Latin-American heating up

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Re: Latin-American heating up

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The alcohol had really loosened the two beautiful women to ease up against each other, and a few drinks in, with a red tint to their cheeks the women were outright looking as if they enjoyed each other's company. A very big juxtaposition towards the literally catfight that had broken out between the two drop dead gorgeous women.

Gabriella and Sienna had so far been sharing stories and currently there were on track with a bit of how Gabriella got into the whole wrestling scene. She would nod her head and let out a rather loud laugh. " Yeah! ...Haha!...Of course I won....I'm sure you would have as well, after all, she was a true loser." Gabriella let out as she would have her free hand circle the rim of the shot glass.

" How about you chica, how did you get into the racket?"
Gabriella spoke out as she would turn her head, her face but an inch or so away from Sienna with how they were clinging to one another.

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Re: Latin-American heating up

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The two had indeed swapped tales of their ventures both in and out of wrestling. The brunette bombshell swayed back and forth on her barstool before spinning around and eyeing Gabriella directly.

"Wooooo~!" Sienna said in a reserved, inebriated tone before stopping and responding.

"Oh I'm sure I'd be posing over for a little while after winning. If I ever come across her, I'll give her your regards" Smith declared before reaching for her glass to raise it. She'd clink the cup against Gabriella's before downing the beverage. By this time, both women had already lost count of how much alcohol they consumed.

"I don't really have a grand story. While in college, I just figured I'd try out different sports, hobbies, and crap. I stuck with wrestling because I was good at it and because wrestling down other men and women can be super sexy and super fun. One of these days, I'm gonna wrestle you down....chica." Sienna would finish her statement by raising her eyebrow and leaning towards the purple-haired woman.
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Re: Latin-American heating up

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Gabriella had lost count since long ago, how many drinks she had downed with Sienna, but the mood had lightened a whole lot between them as they were laughing, swapping tales of their youth and how they got into this whole business. After swapping some tales and clinking their glasses together, Gabriella would place her elbow against the counter and lean her head against it.

It felt rather heavy, she would probably hit the counter if she didn't keep it upright, it was hard to keep balance for the moment. At Sienna's comment about how she was going to wrestle her down after talking about how wrestling down men and women could be sexy. Gabriella smiled, as she would lean in closer and closer to Sienna.

Both of the rather intoxicated ladies faces just barley an inch away from one another. " Any time, any place...Chica~" Gabriella said as she would bring her free hand up, pressing her index finger against Sienna's soft lips. " I had a blast wrestling down your sexy ass, and I will again." Gabriella said as she would then suddenly lean against Sienna, wrapping her arm around the woman's shoulder to keep her close. " Bah...I think we might need to get a ride home..."

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Re: Latin-American heating up

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After some time passed and some cups were emptied, the two bombshells were noticeably inebriated. With their inhibitions lowered, there was a strong possibility that their cattiness and rivalry would only escalate! But to most patron's surprise, the exact opposite happened!

"Heheh, you keep that up and I just might have to 'wrestle' you down at your place! 7 nights a week!" Sienna responded by returning Gabriella's gesture when the Latina leaned against her. Sienna wrapped an arm around her drunken friendly rival's waist. She'd lean on close and stare at her with a flirtatious smile.

" You covered the drinks so I'll cover for a cab. We'll grab a drink after our next match, right? Haha.... Oh! One thing before we go., Smith had actually found some sense of fun and enjoyment in her time with the purple haired girl. Her mood seemed to only elevate further upon being entertained with the thought of wrestling Gabriella again in future match ups. But she seemed to want to call attention to something. And in a second, she would.

The brunette beauty would lean in and gentle peck Gabriella's lips with her own. She took their flirting up a notch got a moment before pulling her head away and giggling.

