A quiet quarrel- Zetta vs Monaka!

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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A quiet quarrel- Zetta vs Monaka!

Unread post by SubtleRoar »

*It was finally time, the submission specialist thought, as her body quivered with excitement as the most important hour of the day was about to approach- Zetta had been scheduled for an exhibition match against a rowdy, loudmouth degenerate that she was going to take a fair amount of pleasure in dismantling, limb by limb, until there was nothing left. She gave her mirror one, final stare as her naturally, icy glare was the only vision she had staring back at her.* "...Good." *Was her personal affirmation that everything was set, beginning to stride towards the opaque curtain while her theme finally dropped. Clad in her standard, scarlet and gold ensemble Zetta slid the mask over her face, augmenting the mystique to her already arcane character.*
*Once she began making her way towards the vacant arena, the audience was confused as to what to think of this curious character- She appeared to have the appropriate figure of a wrestler, but most were skeptical of her abilities between the ropes. However, Zetta decided to put the cherry on top of her entrance- Once she had reached the center, steel step that lead to the ring, the taciturn entity leapt to the top turnbuckle before launching herself forward, landing on the balls of her bare feet to a massive pop from the audience. Needless to say, her debut fight was going off without a hitch, but this wasn't a popularity contest- Zetta needed to remained focus on what was important: Burying her competition.*

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Re: A quiet quarrel- Zetta vs Monaka!

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It's been a while since the last time she had a match here in LAW. Monaka had spent quite some time at the performance center in order to improve herself. Though there was difficulty here and there due to her own attitude, she believed that she had learned quite a lot there, and this time, she was prepared to get back into the ring so that she could get herself a win in order to bring more prestige to her name in this promotion.

Already clad in her leotard, Monaka would make her way out to the ramp as soon as her music was played. Carrying her trusty metal pipe with her as she rested it over her shoulder, she would walk down the ramp, showered by quite a moderate pop from the crowd. Well, at the very least there were those who were enthusiastic with her presence, though she would prefer to be treated as someone with huge heat. One thing at a time, she thought to herself.
Walking down the ramp, the pinkette would reach the ring, and once she reached the ring, she would made a pose that she thought to be sexy (in reality, pretty cute, but don't tell her that) before she climbed up the apron, entering the squared circle. Still carrying her metal pipe with her, she took a look at her opponent, and she would try to muster some effort in gaining some heat by acting like some kind of big bad heel.

"Heh... so you're gonna be my opponent tonight? Hmph! Well, you better prepare yourself because I'm gonna show you who's boss here!" Monaka declared, thinking that she might've nailed it. She was hoping to intimidate her opponent with her display of bravado in order to gain an advantage over her before the match could begin.

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Re: A quiet quarrel- Zetta vs Monaka!

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*While not one to be entertained by bluster, Zetta tacitly accepted Monaka as someone whom she deemed worthy of provided her with an adequate challenge- The spitfire of a woman seemed to carry herself well, and the attitude she brought forth was something not many performers in this day and age boasted. Perhaps it was one of confidence, and not out of fear towards the unknown; regardless, the stoic submission specialist wasn't about to question Monaka's demeanor now.*

"...Hmm..." *Zetta retorted in a pensive fashion, paying little mind to the boisterous figure while she began limbering herself up for the impending competition- She wouldn't be able to live with herself if a blunder were to occur due to forgetting the most essential practice every wrestler should engage in had been neglected. Reaching her hands towards the sky, Zetta felt a few joints in her body lightly pop, which was subsequently followed by a tentative sigh of relief. Finally, Zetta casually removed her ornate mask and tossed it into the audience behind her, fans reaching their hands upwards in a desperate attempt to claim it for themselves.*

*Feeling fully prepared for her bout, Zetta galloped towards the center of the ring as the bell sounded in tandem with her movements.* "DING DING DING!" *With a sheepish grin spreading across her face, the easterner coaxed Monaka towards her by sending her right thumb downwards.* "...Fight.." *She demanded, eager to get this match underway.*

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Re: A quiet quarrel- Zetta vs Monaka!

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Monaka just gave Zetta an irritated look when her attempt to banter with her was responded by a simple huff. Doing her best to appear irritated (others would see it as a pout instead), Monaka would put her metal pipe outside the ring as she would prepare for the match between herself and Zetta. Whoever this Zetta girl was, she was sure that she could take her head on.

