - Redemption or Damnation?

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

"Rrghh..." Growling in anger, Eirina would pushing against Kyoko, their busts mashing against each other as she would try to overpower the Belly Queen with her physical strength. "J-just shut up..." she hissed through clenched teeth, showing her utter disdain towards her rival. But, her anger seemed to blind her of what Kyoko would do next as she brought her leg around her own, hooking it. Then, Eirina lost her balance, causing her to shriek in surprise as she fell backwards, landing on her back with Kyoko on top of her.

"Uaaahhh!!" Eirina yelped, grimacing. Knowing that she had put herself in a very disadvantageous position, she would try to push Kyoko off of her, but if she failed to get her rival off of her, then she would be in a world of trouble.

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Re: Belly Queen Kyoko Akan vs Frau Doktor Eirina Makishima III - Redemption or Damnation?

Unread post by Fairy Dragon »

Eirina's anger was blindingly obvious, and whether that affected her ability to fight or see what Kyoko was doing was unknown but the Belly Queen wasnt about to look a gift horse in the mouth. Landing on top of Eirina the Frau Doktor panicked and tried to force her off while Koko attempted to try and keep herself on top and maintain control. From there she would try and quell Eirina's efforts to buck her off by leaning back a little and trying to slam a fist into her gut.

"But I like to hear you talk...and squirm, and scream." Kyoko tried to push up on her foe some more as she pinned her down, working on the Frau Doktor's arms to make sure she couldnt get free while she leaned down and started to press her lips agaisnt Eirina's. Making out with the women in a dominate manner.

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Re: Belly Queen Kyoko Akan vs Frau Doktor Eirina Makishima III - Redemption or Damnation?

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Despite her effort, Eirina was unable to unseat Kyoko off of her, and the Belly Queen took advantage of this by driving her fist right into her belly, which knocked the wind out of her lungs. "Puughhh!!" Her eyes widened and spittle flew out of her mouth after taking the blow to her stomach. Gasping for air, Eirina kept her eyes on Kyoko, trying to come up with a solution to her predicament, but considering that she was having trouble thinking straight, it would be hard for Eirina to come up with a plan.

And this also reminded her of her own losses, which demotivated her even more. "Eerrghhh..." Groaning, Eirina kept glaring straight into her rival's eyes. But once again, she was caught off-guard when Kyoko went to press her lips against hers, kissing her. With her arms pinned down, there was nothing she could do to release herself, and all she could now was struggling helplessly underneath her opponent, who was free to humiliate her even more.

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