It's been a while since the last time she had a match here in LAW. Monaka had spent quite some time at the performance center in order to improve herself. Though there was difficulty here and there due to her own attitude, she believed that she had learned quite a lot there, and this time, she was prepared to get back into the ring so that she could get herself a win in order to bring more prestige to her name in this promotion.
Already clad in her leotard, Monaka would make her way out to the ramp as soon as her music was played. Carrying her trusty metal pipe with her as she rested it over her shoulder, she would walk down the ramp, showered by quite a moderate pop from the crowd. Well, at the very least there were those who were enthusiastic with her presence, though she would prefer to be treated as someone with huge heat. One thing at a time, she thought to herself.
Walking down the ramp, the pinkette would reach the ring, and once she reached the ring, she would made a pose that she thought to be sexy (in reality, pretty cute, but don't tell her that) before she climbed up the apron, entering the squared circle. Still carrying her metal pipe with her, she took a look at her opponent, and she would try to muster some effort in gaining some heat by acting like some kind of big bad heel.
"Heh... so you're gonna be my opponent tonight? Hmph! Well, you better prepare yourself because I'm gonna show you who's boss here!" Monaka declared, thinking that she might've nailed it. She was hoping to intimidate her opponent with her display of bravado in order to gain an advantage over her before the match could begin.