Then, when the match finally started, Monaka saw Zetta showing her a thumbs down, which irritated the pinkette even more. Determined to show what she was made of to her opponent, Monaka would close in, looking to start the match with a bang by attempting to deliver a spinning kick right to the side of her body, hoping to deal the first blood in this match.

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Re: A quiet quarrel- Zetta vs Monaka!

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*While it became brutally apparent that Zetta was as calm and collected as a seasoned veteran, on the inside, her heart was racing and it took everything she had not to shake like a leaf- This was her official attempt at the big leagues, and given the arduous ladder she had to climb to make a name for her self in the underground federation, if she blew it now everyone she had triumphed over would never let her live it down. Steadying her feet as a means to assuage her fear, Zetta wouldn't be able to linger in her abyss of trepidation for long before Monaka snapped her back into reality with a devastating kick.*

"Hnnghh!" *Her attention now focused solely on the diminutive foe before her, Zetta's body shuffled sideways from the brunt of the impact as her feet crossed over each other. Her gaze peering up towards the woman who delivered such a powerful shot, she shook off the blow and darted forward, eager to repay Monaka in kind with a rising knee to her jawline!*
Last edited by SubtleRoar on Fri Nov 16, 2018 12:59 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A quiet quarrel- Zetta vs Monaka!

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Monaka grinned when she managed to land the kick to Zetta's side, and she saw that her opponent was about to launch a counterattack to that. Preparing herself, Monaka would then jump back, avoiding the knee strike aimed to her jaw, preventing herself from being hit by the attack entirely.

Still, there was no way she could drop her guard as she would close in towards Zetta once again. This time, Monaka would try to grab a hold onto her opponent's body, looking to pull her head down into a side headlock, giving her head a squeeze in order to keep her under pressure, maintaining her advantage over her in this match.

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Re: A quiet quarrel- Zetta vs Monaka!

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*As her retaliatory strike managed to kiss nothing but the surrounding air, Zetta refused to accept the reality that she tarried in- Rather, she decided upon returning to a sturdy guard after the unsuccessful blow. However, it seemed as though Monaka had ulterior plans, ensnaring Zetta within a constricting choke that limited her range of mobility significantly.*

"Hnnh..." *More pensive than agitated, Zetta remained almost motionless for a brief moment, before deciding upon the best course of action for her current predicament. Snagging onto the boisterous woman's forearm before flinging herself upwards, swinging her opposite foot vertically skywards to try and smack Monaka's face with the front of her shin!*

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Re: A quiet quarrel- Zetta vs Monaka!

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Locking Zetta in the side headlock, Monaka planned to go for a big move, but before she could do anything, her opponent suddenly made her move, snagging onto her forearm before flinging herself upwards, catching Monaka off-guard. Thanks to this, Zetta managed to deliver a kick to Monaka's face, hitting her with her shin.

"Oughh!!" Monaka cried out in pain as she would let Zetta go. Staggering a few steps back, the pinkette would cover her face with her hands, trying to ease the pain from the hit. Thanks to this, she became vulnerable to what Zetta would try to do next.

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Re: A quiet quarrel- Zetta vs Monaka!

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*Instantaneously realizing that she had finally caught a break amidst this unflinching foe, Zetta knew she had to make a push to overtake Monaka the instant that she could. Devoting her expendable energy into seizing the reigns of the match, she charged towards the opposite set of ropes, ricocheting off of them before returning to her previous area, only with a significant amount of momentum guiding her forward. Folding herself inwards, Zetta took the shape of a cannonball before slamming, chest first, into her diminutive foe!*

"Ggnhh!" *She silently huffed, the visceral impact rattling her body just as much as it did her target- She knew that the price of achieving victory came at the cost of sacrifice, and Zetta was willing to dive straight into the maw of hell if it guaranteed her a win here tonight!*

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Re: A quiet quarrel- Zetta vs Monaka!

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Still reeling from Zetta's kick, Monaka was unable to see her opponent's action, and when she saw coming towards her like a cannonball, it was too late. "Muarghhh!!" She cried out in pain as Zetta hit her with her own body, and she was sent down into the mat.

"Auughhh..." Moaning out in pain, Monaka would try to roll herself over to her side, grimacing. Things were getting quite difficult for the pinkette at the moment.

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