"Sienna ALWAYS gets the last laugh, chiiiiiicaaaaa! Heheheh"
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Re: Latin-American heating up

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Gabriella would wink at Sienna as the beautiful chocolate skinned beauty said that she might just wrestler her down at her place, an thought that made Gabriella lick her lips. It sounded like quite a fun prospect after all, getting to wrestle down Sienna seven nights a week~ preferably in a bed. Gabriella would lean in a bit closer and stare right back with a flirtatious smile of her own. " I'd like to see you try chica~" Gabriella whispered out to her former opponent.

As she heard Sienna say she would cover for the cab since Gabriella had paid for the the moment she didn't actually remember if she had done that. It felt kinda weird...but she accepted it. After all she was celebrating a win over a sexy competitor. Might as well treat herself and the loser to some drinks.

When Sienna leaned in and put a peck on her lips, Gabriella would faintly blush as she watched Sienna let out those words of hers. Causing Gabriella to sneer a little. Grabbing a hold of the back of Sienna's head and one arm around the woman's waist. She would actually drunkenly try and dip Sienna down and plant a long kiss on the lovely lips of the woman...after a few seconds lifting her up and stumbling back. " In your dreams chica~ Gabriella stands victorioso~!"

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Re: Latin-American heating up

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The drunken brunette wasn't expecting Gabriella to reciprocate her kiss. Part of her was hoping to catch Gabriella off guard and to perhaps bewilder the Mexican wrestler with her usual charm and sensual bodily contact. But to Smith's surprise, Gabriella upped the ante! The curvaceous beauty grabbed the back of her head, placed her arm around Sienna's waist, and leaned into for what would be essentially a mini-makeout session! Sienna closed her eyes and allowed herself to be taken in. When the moment finally passed and the two ceased locking lips, Sienna would find her footing and hold Gabriella's hand to ease her stumbling and help her find her balance. With a tinge of blush on her face that was getting progressively deeper, Sienna spoke up.

"We...We'll see, Gabriella! You just make sure you get home safe, girl! Your ride is here." She'd say whilst pointing behind Gabriella, towards the vehicle that had pulled up in front of the bar. Sienna would smile warmly at her new rival and pat her on the butt firmly yet endearingly, hoping to usher her towards the cab and put her en route to her home.

"I trust you're sober enough to remember your address, yeah?"
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Re: Latin-American heating up

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The kiss between the two was rather...passionate? it was clear that there was something between the two, after their intense fighting and then long stint of drinking together. Perhaps a night of passion was in their future, someday. Gabriella would let out a little giggle when she heard that little stutter in Sienna's voice.

The cab arrived and Sienna helped her into the cab, if there was one thing that Sienna had won tonight beyond being clearly better at holding her liquor better than Gabriella, it was being the better sport. She helped Gabriella into the cab and patted her butt as well. The head of the purple haired beauty would loll a bit on her shoulders as she took a seat and looked up at the beautiful woman. " Y-yeah!...hotel! Just moved her chica, so it will be fine." She would lean towards Sienna a bit next.

" See you soon mi deslumbrante Sienna~" Gabriella spoke drunkenly as she would then pull out a folded piece of paper from her pocket and offer it to the cab driver. Since Gabriella didn't speak Japanese, she had the address for her current hotel home written down.

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Re: Latin-American heating up

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The redness on Sienna's face was a combination of arousal and drunkenness. She did hold her liquor well, but it felt to her like there was something more. A spark, perhaps? Possibly, but any concern on the matter would need to be set aside for the immediate future. Sienna found her eyes wandering, settling in Gabriella for perhaps a little longer than necessary. When the Mexican beauty handed the cabbie the paper, Smith shook her head and snapped out of it. She winked at Gabriella before she was driven off.

"I'm gonna pretend I understood that! Later!"

With her hands on her hips and alcohol in her system, Sienna would think to herself aloud whilst looking forward to her rematch with Guerrero.

"I'm still gonna kick her butt....but maybe I'll ask her to be my private Spanish tutor after."
:arrow_down_small:Links to stuff I wish more people would read:arrow_down_small:
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